Tempest of the Stellar War - Page 391/571

Chapter 390: Non-mainstream Fatty

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Slash, slash, slash , slash…

It was a completely different fighting sword style that had never been seen before in the Milky Way Alliance The frenzied blade brought a wave of heat, attacking furiously. Each stroke seemed to gather up the surrounding air into it. She pressed forward relentlessly, catching him mentally unprepared.

Lie’s Raging Wildfire 18 Cleaves!

One stroke bore down after another. Lie Xin’s level had suddenly risen two ranks, and she was capitalizing on the only opening that her opponent thought would bring him the advantage, that in the instant the energy shield broke, the opponent would have just executed a furious attack and would need a breather. In the same moment, her shield breaking would free up the agility of her mech – it was the perfect opportunity for a counterattack.

Lie Xin was a woman, so she was far more calm than men!

Priest Tang’s underestimation showed in his moves, and she had used that against him instead!

The berserk 18 Cleaves shook the entire arena. The intense inferno diffused through the mech to cook the pilot alive. If it was not for Priest Tang’s innate strength ability, he would have lost all ability to fight.


The Fallen Angel’s energy shield failed, but Lie Xin’s killer advance showed no signs of stopping, the fiery blade cutting down with full strength.


The beam saber defended as best as it could, but following the explosion, it was sent flying. The Fallen Angel was stranded in the energy force field wall, sparks flying. The mech fell to the floor, broken.

This was Lie Xin’s real move!

The Fallen Angel mech’s beam hummed into darkness. Solar System team, WIN!

Lie Xin had taken the first round in an earth-shattering fashion.

Lie Guang was the first to jump up. His sister was too cool!

Lie Xin was also sweating profusely as she came down. She had really exerted herself. If she had not strategized well and used her ace from the start, she might have been countered by her opponent. She had leapt at the opportunity that underestimation provided.

An unbelievably sexy Amazon dripping with sweat, she was truly a beguiling figure. Yet the cheers were for her deeds alone.

“Lucky not to have let us down!”

Wang Zheng smiled. “I knew you would win.”

The Solar System team were up 1 to 0, and had seized the advantage. Priest Tang had been rescued from the mech by troopers. He seemed unharmed, but shook his head in regret and disbelief. What kind of Ability X was this?

Inferno ability?

That couldn’t be right. If it was inferno ability, then why did he feel that her strength and speed had been raised as well? And what kind of never-before-seen sword style did she use, such that he could not even defend himself?

Everyone was afire with curious discussion, and the Silver Snake team was even more affected.

Wang Zheng could sense the shift in Lie Xin’s demeanor, that she had become exuberant. Was this the Lie family’s Lie Flame Technique? It was a fabled power, and seemed to be really powerful.

Lie Xin spotted Wang Zheng zoning out in her direction, and smiled charmingly. “What, are you bedazzled by my heroic stature?”

Wang Zheng recovered. “No man could ever resist you.”

Actually, he was thinking about other matters. The Lie Flame Technique was apparently some otherworldly response drawing strength from one’s own body. It was similar to Ability X, yet slightly different.

If this had not been the Lie family’s secret, Wang Zheng would have really wanted to ask more. He was too ignorant in such matters.

It was the Solar System team’s turn to send out their challenger first, in the second round. Although they were the underdogs, not a single member gave off that impression. As Wang Zheng’s gaze swept through them, each met his, eager to fight.

Zhang Shan was raring to go. Mech battles were his forte. His displacement ability, used right, could finish off any opponent, and he was confident in pulling it off. But Wang Zheng’s gaze passed him. Lie Guang desperately craned his neck. Lie Xin’s performance with the Lie Flame Technique was perfect. This was the time when power was the most important determiner, and direct battles were undoubtedly the best way forward.

But Wang Zheng was not keen on him either.

Having taken the lead, everyone was more or less eager to go, besides Lear and Achilles, who were calm as ever. However, the decision rested with Wang Zheng, and everybody’s gazes were mostly directed at either Lear or Achilles.

In terms of power, either of them stood the best chance of securing the next win. Since they had already entered the official contest, every match was important, and they could not afford to be as casual as before. The time for training was over.

At this moment, one in the crowd was keeping his head down desperately, as though afraid of being called by Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng pointed at the cowering Fatty Luo. “Luo Fei, for the second round, you will go.”

Luo Fei pointed at himself, mouth agape. “Eh, eh, this… Captain, this is such a crucial match, are you…”

Wang Zheng nodded. “That’s right. You go.”

Fatty stood up begrudgingly. The opponents now were of a completely different class from before. There were so many skilled people around… what did Wang Zheng have against him?

Luo Fei gritted his teeth, and walked towards the mech selection screen. His finger slid over the screen, and he began to choose his mech. Correspondingly, the large spectator screen was already displaying Luo Fei’s profile, showing: Solar System team Luo Fei VS Silver Snake Coalition team ????

Among the Solar System spectator representatives, Lie Wuqing, who had been gratified at Lie Xin’s first win, suddenly found his smile frozen on his face. Drachmach frowned. They had expected that either Lear or Achilles would be sent to decisively secure the second match. The Silver Snake team was no fodder. Whether in their past matchups or current strength, they stood above the Solar System by a clear margin. Their first win did not count for much.

Meng Ao did not respond. If he had doubts before, they had vanished after he had seen Wang Zheng’s true strength. Wang Zheng now had his own judgement and principles. Regardless of right or wrong, he did not need external interference.

This came from towering self-confidence – a world that the others did not understand.

On the spectator platform, other countries’ spectator representatives had shown up as well, probably to collect information. The elite three in the Solar System, Lear, Achilles, and Lie Xin, were said to be of roughly the same level, while this Wang Zheng was a surprise showing in the Solar System team.

Lie Xin had secured the first point through a display of the Lie fiery strength. Everybody saw clearly the true strength of the Solar System’s elite three. The Silver Snake team’s Priest Tang’s level was considerable, but he had still been defeated. Yet, everybody now clearly saw Lie Xin’s limits; she must have brought at least 90 percent to bear. From this, they could roughly gauge the strength of the others.

…Honestly, these people were a little puzzled. Why did they have to come to observe this?

Although they were not bad, this was roughly top 32 standard at best. Against a truly strong team, they were of no threat.

“Keke, is this the defensive move after taking the lead? When they send first, they send a replacement that they don’t mind losing. When the opponent sends first, they send their strongest counter. The idea is not wrong when both sides are evenly matched. Against the Silver Snake team, this is playing with fire, and they should be careful not to burn themselves.”

It seemed like the Silver Snake team supporters on the platform constituted the majority. Although the Solar System had won a little fame for themselves in this iteration, the Silver Snake Coalition had made it as far as the top 8 before, and were full of talent in this iteration as well. Kong Zhan, especially, received one of the most calls to enter the top 10 newcomers. While top 4 might have been a bit of a long shot, top 8 was definitely within reach.

Kong Zhan’s expression was pensive, clearly thinking. This left the members a little baffled. Kong Zhan, who had been so swift and decisive – what had gotten into him recently?

Luo Fei, the little fatty, gave people a poor impression. Clearly the “fat” characteristic was easy to remember, but also easy to dismiss.

Kong Zhan’s stare swiveled towards Fatty Luo, then traced to the only female fighter in his team. “Qi Yan, you go then. Be careful.”

Qi Yan started, then happily stood up, nodding frantically. Ever since the competition started, she had not had the chance to fight. Finally, the leader had recognized her efforts and had given her the chance!


On the big screen, the finalized battle was displayed. This time, it was accompanied by the two competitors’ pictures.

Solar System team Luo Fei VS Silver Snake Coalition Qi Yan.

On one side was Fatty’s half-body shot. On the other was Qi Yan’s figure shot in armor.

Many of the younger representatives blew jeering whistles. Luo Fei’s figure… was too unsoldier-like.

But speaking of figures… Qi Yan’s chest was still bigger than his by far.

Luo Fei had seen her as well. A sexy diva. However, Luo Fei’s gaze readily focused. IG did not differentiate between the sexes. He sat in the mech and breathed deeply, calming himself down.

Fatty had chosen the Avalon Land Fighter II mech, proudly produced by the Moon. A scout type that mainly focused on offence. The double engines under light armor gave the Avalon II considerable explosive power. This was one of the mecha that Luo Fei had trained the most with.

Qi Yan’s mech was also delivered readily through the underground tunnel, and rose from the opening. A wave of pressure perceptibly rose. Titan V!

This was the Silver Snake Coalition’s super mech. The defensive capabilities were astounding, and it simultaneously boasted considerable attack power. It was most suited for taking down sudden-attack type scout mecha.

This was an out-pick! Clearly she had guessed that Luo Fei would choose a scout type mech.

Both parties stepped into the battle zone.


Luo Fei immediately leaped into action. At the same instant, the Titan V gunned its engines as well. The Titan V’s size was 1.5 times that of the Avalon II, and it’s firepower was a threat as well.

At this time, it showed off its firepower generously, firing wildly.

Luo Fei’s stealth specialty was apparently ineffective in the mech. All he could do was tough it out, dodging constantly. What he could not dodge, he had to take with his energy shields, and he conserved every bit of energy he could.

Braving the heavy hailstorm of bullets, the Avalon II continued rushing towards the Titan V. It would soon enter close combat range. When it did, the Titan’s heavy firepower would lose its ability to shine.

Qi Yan’s gaze was cold. She had chosen the Titan V not just for its heavy firepower. Clearly, at this level of IG, a Titan V’s firepower could not possibly achieve a KO result.


Huge volumes of white vapor suddenly began to gush from the Titan V’s back. This concurrently cooled its gunnery system. A huge, curved knife was unsheathed, and it cleaved towards the Avalon II!