Tempest of the Stellar War - Page 476/571

In the control station, the exclamation for Lear had almost never stopped.

“This was too unbelievable!”

“This was just a side of him. Lear was truly an all rounded talent. In the battle with the Seventh fleet where we defeated them, the strategy was devised by him alone.”

“The commander was full of praise for Lear. Rumors had it that he had told the rest privately that after Lear’s internship, anyone who would try to snatch Lear from him would be his enemy!”

“Lear was the hero who managed to clinch a victory against the eventual Champion Arbiter Republic in the IG finals. He was simply an all rounded talent.”

“Was that for real? Would Commander Wen say such domineering words?” Everyone was jealous and in awe. Commander Wen Na of the First fleet was just like what his name suggested. He had an easy-going personality and love to make friends. He had almost never said such ruthless words and he had just did that for the sake of Lear.

“The situation was clear now. Try to recall since when had the First fleet ever defeated the Seventh fleet in a military exercise? Wherever Lear went to, the future of that place would be bright. Moreover, he is the successor of the Chronos Family.”

“Let’s stop talking. We are almost out of the asteroid belt. Let’s get ready for battle!”

“Yes, everyone to their battle stations. We are on highest alert.”

“Ammunition preparation condition: Great.”

“Defensive preparation condition: Great”

“Mecha Assault Team preparation condition: Great”

At the front of the fleet, they could already see the weak spot in the defensive scheme of the Seventh fleet.


The twelve battle ships adjusted their battle formation quickly.

“Fire the main cannon!”

At the same time, the main force of the First fleet, located at the front, initiated their attacks from all direction. The defensive line pressed fiercely inwards, causing great pressure on the Seventh fleet which was in the fortress. It seemed that their enemies were all around them and they were isolated.

In the simulation system of the military exercise, the scale of the battle was changing rapidly. The Seventh fleet were sustaining loses incessantly. One after another, main battleships were ruled to be destroyed and had to exit the exercise. Moreover, the battle fortress had been breached from the back by the Hydra. It was a landslide defeat…

This was a victory where they destroyed all of their targets.

These targets weren’t pirates but the entire main force of the Federation’s Seventh fleet!

Lear’s name had been spreading amongst the senior military officers who were concerned about this exercise. From the frontal battle to the surprise attack at the asteroid belt, a normal soldier would not know about it but the senior military officers were clear about it. The decision by the defeated Seventh fleet to not retreat to the deeper areas of the universe but chose to stay and defend the fortress was all because of Lear’s plot to lure them into a position where they could be crushed.

Everything was within Lear’s calculations. It seemed that even his opponents were pieces of chess within his hands and were listening to his every command.

To be so experienced and fierce while still being a military school student, one could really say that the younger generation would surpass his predecessors!

Lear was on the sofa in the lounge on board Hydra. He closed his eyes while a faint smile was revealed. Since the IG Finals, everything that happened was going according to his plan perfectly.

To enter the First fleet and becoming a strategist intern was Lear’s choice. He had the room for perform because of Wen Na’s personality and with his abilities, he excelled in it.

Lear had used his method to slowly influence the Federation’s First fleet. He wasn’t too satisfied yet as this was only the beginning. To be able to truly gain the recognition of the military, there were more things to be done and he had to create more miracles. He would need to be a leader and not just another soldier!

Through this military exercise, Lear was able to make the First fleet recognize him.

Two beautiful female soldiers were in charge of the management of the lounge. One of them poured a cup of coffee for Lear. When she heard a gentle “Thank you” from Lear, her heart started to race and she rushed back to the bar counter. She pulled the arm of the other female soldier and said in a soft voice,” Lear was really handsome!”

“There wasn’t anyone with the Chronos Family’s bloodline that was not good looking. Moreover, he was the official successor of it… He was so handsome and has a bright future. What a perfect guy.”

“Yes. I heard that only Lear was able to achieve a victory against the Arbiter Republic in the IG Finals. All the rest had lost. They were really useless. Even the King of the Moon and the Succubus of Mars had held him back.”

“You were right. Ah, Lear is really good looking! I really wanted to know if he had a girlfriend. Even if he had, it would not matter. I wouldn’t be at a disadvantage if I’m with him…”

“What were you going to do? Were you going to seduce him in your uniform?”

“Couldn’t I?”

“It wasn’t that it’s not possible. However, he is still a student.”

“An underground affair with someone older than you is the popular thing currently. It’s more exciting this way.”

“You can dream about it all you want! Lear would not even look at you. If he was to fall in love, it would be with me.”

The two beautiful ladies knew clearly that with their looks and status, they were already very lucky to be able to see Lear here, pouring him a cup of coffee and hearing him said thank you to them. They could only have some fantasies about the Cinderella plot in their private conversation. In reality, this would definitely not happen…

Just when the two female soldiers were happily fantasizing, the ground trembled and a clearly fatter Luo Fei rushed in from the outside. He was pushing a food cart. On the military uniform of the fatty was a sergeant’s tab!

Under the scrutiny of the two female soldiers, the fatty continued pushing the food cart towards Lear. “Boss, it’s time to eat.”

Bootlicker! The two ladies stared at the fatty while nagging. The truth was that they wished they were able to be in the fatty’s position.

However, the fatty was looking at them flirtatiously and appeared very proud of it.

Lear smiled faintly. He had made special arrangements to ensure that Luo Fei would be assigned to the Hydra as a sergeant in the department of Strategy instead of the mecha warriors. This was an extremely senior rank. In the military, one couldn’t just be transferred when he had made a contribution. Seniority was equally important. Even if one were to be a strategist for just a few days, his promotion speed would be over 10x and even 100x faster than a mecha warrior.

One couldn’t deny that mecha heroes would be more able to attract the crowd. However, if one would want to obtain authority, he would have to be within the fleets to be able to go further and higher.

Luo Fei wasn’t concerned about these. All he wanted was to follow Lear. To him, stupid people had a stupid way to make decisions.

“How long have I rested?” asked Lear as he received the meal plate. He was a little tired after making such a manoeuver. However, what separated him from the rest was that he was more capable of adapting to the structure of the Solar System Federation. No matter if it was networking with military officers or internal conflicts, they were filled with opportunities. Politics was a form of art and being hot headed would not be enough. Achilles and Lie Xin were inferior to him in this aspect. It was just that the appearance of Wang Zheng had foiled his plans to garner the support of the rest of the people.

“Less than 2 hours, boss. Actually, you did not need to be so rushed.’

Luo Fei scratched his head. Lear said he was resting but he knew that Lear shutting his eyes in the lounge wasn’t for resting but was for plotting. A smart person would plan 3 steps ahead for every step he made. As for Lear, every time he took a step, he would think 10 steps in advance!

Lear looked at Luo Fei and said,” If you wanted me to relax, you have to stop skiving.”

Following the advantage he had during IG, it was true that he had an advantage. However, Achilles and Lie Xin had not been slacking. One of them was on Moon while the other on Mars. Although they hadn’t made any large movements, one could only achieve success with enough preparation. They must have been busy with their preparations. Both of them had the same level of hidden strength as him.

However, this might be great for him too. It wouldn’t feel great if there were no opponents or any form of struggle.

Ring ring…

At this moment, Lear’s Skylink was blinking.

It was a red message, indicating a special security level. Clearly, this was a secret security level message from the Chronos Family.

Lear took a look at the message from the Skylink. He raised his head and looked towards the two female soldiers at the bar counter. The two female soldiers immediately knew that Lear had some private things to discuss. After winking flirtatiously at Lear and fiercely stared at fatty Luo, they left the room by making up an excuse that they were going to rest.

Luo Fei blinked his eyes and asked,” Boss, were the two girls interested in me? They kept staring at me… Was it that there was some good news?”

Lear smiled. After wiping his mouth and sipping on the tea, he said,” Wang Zheng has not died.”

Luo Fei eyes widened. “It can’t be that he did not die after all these? Should we take more actions…..”

Luo Fei made a “Kill” hand signal.

Lear looked at fatty Luo coldly and let out a laugh. “Did you think that the Milky Way Alliance was a factory opened by my family?”

Luo Fei giggled and touched his nose. “There is nothing boss couldn’t do in my heart.”

The only question was the price.

Lear put the tea cup on his hand down and said calmly,” Stop the bootlicking. Some things aren’t that easy. The reason why it was so successful the previous time was because he was making use of the Aslan Royal Family’s stance. Time has passed since then and the situation has changed. If we were to take other actions, the implications would be too great and it wouldn’t be worth the cost.”

“That was brilliant boss. However, you didn’t seem disappointed.” said Luo Fei as he sneakily ate a slice of Lear’s fish cutlet.

“Women are trouble. The fact that he could escape this time meant that he had some capabilities. However, I would like to see how he can get out of that place, Tita Titan Star. Hehe, I heard that the place has great scenery and would be a good place for retirement.”

Luo Fei nodded. After all, that would be the resting ground of “Captain” Wang Zheng and he felt the need to remember the name of the place. Therefore, he went to find out more about Tita Titan Star. The Milky Way Alliance Inspection team had a long term peace-keeping mission in that place. If the mission was not completed, they would not leave the place. However, with the current situation at Tita Titan Star, the peace-keeping mission would never be completed.

Among the people that were sent them, Wang Zheng was the only one from the Solar System Federation. As long as the mission was not completed, it would be difficult for him to be reassigned back to the Solar System. Even if there were people backing Wang Zheng, as long as they were within the Solar System, they would more likely be destroyed with Lear’s influence in the Solar System.

Wang Zheng might be really spending most of his life on Tita Titan Planet unless he gave up a military life voluntarily. However, if Wang Zheng was to truly do that, he would have truly lost his threat and influence on Lear and he would not be worthy of being Lear’s opponent anymore.