Tempest of the Stellar War - Page 511/571

 Wang Zheng was on a passenger spaceship, which would pass through a few stellar systems. He regarded it as a stellar holiday, where he could see all sorts of people. This was a relaxing process, and he eventually needed to calibrate his attitude back for school.

After more than 10 days of travel, Wang Zheng’s transit on the Solar System 330 finally approached Mars. It would make a brief 10 minute stop, and the next stop was Earth. From Aslan to Titatitan, half a year had passed in the blink of an eye. So many things had happened that Wang Zheng felt he had been away from home for a long time.

He felt a little homesick suddenly.

Wang Zheng looked out the window. Even Mars felt really close now. He wondered how Lie Xin, Lie Guang and the rest were. They must be keeping busy.

More passengers boarded, headed for Earth.

The spaceship quickly took off again towards Earth. Wang Zheng was still staring out the window. Compared to other stellar systems, the Solar System’s space scenery was definitely not as gorgeous, but it had a moving feel to it that was refreshing.

“Excuse me… are you… Boring Zheng?” A voice was heard.

Wang Zheng turned around. A pretty girl stood in front of him. She was more than 170cm, sylph-like and petite, and accompanied by a young man of large stature.

“You are…” Wang Zheng also felt that she was familiar, but could not put his finger on it.”

“It’s really you, you haven’t changed! I’m Yu Qian, your junior high classmate. Don’t you remember? We were in the same class in our first year.” Yu Qing said delightedly.

Wang Zheng was stunned, his face showing his disbelief. “You’re Chubb-… Yu Qian, oh! You’ve changed so much!”

On closer inspection, her face shape was largely the same, but it was hard to imagine that this good-looking girl used to weigh close to 200lbs in secondary school, and definitely a plus-sized one.

“It’s not much, I’ve just slimmed down some. Let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend Tan Long, he’s also my university classmate, and my senior at the First Martian Sage College.”

Wang Zheng reached out a hand, which was received warmly. Both shook firmly. “What a coincidence, to meet an old friend here.”

Yu Qian was friendly, sitting in front of Wang Zheng with her boyfriend.

“Boring Zheng, were you at Mars to play? I remember you entered Ares College back then.”

At her mention of the Ares College, Tan Long’s eyes flashed with surprise.

The Ares College of today was completely different from the past. It was definitely the most famous military school in the Solar System Federation.

“Nope, just passing through. I’m on the way home.”

“No way, solo travel? Where’s your girlfriend?” Yu Qian said. She was clearly still as casual as always.

Tan Long coughed uncomfortably from the side. His girlfriend was even more forward than the Martian girls. If he had a girlfriend, he would not be travelling alone…

“She’s abroad.” Wang Zheng replied with a casual smile, unwilling to explain further.

To coincidentally meet an old friend so far from home had lifted Yu Qian’s spirits greatly. She had been like this in the past as well. She had been on Mars these few years without returning home. Who would have thought that she would meet an old classmate on her first trip home?

“Boring Zheng, don’t take this personally, but you have to change your character. You’re still the same as before. You’re already in university, and there’s no need to work so hard anymore. Get a degree and find a job, that’s it right?” Yu Qian said.

Wang Zheng nodded agreeably. Yu Qian had always been the procrastinating optimist. It had been so long since anybody called him Boring Zheng.

Yu Qian’s nickname had been Chubby Qian. Wang Zheng, who had his head in the clouds, had undertaken great efforts to enter military school, although his results were average. At the same time, he seldom interacted with other students, and developed the nickname Boring Zheng, a tasteless person much like overboiled cabbage.

“Little Qian, the Ares College is flying up the rankings, and now a prestigious military school in the Solar System Federation. How could he just take it easy? Perhaps Wang Zheng might even be an official after graduating.” Tan Long was a little exasperated at his girlfriend. He knew that her mouth was often faster than her brain, but this could have been a little offensive.

“Long, dear, Wang Zheng was famous in our school. He’s a most interesting guy, let me tell you…”

Wang Zheng did not even get a chance to stop her. His most embarrassing moments were exposed in a flash. His antics of jumping in the lake, confessions… His eyes were always teary, but why did he always cry soundlessly?

Seeing Yu Qian so excited, he did not have the heart to stop her, just smiling sheepishly. But such boisterousness was pretty entertaining as well.

“Brother, you’re really a genius!” Tan Long, having heard the stories, gave him a thumbs up. “Indeed!”

Such matters were dismissed out of hand on Mars. They did not particularly mind it, doing whatever they wished. Youths were meant to be adventurous.

He had already taken the blow for Yan Xiaosu anyway. Although that had led to him getting to know Ye Zisu, which had brightened the whole matter considerably.

With the presence of Yu Qian, the journey had become less lonely. She had chattered all the way till Earth about everything and anything. The different views from Mars, the mysterious Sage Sec, etc. Wang Zheng and Tan Long were utterly swept away, reduced to mere listeners.

When the spaceship reached the airport, it was time to part. Yu Qian still had energy to spare. “Wang Zheng, our junior high will soon celebrate its 100th year anniversary. You have to go!”

Wang Zheng waved her off hurriedly, making his escape. Her verbal attack was frightening. His head was about to explode.

“Alright, don’t shout, dear. Did you use to have a crush on him? I’m hurt.” Tan Long jibed.

“Crush, my foot! Back then, Boring Zheng and I were always the target of our classmates’ bullying, and were pitiful comrades. But I have to say, so many years have passed, and he hasn’t changed one bit. ”

Yu Qian shook her head. Boring Zheng’s dressing was as basic as always. One could not tell him apart from a student. His hairstyle too was a little dated. Could the Ares College really be so backward?

“Boring Zheng, what Boring Zheng? Is that his real name?” Tan Long asked curiously.

“His name is Wang Zheng. Oh that reminds me. It wasn’t nice to say to his face, but his genetic score is only 28. Haha, what a joke, it’s like an animal’s.” Yu Qian laughed openly, but turned to see her boyfriend petrified in shock.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you? I promise there’s nothing going on between me and him.”

“The legendary Wang… Zheng?” Tan Long said faintly.

“What legendary Wang Zheng? That guy is a dumb-dumb. Such a far cry from you. You’re the mecha valedictorian in the First College.”

Tan Long sighed deeply. “Please don’t compare us. There’s just no basis.”

“Keke, only I can say that, not you! He’s still my classmate after all!” Yu Qian knocked his head playfully.

“What I mean is, how can I be compared to the Solar System Federation IG team leader, our undisputed King.” Tan Long laughed a little bitterly.

Yu Qian’s jaw dropped, and her eyeballs almost popped…

Back on Earth, Wang Zheng still felt a little un-adapted. Peace and prosperity, an urban jungle, hovercrafts zipping back and forth, cars packed till the city borders… and a lack of vitality. Wang Zheng felt suddenly grateful that he had went to Tita.

At once familiar and foreign.

On hearing the news, Yan Xiaosu immediately began wailing. “Boss, you should have told us you were returning. I was just at Titan for business. If I had known, I would have forgone all the Titan markets to have come to fetch you.”

“Alright, that’s enough. Just get on with your work.” Wang Zheng scolded smilingly. He had already heard from Ye Zisu that Yan Xiaosu had been applying himself, vowing to leave his tyrant identity behind for nobility.

Besides the tyrant, Gu Te had assembled the students and staff of Ares College to welcome the returning Wang Zheng. In truth, Gu Te felt a little guilty as well, to have sent the esteemed IG team leader all the way to a barren planet. That had been unforgivable.

The scene was not particularly grand. The students were mostly Wang Zheng’s former classmates in Physics, and 2 student representatives from Mecha. The teachers were just Zhuo Mu and Luomu. It was rumored that Xiao Fei was recently so busy that she was forgoing meals.

“You did well, we’re happy for you!”

Gu Te hugged Wang Zheng hard. When one had lived as many years as he, he no longer wanted for anything. All that was left were ideals, and with such a worthy student like Wang Zheng, what else was there to ask for?

Luomu and Zhuo Mu’s pride shone from their faces as well, especially Luomu. Wang Zheng had been under his guidance all the while, from his time working at OMG. He was practically half a younger brother.

The Physics students were as welcoming. “Prof Wang, when are you coming back to teach us?”

“Yeah, you have to do a seminar or something once in a while!” Translocation was now a specialized area of the Ares College, and everybody was full of good feeling towards its founder.

The two Mecha student representatives were a little embarrassed. They were not too sure of what to say. Wang Zheng was both familiar, yet foreign. And they were a little curious as well.

Familiar, because they had also surreptitiously watched Wang Zheng’s battle footage in IG. Foreign, because it was their first time seeing him in person. And this Wang Zheng seemed incompatible with what they had seen of the mecha fighter. Could this person in front of their eyes be the almighty expert?

After a period of exuberance, Gu Te also sensed that Wang Zheng was not at ease. He laughed: “Alright, that’s that. Go back to your lessons now, and hold Wang Zheng as your role model. Wang Zheng, I need to talk to you.”

Luomu and Zhuo Mu nodded, and led the students away. Although the reception had been modest, but in Wang Zheng’s current state, it was not appropriate to call too much attention.

Gu Te led Wang Zheng to the principal’s office, and personally poured him a cup of tea. “Sit, hehe. The welcome reception was a little simplistic. Are you disappointed in your alma mater?”

Wang Zheng sat upright. “You’re too kind, Principal.” Towards Gu Te, Wang Zheng had always held the utmost respect. Without Gu Te’s support, Wang Zheng would not be what he was today.

“Haha, don’t be so formal. You were never that sort.” Gu Te laughed heartily, sitting down beside Wang Zheng and reaching an arm over his shoulder. “For now, don’t bother yourself with the school’s matters. Forget about attending class as well. Focus on your preparations to go to the Elite Academy X. That boy Yuxin is already there waiting for you.”

There was no way to play this low-profile. Meng Ao had already told him some things, and he had his own sources of information. Therefore, he had to think of ways to protect Wang Zheng.

“Really?” Wang Zheng’s eyes lit up. He had not heard news of Xie Yuxin for a long time. “How is he?”