Embracing the Wolf - Page 6/43

When I looked up at Adam, he was looking down at me. Heat warmed my cheeks and settled in my belly. I don’t know why I was so worried about looking plain; I could have worn a hospital gown, and I would always feel beautiful when he looked at me like that.

“We look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. Our homes are yours,” Adam continued. “Now, let’s eat.”

A wave of applause filled the small space, bouncing off the trees and mountains. Adam tugged me toward the table where the plates and silverware were set up. After filling our plates, we took them to the glass patio table. The sky was beginning to darken to a hazy purple. Someone lit torches surrounding the deck. The burning oil was a bit strong for my sensitive nose, but I would get over it.

“There are a lot of new faces here,” I said as I scooped a spoonful of potato salad.

“These are only a portion of those coming,” Adam said, taking a swig of his beer. Joe, Asher, and the two bimbos from earlier joined us at our table. My muscles tensed against my bones as my wolf readied herself for a fight. As much as I tried to convince Sawyer and Elle that I wasn’t jealous of these two, my wolf didn’t care. She saw the way they smiled and eyed Adam and was ready to sprout claws and sharp teeth.

“Anna have you met Chloe?” Joe signaled to the blonde. “And Cadie?” he said, signaling to the brunette.

“No, I don’t believe I have,” I said with as much politeness I could manage, all things considered. I had been a wolf long enough that I should have had a handle on my inner beast. The amplified emotions got to me sometimes, especially where Adam was concerned. Chloe and Cadie’s eyes were on Adam. They smiled coyly before looking over to me. My teeth crunched together as I pasted on a fake smile. I would not lose my cool in front of all of these people.

“Lana, is it?” Chloe said with a smirk.

“It’s Anna,” I bit out.”

“Of course. There are just so many people here tonight it’s hard to keep the names straight,” Chloe said with a saccharine sweet smile.

“I’m surprised we haven’t seen you around,” Cadie commented. “What clan are you bred from?”

I glanced at Adam briefly and then back at the slut twins. “No clan.”

Their eyes widened in unison. Joe nudged me underneath the table with his foot. When I looked at him, he was silently laughing to himself. Angry, I stomped on his foot, and his knee shot up and shook the table. Served him right for causing trouble.

Adam cleared his throat. “Tell me, how is the Elson tribe?”

After that, Adam, Chloe, and Cadie chatted as though I wasn’t there. I continued to stuff my face, if for no other reason than to keep my mouth from saying something stupid. Cadie laughed like an excited hyena, while Chloe flipped her hair so much I thought—or hoped—it would catch the flame of the nearby torch. My jaw ached from grinding my teeth so hard, and my muscles were so tight, I half expected them to snap under the pressure. Adam is just being a good host, entertaining them. Did he have to smile so much, though? They weren’t that funny.

“Anna, may I speak with you for a moment?” Elle asked, coming to our table. I looked up from my plate—my mouth fuller than a chipmunk’s—and nodded. I’d been thinking of an excuse to escape since Chloe and Cadie first sat down. I stood up, excused myself around the mouthful of food, and walked away with Elle.

“What’s up?” I asked, though it came out sounding like, ‘was pup.’

“Swallow that damn food before you choke, and I have to give you the Heimlich.”

I chewed a few more times and swallowed. “Sorry, what did you need?” I asked as we stepped into the house.

“What are you doing?” Elle snapped.

I looked down at my hands afraid I had sprouted claws and fur. I was relieved to find my normal, human hands. “What do you mean?”

“Why are you letting those twats slobber all over your man?”

“I wa—”

“Are you looking for a fight?” Elle interrupted.

I shook my head. “What? No, why—”

“As the alpha’s mate, all eyes are on you. There isn’t one woman who doesn’t envy your position and would kill to take it. Got me? Don’t let a pair of hoochies swoop in and intimidate you.”

“Did you just say hoochies?” I laughed, but stifled it when Elle glared at me. “Okay, okay.” I held my hands up in surrender. “I wasn’t trying to appear weak or let them intimidate me. I trust Adam and acting like a jealous girlfriend would only embarrass him … and me.”

“We’re werewolves, Anna. We get off on overprotective mates. If people see you cowering in the corner while other females flirt with your mate, they’re going to either assume you’re an easy take down, or that you couldn’t care less.” Elle stepped over by me and placed her hands on my shoulders. “You’re not just an underling anymore. You’re the alpha’s mate, soon to be an alpha yourself. If you don’t assert your position, someone is going to kill you for it. Now, get your little ass out there and show those bitches your grrr face.” She turned me toward the door and spanked me on my butt.

I smiled and nodded. “You’re the best. Thanks.”

“Just get out there and make me proud. Because, as your teacher, it’s my rep that’s on the line. Don’t make me look stupid.”

“You need to work on your manners,” I told her before I slipped back outside. Chloe took my seat in my absence and was leaning a little too close to Adam. I flexed my fingers at my side, curling and uncurling them into fists.

I made a beeline towards Adam’s table. His eyes found mine as I cut through the group of people. Chloe’s head snapped up just as I reached the table.

“Oh, here, let me get out of your spot.”

I eyed her with disdain and held up my hand. “No need.” Stepping around Cadie’s chair, I sat on Adam’s lap and wrapped an arm around his neck. Leaning in, I kissed him and twined my fingers through his hair. I meant for it to be just a quick kiss, but when Adam’s tongue slipped through my lips, I couldn’t stop myself. I pressed myself closer, and Adam snaked an arm around my waist to hold me tighter. My wolf perked up and devoured the lusty sensation Adam stirred within us. The noise of the party faded away until all that I could comprehend was the hardness of his chest against mine, the softness of his lips, and the scent of our mingling arousal swirling in the air. I was just about to rip his shirt when I opened my eyes and reality came rushing back. The noise of our visitors flooded my ears and splashed a metaphorical bucket of cold water on me. I smiled against Adam’s mouth.

“I missed you too,” he said with a chuckle.

“Why’d you stop?” Joe asked.

“Because I could feel your pervy eyes enjoying the show too much,” I joked. “You need to find a woman, Joe. Maybe Cadie or Chloe would be interested?” I looked at them in unison. Chloe’s left eyebrow crawled up her forehead as her aqua eyes glared at me with a vengeance. I had a feeling the bimbo twins wouldn’t settle for anything less than an alpha of their own. Unfortunately, they had their eyes on mine.

“Oh, please,” Joe said. “I don’t need you to get me dates. Besides, I have my eye on that.” Joe pointed to a woman out in the yard. “No offense, ladies. You’re both very beautiful.”

“No offense taken,” Cadie said, her tone snarkier than a hormonal teen girl.

“Are you going to talk to her or stalk her from afar?” Adam asked, nodding to the woman in the yard.

For as long as I had been living with the Everwood pack I’d never seen Joe with a female. I assumed it was because as Adam’s second-in-command he was always too busy, but maybe Joe was shy when it came to interacting with females he liked.

“I have it worked out. Don’t worry about it,” Joe said.

Adam reached around me and grabbed his beer, bringing it slowly to his lips. Was it irrational to be jealous of a bottle? He winked at me, and I smiled, still riding the high from our kiss.

Adam’s gaze fell over my shoulder. His smile turned hard as he stared at someone. I followed his gaze and caught Elle watching us. I curled my lip over my teeth and held up my hand to mimic claws to show her I had in fact put on my grrr face. She nodded and smiled. A few people moved out of the way, and I realized what had Adam on edge. Anthony had stepped onto the porch and was chatting with the visitors. It looked like Wade’s interrogation hadn’t gone the way Adam expected it to.

Chapter Five

“Anna, may I see you a moment?” Wade asked, coming over to our table. Nodding, I climbed off Adam’s lap and stood up.

“What is it?”

Wade placed a hand on the small of my back and guided me away from the ears of our guests. Together we walked down the steps and out into the yard. When Wade was pleased with the distance, we stopped walking. We weren’t alone, though; I could feel Adam fast approaching. I turned just as he reached us.

“What’s going on?” he asked Wade. “Why isn’t my brother in cuffs and on his way to the Leaders for sentencing?”

“I am a Leader, or have you already forgotten?” Wade bit back, clearly annoyed with being questioned. “While your brother was involved with Eve, it was of a sexual matter. He did not partake in the killings or planning.”

Adam snorted and took a step toward Wade. With his pointer finger, he stabbed Wade in the chest and said, “You’re a fool if you believe him. And even if you don’t have proof, he was involved in Eve’s plan, and you have proof he kidnapped Anna. That deserves retribution.”

Wade’s movement was so fast I almost didn’t see him grab Adam’s hand. “I will not cause a scene with you while we have visitors. I understand you’re upset and want payback for him kidnapping your mate, but losing your cool will not help the situation.” He released Adam’s hand.