While We Waited - Page 39/52

“Well, when you didn’t come back after twenty, we decided to do it again. Sue me for being excited about having my wife all to myself.” Sam pulls his shirt over his head and pulls his pants up from where they were resting around his ankles.

“Sorry,” Peck says. “You didn’t really see anything, did you?” She looks from me to Finny and back.

“I didn’t see a thing,” I say.

She doesn’t look like she believes me.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” Finny asks her. “Outside?”

“Are you okay?” I ask Finny.

“I think I’ll be scarred for life,” she whispers back to me. But she’s grinning.

She and Peck go out the door of the bus. Sam reaches for the pizza box. “Dude, go wash your hands,” I tell him, snatching the box away.


I glare at him. “Seriously.”

He mutters all the way to the sink. “If I want to eat with my wife’s pussy on my hands, I should be able to do that.”

“You can when it’s your own pizza,” I toss back.

He chuckles. “Hey, don’t tell Peck you saw anything, will you? She’ll flip the fuck out.”

“Mums the word,” I tell him. But I do know he’s one lucky dude.


“Oh my God,” I’m still chanting when the bus door closes behind us.

Peck scowls at me. “Finny, it’s not like you’ve never seen a penis before.”

“I’ve never seen a great big penis in a position where it might be partially buried in your vagina,” I toss back.

She laughs. “Don’t tell Sam you saw his dick, okay? He’ll get a complex.”

“That man has nothing to be ashamed of, Peck. How the fuck do you fit all that up in there?”

She laughs so hard she snorts. “Well, it’s hard, but we make it work.”

I burst out laughing. I laugh so hard that it takes me a minute to calm down.

“Well, I can never un-see that, just so you know.”

She shrugs. “His dick is a magical thing. I’m not ashamed.” She narrows her eyes at me. “So, what did you want?”

I play with a loose string on my sleeve, trying to compose my thoughts. “I don’t think I want to sleep with him.”

She shrugs. “So don’t.”

“Do you think he’d mind?” I nibble on my lower lip.

“Who cares if he minds, Finny?” she asks me softly. “Are you worried that all he wants is sex?”

I take a deep breath. “No, I’m worried that’s not all he wants. I’d know what to do with him if he just wanted sex.”

“Oh,” she breathes. “So that’s it. You really like him.”

“Yeah,” I whisper.

“What do you like most about him?”

“He knows about my crazy mother and he doesn’t seem to care. He also knows about all my one-nighters. And he still likes me. At least I think he likes me. Do you think he likes me?”

“I think he likes you a lot,” she says softly. “Oh, Finny…” She starts to blink frantically.

“Are you crying? Seriously?” I offer her my sleeve and she wipes her eyes on it.

“I can’t help it. You’re falling in love.”

I contradict her quickly. “No, I’m not.”

She gives me an incredulous look.

“I’m really not,” I rush to tell her.

“Finny, you’re acting like a total girl,” she says softly.

“Is this what girls do?” I bite my fingernail while I wait for her answer.

“This is what people do, dummy. They question relationships when they’re real. You’re having a real relationship for the first time ever.” She sniffles. “I’m so happy for you.”

“So, do you think Sam could keep his dick in his pants from here on out?” I ask her, trying to ease some of the tension that’s hanging around us.

She lifts her shoulders. “Maybe. I’ll file the request for you.”

“So just how big is your vagina?”

“Big enough,” she says on an exaggerated huff.

“Well, that was apparent.”

She laughs. “Fuck you, Finny.”

“I’d return the sentiment, but Sam already did. I had ringside seats.”

She giggles and turns to go back into the bus. She grabs a piece of pizza and slides into the booth seat next to Sam. I scoot in next to Tag and do the same. I lay my hand on his thigh and give it a squeeze. His free hand immediately covers mine and holds it tight. I look up at him to find him smiling down at me.

“So, Sam,” Tag says, clearing his throat.

Sam looks up. “What?”

“How much did that piercing hurt?” He says it with a straight face.

But I can’t control my laughter. I laugh so hard I choke on a piece of sausage and Tag has to pound me on the back.

“Dude, I could hook you up with a piercing,” Sam says. “I’m a certified hole puncher at the tattoo shop.”

“I am not letting you put any holes in my dick.”

I cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. “Would you let me do it?” I ask him. I don’t even know where that came from. Oh, shit.

He stares into my eyes. “I’d let you do just about anything you wanted to do, Finny,” he says. He brushes a lock of hair back from my eyes. “I’m pretty sure you’d never hurt me on purpose.”