The Sacred Ruins - Page 456/592

Chapter 456: The Most Miserable Saintess in History

Translator: Alsey Editor: Chrissy

The waves crashed upon the small island amidst the setting sun, sending a lustrous spray of seawater into the air.

The island was very small. It was filled with rocks and uneven terrain, devoid of all life and vegetation.

Li Lin woke up and felt a splitting headache. She was wounded quite badly during the last part of the critical battle. That native had struck her head with great force and injured her badly with that energy dragon horn.

Even now, her ears were still buzzing as if she had tinnitus. Additionally, she was seeing golden stars in her eyes.

She shook her head lightly and recovered a little bit of clarity. Immediately, she felt something was wrong. Her body lay on the rocky ground and felt pain all over.

"Eh?!" Within moments, Lin Lin sobered up quite a bit. Although her ears were still ringing and her eyes were still seeing stars, her divine instincts were recovering rapidly.

Her body had been locked down with a metallic silver chain, especially her hands, legs, and even her neck. This was her secret treasure, a silver Spirit Binding Cord. But now, it was being used to bind her!

Afterward, Li Lin's back felt warm. She recovered her senses in the blink of an eye and felt all her hair stand on end. She had goosebumps all over her body and almost let out a scream.

However, she controlled herself well and glanced back with great difficulty. Sure enough, it was just as she had felt.

That native was sitting on her back and using her as a cushion. On this little island full of broken rocks and uneven ground, there certainly was no good place to rest.

But even so, how could he do this?!

A stately saintess and the number one character from a certain planet's most powerful orthodoxy, Li Lin had been reduced to the fate of a cushion or a stool. She was now under someone else's buttocks!

The most hateful part was that the native was pondering and seemed to be deep in thought. He seemed quite engrossed in his reverie.

She couldn't endure this and wanted to launch an attack, but the silver chain around her immediately erupted with light and directly restrained her, causing her to be unable to move. Especially when she used her spiritual power, she would feel intense pain between her brows as if her head was about to crack open.


At this moment, the native didn't turn back and was still thinking about something. However, he delivered a blow to the back of her head with a treasured pestle. His movements were practiced and natural.

Li Lin's eyes rolled back and once again lost consciousness. Before blacking out, she was ashamed and resentful to the extreme—she hated this native to the bones. What had she just experienced?

A saintess of a generation was actually in such a miserable state!

When she woke up again, the sky was already filled with moonlight, and the surface of the ocean was rippling with crystalline waves. The waves were crashing periodically against the borders of the small rocky island. She realized that she was no longer lying on the ground and had been moved several meters away from her original place.

But… she was still humiliated!

She was still being used as a stool. What was more, it was even worse than the last time. Apparently, this native had also changed places after sitting for a long time and placed her on a protruding rock which hurt her abdomen. However, it was more convenient for that native to use as a chair.

Chu Feng sat there with his chin propped up and seemingly studying something. This kind of expression and his disdainful attitude almost made Lin Lin's lung explode.

This was truly unbearable!

"You'll continue to suffer if you dare attack me again," Chu Feng said without looking back. He was studying the sea diagram in his hands. Before him was a multicolored ship a couple of meters long loaded with many miscellaneous items.

After seeing this, Lin Lin's eyes were filled with killing intent. Apart from the ship, everything else belonged to her. Now, the items had changed owners.

At the same time, she felt quite upset. Some of those things, like the protective secret gold necklace which she had worn close to her body, had also been plucked away!

"Get up!" Li Lin controlled the flames of anger in her chest. She didn't act up and spoke in as calm a voice as possible.

"Don't disturb me!" Chu Feng replied. In the end, he lifted that glistening yellow pestle which erupted with light as he struck her with a loud thump. Li Lin's eyes rolled backward as she once again fell unconscious.

Her last thoughts before blacking out were that she wanted to curse out loud. She had strong willpower and spiritual endurance, but now she couldn't hold back anymore and wanted to curse out loud.

This native, this man, was simply too disgraceful. He had used her as a soft cushion and yet acted so violently. She wasn't even given the chance to talk before having the back of her head struck with that treasured pestle.

Dawn. The red sun had leapt over the surface of the sea, and a rosy divine radiance was showering down on the blue sea. It was quite a brilliant scene.

Li Lin opened her eyes once more and felt that the pain at the back of her head was at its maximum. She had been struck twice by the treasured pestle, a weapon she, herself, had brought along. This feeling was truly difficult to bear.

The rays of dawn fell on her body, making her feel warm and comfortable all over. But her heart was full of misery and bitterness. She had never encountered such misfortune or ever been so wretched. She really wanted to commit suicide and be done with this.

But how could she be willing? She still had to get revenge!

That bastard had already moved her to another location, but she was still being used as a stool. There was still a buttock sitting on her body.

She felt that she was the most miserable saintess in history. Even the ordinary disciples from her orthodoxy were the focus of all attention wherever they went, to speak nothing of the number one among the direct disciples. She was the future successor of one of the most powerful holy lands on the planet!

Li Lin didn't speak at all this time. She didn't want to be knocked unconscious by that savage.

This time, she glanced at him sideways. She was very careful and didn't dare make any big movements.

Li Lin thoroughly recognized this multicolored ship was glowing under the morning glow. It should be a treasured ship from the Penglai Immortal Island. Chen Sheng and Chen Pu had parked it near the beach outside of Mount Putuo.

She guessed that this immoral scoundrel, Demon King Chu, had run back non-stop to Mount Putuo and stolen this prismatic ship.

In truth, that was indeed the case. Chu Feng had chased after Li Lin in a hurry and forgotten that ship. After he had finished his business, he hurried back and found that no one had touched it as if they didn't want to incur Penglai's hatred.

Afterward, he took it away decisively!

Presently, the ship had shrunk to about three meters and was flowing with multicolored brilliance.

Yesterday night, Chu Feng had spent most of his time studying the ship. It could actually perform a spatial leap—this was too advanced!

Although it was bathed in a rosy brilliance, it was still an antique that was probably dug up from an ancient ruin recently. There were many places in its interior emitting an aura of decay. Some major repairs would be needed for any form of prolonged use.

Chu Feng had no intention to do this since he wasn't a weapon refinement master. Neither did he have the methods to do so, unless he could nurture it in passing when entering the Revered Eight Trigrams Furnace next time and see if it could be saved.

"You're awake?" Chu Feng glanced sideways at her and said, "Don't cry, don't shout, cooperate with me and I promise you won't be knocked out again."

Li Lin felt his words were rather awkward and felt her jaws itching.

At this time, Chu Feng got up and stretched lazily in the sun. He seemed extremely comfortable and relaxed.

Meanwhile, Li Lin's face was full of black lines and wanted very much to curse out loud. Her waist was about to break. It felt dumb and somewhat painful.

"Bath in the sun." Chu Feng pulled her up and let her sit down facing the sun. He seemed to be full of good intentions.

But Li Lin wanted to hammer and kill him.

That was because her powers had been sealed completely and bound tightly by the silver chain. She was completely weak and her buttocks were positioned on a very uneven rock. It was truly uncomfortable.

This island was just like that. It was full of uneven rocks. Otherwise, Chu Feng wouldn't have needed to use her as a cushion or bench.

He had no protective feelings for this beautiful slave. He only intended to use her effectively and reasonably.

Li Lin saw a black bracelet on Chu Feng's hands. This item was made of spatial rock and it used to belong to her!

But now, she could only glare at him since the items had already changed owners.

The mess of items on the ground like skirts and underwear made her almost want to flip out. Apparently, these personal items had been rummaged by Chu Feng and thrown out. He had thrown out all the things he didn't want before her.

"I'll return these things to you." Chu Feng smiled. At the same time, he asked suspiciously, "Your spatial bracelet doesn't' have much space in it, and you don't have many secret treasures for a saintess. Are you really the successor of an orthodoxy?!"

Li Lin's heart was bleeding after she heard this. It was too much of a stab to the heart. She had to suffer such agitation even after being taken captive.

She really didn't want to pay attention to this person or explain. How many people could bring over too many treasures? All of them had been destroyed during the cross over.

At this time, Li Lin looked down and noticed her situation. She couldn't help but cry out in embarrassment and alarm. That was because she was scantily covered and her white skin was exposed on many parts of her body.

"You… what did you do to me?" Any woman would react frantically in such a situation.

"Everything there is to do," Chu Feng answered calmly.

"You, you, you…" Li Lin's face lost all color. But she was, after all, an extraordinary person. She immediately forced herself to calm down and scanned herself. But she found nothing out of the ordinary.

At the same time, she recalled how this bastard had used her as a bench as he studied the multicolored ship and magnetic stones. He had sat there all night engrossed in studying them and probably had no time to do anything to her.

At this moment, she wanted to get up and no longer wanted to sit there. However, it was impossible for her to move because she was bound tightly by the silver chain.

"Something's not right. There's something in my body. What is it?!" Her expression changed suddenly and turned pale.

"I pondered for the greater half of the night and used certain domain techniques to implant a number of magnetic crystal needles inscribed with numerous runes. Mn, you better not wantonly use your carefree realm power in the future. Otherwise, they'll explode and turn you into meat paste," Chu Feng informed.

This was like a lightning strike on a clear day. She had had her cultivation restricted?!

Chu Feng warned, "Only I can remove these domain magnetic needles. Don't mess with them on your own, or I can't guarantee you won't lose some limbs."

Li Lin's beautiful expression lost all color. She had severed her own cultivation with great determination and crossed over in advance just to suffer this punishment?

"Relax. My cultivation grows very fast just like a ship rising with the tide. I'll restore you very soon since I need a powerful saintess follower," Chu Feng said with a smile.

"What else did you do to me?!" Li Lin's psychological endurance was quite strong and she calmed down pretty fast.

"I helped you shoot a set of photos. They're all sexy, alluring, and so beautiful that it makes one sigh. It's really worth collecting!"

"You…" Li Lin exploded. She was fine with the other things, but after finding out about this, she was shocked, afraid and cursed continuously.

Chu Feng was speechless—he had only said this casually. How could he have to time to do those things? He was busy studying the Seal of Domain Suppression. It was a tiring process.

This woman was reacting too strongly. He finally understood that saintesses were sometimes no different from ordinary women. Presently, Li Lin's emotions were completely agitated, and she was poised to fight it out with him.

"Relax. As long as you stay as my maid and accompany me well, I promise to delete all of them. You will still be a saintess."

Chu Feng had spoken those words casually, but it made him realize that these so-called saintesses had to be unblemished. Once something bad got out, she would probably be unable to stay as a saintess once she returned to her holy land. That was why she was emotionally agitated.

"Don't think about silencing me. I've kept the photos in a secret place. If something bad happens to me, those things will be released to the world after a time."

Chu Feng was tricking her—he really hadn't done these evil things, but he spoke as if he had done all of it.

The most important part was that Li Lin didn't care about anything else, but she was greatly alarmed by this matter. She treated this seriously even though she had her doubts. She warned Chu Feng that she would fight him to the death if there was any accident regarding this matter.

"As for this, haven't you observed the celebrities on our planet? They feel it's wrong to come out and greet people without publishing a photo book of sorts. Quite reasonably, you can be considered the biggest celebrity on our planet. It's too tiring to live such a conservative life. Sigh, how backward. Your planet is probably too primitive and savage." Chu Feng shook his head as if he were very superior.

Li Lin ground her teeth and said, "We've connected to the interstellar network for tens of thousands of years now."

That place could be considered a high-level planet with a flourishing evolver's civilization. Although their technology was only used as a supplement, she still felt that it was much more advanced than earth.

But now, a native of a declined land was looking down on her mother planet as a savage star. She couldn't stand it

"Okay! My maid, powerful saintess from a high-ranking world, let's go!" Chu Feng beckoned and released her from her bindings.

"I'll warn you. Don't think about harming me. Otherwise, the magnetic needles in your body will explode and you'll be in a miserable state," Chu Feng warned.

With such a powerful maid beside him, he decided to use her strength to its full potential and pull off a major business. Otherwise, it would be too much of a waste.

Li Lin's face was alternating between blue and white. She really wanted to slap this native to death, but she didn't dare act recklessly. She had indeed felt something in her body and was afraid they would explode.

The next moment, Chu Feng commanded Li Lin to drive the multicolored ship and performed a spatial leap, appearing in the Eastern Sea.

He sat relaxedly on the rocking chair—he refused to spend any effort and simply made Li Lin drive the ship. He used her not only as a maid but also as manual labor.

"According to the map on the multicolored ship, Penglai should be in this sea region. Find it for me!"

After the greater half of the day, they really found it. It was a vast island enshrouded in hazy white mist. Ordinary people couldn't approach it at all.

"Today is just a visit to confirm the location. Next time, you will come and bring harm upon this place," said Chu Feng.

Li Lin's expression was mechanical and didn't really want to pay attention to him. But now, she couldn't resist rolling her eyes.

Afterward, Chu Feng attacked her decisively. He knocked her out cold with the pestle and bound her up again.

Before losing consciousness, Li Lin felt exceptionally astonished and furious. She was truly the most miserable saintess in history. At the same time, she realized that this bastard had some secrets he didn't want her to know.

Following that, without stopping to rest, Chu Feng brought out the stones he had taken from Mount Eternal and began to sense them seriously. He then rushed over rapidly.

He landed on an island—this was precisely the place where Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng the toad, and the others had disappeared.

He had arrived to check up on them because he missed his friends dearly.

"They can come out?!" Chu Feng was astonished. This was because he noticed some traces. He had come here once before and left them a message. Now, he noticed that there was actually an answer carved therein!

Meanwhile, the outside world had exploded. The earth and sky had practically toppled over.

Chu Feng had swept through all of his enemies at the battle of Mount Putuo. He had killed droves of enemies, and at the final juncture, he had gone chasing after the saintess Li Lin. According to the feedback from certain king level races from the Southern Sea, the saintess seemed to have fallen and caught alive by Chu Feng.

This news was explosive and shook the entire world. It also caused quite a ruckus in the star passages behind the famed mountains.

Chu Feng had already become a threat to saint-level characters?!

In truth, the situation was even more serious than people knew. It had shaken not only the world but even those outside!

After the incident yesterday, someone had sent dedicated news to the outer realms and alarmed a saint!

That was because a certain saint child's younger brother was among the people Chu Feng had swept through yesterday. He was a direct descendant of a certain saint. There were very few people in their lineage, and their bloodline inheritance had almost died out.

That protective saint immediately charged over after hearing of this news.

Additionally, Li Lin was captured. She was a the saintess from the most powerful orthodoxy of a certain planet. This news shook all the related experts in the starry skies.

There were many experts paying attention to earth and they would receive reports periodically. The information they knew had far surpassed ordinary people's imaginations.

The Nine Yin Sparrow's head was full of sweat. He knew that his mandate, along with the allure of a saint's bronze seal, had stirred up a big mess!

He had brought his sworn brother the Hundred Transformations Saint Yuwen Chengkong and also arrived outside of earth.

Chu Feng's butterfly wings shook only lightly and caused many matters to pile up together. Now, these matters had fermented and attracted the attack of a saint!