The Sacred Ruins - Page 548/592

Ever since shattering the twelfth shackle and evolving several times afterward, Chu Feng had finally exhausted the Peach of Immortality, Cinnabar Fruits, and Ginseng Fruits from the Pilgrimage Grounds.

He didn’t have a single stock left.

At this moment, he was sitting on a purple-brown cliff, surrounded by floating domain symbols used to conceal and isolate him from the probing of the Heaven’s Eye from the outer realms.

This was, after all, a famed mountain, and with the addition of his meticulous arrangement, even Heaven’s Eye couldn’t see him.

“Visualization level…” He lightly sighed. At the moment, he had finally crossed the threshold. He watched time slip away—years went by, and the world changed.

The moment he broke into the realm, Chu Feng nearly got lost. The visualization realm was crucial and exceptionally abnormal, and its requirements toward one’s spiritual levels were extremely high.

Visualization was a chance to change one’s life, see the cosmos and all living things, as well as reconstruct oneself.

Some people who had a strong killing intent and moved unhindered on the battlefield visualized the fierce, immemorial tiger in charge of the slaughter and commanded it to come to life and appear before their eyes. During battle, it would fit with themself, and their energy would sharply increase as they reconstructed their self.

Meanwhile, others would visualize godly birds or prehistorical sacred beasts. That kind of level of power was unimaginable. For example, Wei Lin of the Xilin race visualized a heavenly phoenix. Unfortunately, there were some defects, and it couldn’t become a true phoenix.

Otherwise, relying on the Xilin race’s divine son to harmonize with a true phoenix’s power was enough to cross into the visualization level. Rarely would an enemy be able to match them!

Some other people possessed an imposing soul and visualized all celestial bodies in the heavens, smelting them to conform with their body to accomplish unlimited power. There were also some people who visualized the gods of the primal chaos and fused them to their own body, molding them into the true self.

After visualizing for years, some people might be able to completely choose and mold their true form or even change into other races. They could transform into the White Tiger, Kun Peng, and other sacred beasts and divine birds.

This, too, was evolution. Some races would evolve into humanoid forms, while other beings would insult this self-reconstruction opportunity. They consciously evolved into unrivaled races, such as Kun Peng, Golden Crow, the Dragon of Truth, and more.

Of course, most people who visualized could only borrow the power of the visualized form; it was uncertain whether or not they would be able to actually transform into it.

The purple and brown mountain cliff emitted a strong energy essence that rose in spirals. Chu Feng sat here feeling rather perplexed. What would he visualize?

From the time he started until now, he had visualized many things—the star sea of the universe, all the worlds of the heavens, divine birds and sacred beasts, tiny individuals and dust particles, even the self. He had visualized them all again and again, from the strongest to the weakest.

In the end, he let out a light sigh. This realm was extremely complicated, and the difficulty was great. It made it difficult for people to choose.

To confirm what he would visualize, he would certainly have to clarify the true nature of this realm. Chu Feng had previously made his preparations, and now he was silently considering and comprehending this realm.

The key to visualization and giving oneself an opportunity lied in the word “reconstruct”.

He partially squinted his eyes as he earnestly turned it over in his mind and carefully considered. Finally, he stood up. He wouldn’t waste anymore time.

This was because when entering this level, he still had time to analyze and didn’t need to determine the nature immediately. Now, time was a bit more urgent. Outside were fragmented enemies; he couldn’t recklessly squander time here.


The instant Chu Feng stood up, he heard a soft sound coming from his body as he began to stagger. He had clearly just evolved, and his whole being, including both his physical body and his spirit, were especially strong. His power had significantly increased, but why did he feel so weak now?

He instantly understood. That which should come had finally arrived!

The evolutionary foundation was unstable, and some cracks might have appeared!

Chu Feng developed a headache, and a haze suddenly rose in his mind. His face became deathly white. Was something this incomparably terrible really happening? It was absolutely miserable.

He had evolved too quickly, violently and frequently, and in the end, some problems had risen!

In actuality, he had long since had a premonition telling him that he couldn’t be too anxious for quick results. He had already ordered two Six Path Reincarnation pellets to guard against this kind of situation.

Unfortunately, that kind of great medicine hadn’t arrived yet!

Now, as soon as the Six Path Reincarnation pellets arrived, he would immediately take them, then the entire desperate situation would be easily solved.

He carefully thought. Yesterday, he had just evolved to the carefree realm’s great circle, and today, he had broken through that realm and reached the visualization level. This was indeed fast enough to raise people’s hackles.

Even though Earth was currently in a special period and wasn’t being suppressed, to practice here for one year was equivalent to practicing for ten or even one hundred years elsewhere. This kind of speed was too fast.

The civilizations of the universe had long since anticipated the serious consequences of evolving too quickly and violently. The most serious was the evolutionary foundation falling apart, resulting in death!

Chu Feng slowly sat down and looked inwardly. He saw a crack growing from the nothingness inside him. It was going to split his body into two! When he carefully reacted to it, his physical body did not have any sort of injury.

“It’s going to crack my foundation!”

Chu Feng spoke inwardly with deep eyes. He didn’t rush immediately into action; instead, he quietly experienced it for a long period of time.

Indeed, he had been too anxious for quick results, but it was just because the enemies outside were watching him. So many descenders had appeared together. This was a huge threat to him.

“Why isn’t that medicine I ordered here yet!?” Chu Feng contacted the middleman on the Origin Beast Platform. He had previously entrusted them to buy it from the universal black market and had been waiting constantly.

“One Six Path Reincarnation pellet sells for eighty billion Cosmos Dollars. It’s too precious, so naturally, we were exceptionally careful. Even though we asked Wormhole Express to mail it, we still had to pick the safest wormhole route. We didn’t make time a priority.”

The other end notified him, telling Chu Feng not to get impatient.

Chu Feng hung up. It seemed he couldn’t count on the Six Path Reincarnation pellets for the next few days.

Afterward, he activated his breathing technique to heal his wounds. At the same time, he took out some deity meat and started roasting it. Then, he gulped it down in big bites to replenish himself.

“Yeah, it’s working!” Chu Feng discovered, feeling amazed. The Robbery Induction breathing technique was really mysterious. After activating it, the crack inside his body healed!

This was truly shocking!

“Yes, it’s worthy of being called an ultimate breathing technique!” He inwardly nodded. This was an unexpected delight.

He had replenished a great amount of blood, vital breath, and energy. Chu Feng activated the breathing technique and, in the end, that crack had dissipated. It was almost completely invisible now! He knew he didn’t have any major obstacles now.

Even though the crack hadn’t been thoroughly eradicated, it wouldn’t influence his combat capabilities now. As soon as the Six Path Reincarnation pellets arrived, he could resolve all of the hidden dangers.

“No wonder the Ten Greats are so aloof and remote and unchanging since time immemorial. It’s because they have the ultimate breathing technique!”

Chu Feng’s heart was stirred. The Robbery Induction breathing technique was ranked as the top eleventh, and it was already like this. He could only imagine what the top ten were like!

He stood up and prepared to set off because he worried about the situation on the outside. This time, he hurriedly made a breakthrough and didn’t consider the consequences because he was worried about the deity race’s young god and the others going berserk. They would have launched a slaughter on this planet, for example, targeting the Mount Wangwu secret realm and the Himalayas’ secret realm.

He wouldn’t allow that kind of situation to occur!

He carefully thought; he had been gone for about half a day and reckoned the skies on the outside had already been overturned. Even some divine sons and saintesses might be carrying out their threats and calling for him to appear.

Chu Feng walked out from this mountain ridge. When he arrived at the fields of the outside world, he saw a person. They weren’t a descender from the outer realm, but rather a native person.

Yuchi Kong had appeared again!

He had proven himself to be a super-evolver who had surpassed the visualization level, yet he could surprisingly find him here. In reality, Chu Feng speculated that this person had been following him constantly!

Chu Feng could only see it by opening his Fiery Eyes. Otherwise, if he had had a sense of it, he would have made a judgement ahead of time.

“Is your bamboo raft a holy item?” Chu Feng exposed a different expression.

Yuchi Long was sitting on a dark green bamboo raft. This object could conceal one’s aura. In a flash, he approached Chu Feng and made the Heaven’s Eye lose its effectiveness.

“Correct. In those days, a saint crossed the universe on this bamboo raft. It is indeed no common item.” Yuchi Kong nodded his head.

Afterward, he sighed and said, “Little friend, you’re amazing as expected. You’re worthy of being called the heaven’s chosen one. You’re nearly no less than the dark one without the body of God.”

Chu Feng’s expression went cold, but he didn’t respond.

“Little friend Chu Feng, if you go on like this, I fear everything points to disaster. You really don’t want to leave behind a way for escape?” Yuchi Kong watched him and said, “There’s a young god from the Deity race, Qin Luoyin, the young pride of the universe’s Ten Greats. If you’re left in their hands, the silver box won’t protect you!”

Chu Feng felt a bit of hatred toward him. Even though he was also an evolver from Earth, and he was nearly someone on the same path, Chu Feng found it difficult to have any sort of goodwill toward him.

At this juncture, the opponent hadn’t brought the Earth’s true one to participate in the battle. They were still plotting about his breathing technique!

Chu Feng lowered his face as he spoke, “I don’t want to speak with people who have no responsibility. Have you seen me? I get what I want! Now, I’m going to request cosmic dollars from each race in the heavens, deity liquid from the Deity race’s young god, and remuneration from Qin Luoyin for looking after his cousin!”

Many divine sons and saintesses were tied up in his spatial bottle. At the crucial moment, he could trade them for goods. They were hard currency.

Chu Feng turned to walk away; he didn’t want to delay here any longer.

A spirited discussion was taking place now in the heavens. Chu Feng had disappeared; he had completely evaded them, and then he hadn’t appeared since. This made many people suspicious.

Some people said that while he was fighting with the Xilin race’s divine son Wei Lin, he had paid a steep price. Add that to the fact that he had fought the machine race’s Mechanical Vajra, he had surely suffered grievous injuries.

Thus, he had ran away to the famous mountains and great rivers and was currently recuperating.

Some others said that his wounds weren’t necessarily too severe, but rather after seeing Qin Luoyin and the Deity race’s young god, he felt the distance in their abilities and used this as pretext to retreat.

There was clamor on the Origin Beast Platform. All kinds of theories were being tossed around.

“I never would have thought that Demon King Chu would run instead of fighting.”

“It has indeed exceeded my expectations. Has he run away?”

As for Earth, things were even more chaotic right now. Chu Feng had left the battle midway, and this led to different thoughts among many people.

Some people sighed, others were worried, while others were sneering. Because their relationships were different, their behavior was naturally different.

Kunlun and many divine sons and saintesses were still there. A so-called pageant was underway, and they hadn’t yet emptied. As for people like Zhou Quan and the old woman, they had been besieged and were unable to leave. At the most intense moment, the two sides wanted to decide a battle to the death at once.

Additionally, that “bucketload” of amethyst thunder had an abnormally terrifying power. All of the divine sons and saintesses felt dizzy upon seeing it.

“What Demon King Chu? In the end, he still had to escape. If he doesn’t appear, we’ll slaughter the people on earth and see where he can run to!”

In Kunlun, some people were sneering.

“With a young god here, and with Fairy Qin overseeing, he’s naturally afraid. Even though he killed the Xilin race’s divine son, he’s afraid he’ll also pay the price in blood. His body lost the strength to fight, so, of course, he doesn’t dare to come again.”

“He’s indeed strong, but he was only slightly stronger than Wei Lin and Mechanical Vajra. He had paid a great price to defeat those two people, and he naturally understands he’s still far from being able to beat a young god, so he ran.”

Some people were guessing maliciously and praising the Deity race’s young god.

“Hehe, it’s short lived. I have a premonition that he used a secret technique to kill Wei Lin, Mechanical Vajra, and the others. His body is already unable to endure, and were it not for his timely escape, he might have fallen on the spot.”

“What Demon King Chu? He’s no more than this. Next time I encounter him, I won’t give him a chance. Don’t think about escaping again!”

Suddenly, the surrounding area was quiet.

This was because a person was coming from the end of the horizon. With one step, he arrived nearby with a handsome appearance. He had an empty and not-of-this-world spirit as he walked like the Banished Immortal Li Bo.

“Chu Feng!?” someone cried out in surprise. Just now, they had been taunting him, and at the next moment, he had directly appeared in front of them.


Chu Feng took a step forward. He kicked the saint, who had just now been sneering repeatedly with an egotistical voice, into the air. The latter couldn’t even evade. He let out a blood-curdling screech as his body, now covered in blood, crashed into the side of a mountain and hung there.

Afterward, Chu Feng substituted him. He sat behind the jade table on the green grass and grabbed a jade cup. He spoke toward the nearby peerlessly beautiful woman, saying, “Fairy Lan Shi, we meet again. Pour me a glass of wine.”