A Duke of Her Own - Page 71/82

“I think we should probably prevent them from winning,” Eleanor said, standing up and stretching. “That was a very nice nap.”

“And just how do you suggest—Oh.”

Eleanor went to the balcony door, pulled the key from the keyhole, and paused, looking over her shoulder. “You know, I think it might be best if you allow me to handle this.”

Villiers got up, frowning. “Of course I will not—”

She didn’t hear the rest, because she had closed the balcony door behind her and turned the key. Then she walked through Villiers’s bedchamber, pausing for a moment to look at his silver-backed brushes, and went down the stairs.

It didn’t take her long to find the three children; she just had to call for Oyster and then listen for his bark. They were inside the half-ruined folly, another of Lisette’s abandoned projects.

“What are you three doing?” she asked, going down on one knee to greet Oyster.

Phyllinda’s eyes grew very round. “How did you get out?”

“The balcony.”

Tobias gave a quick look around.

“Your father is still locked in my room,” she told him, answering his unspoken question.

His mouth fell open too, so she was faced with three astounded little faces. Inheritance was a truly amazing thing: they could not be anyone else’s children. Not even given the fact that Tobias had cool gray eyes and the girls had lavender ones…it was the turn of their chins, the shape of their eyes, and some sort of shrewd, fierce intelligence.

“So why don’t you tell me exactly what you’re doing?”

“We’re planning to win, of course,” Lucinda said. Eleanor could see a dawning respect in her eyes. “Why did you lock the duke in?”

“I thought he might create more trouble than your plan merits,” she said, giving Oyster a last pat and standing up. “So you want to win all three prizes.”

“Fifty pounds each!” Phyllinda said with a little gasp.

“A lot of money,” Eleanor agreed.

Tobias just waited, his eyes narrowed. He knew her reappearance meant trouble.

“How are you doing with the clues so far?” she asked.

Lucinda stepped back so Eleanor could see their collection. Tobias’s velvet coat was crumpled into a nest that included, among other things, three rather dirty eggs. “We have all but one,” she said, giving her the syrupy sweet smile that Lisette so favored.

“Stop that,” Eleanor said sharply.

The smile froze.

“If you want to smile, smile. But spare me the acting. You don’t do it very well. Now which riddle haven’t you solved?”

“It doesn’t make any sense,” Tobias said reluctantly. “It’s only two lines. Little girl, little girl, where have you been?” And then, Gathering apricots to give to the queen. We were about to go back to Lisette again because we don’t know where to find an apricot. I don’t think they even grow here. I’ve only seen one once.”

“It’s a nursery rhyme,” Eleanor said. They all blinked at her. “A rhyme for children,” she explained. Of course they hadn’t learned any frivolous rhymes, given their childhoods. “Next line is, Gathering roses to give to the queen. The girl gives the roses to the queen, who gives her a big diamond as a reward. I suppose that Lady Lisette is the queen—she is wearing a crown—and you need to give her an apricot-colored rose.”

“That’s easy!” Lucinda said. “There’s a load of roses around the side of the house.”

“They’re not the right color. She wants the ones by the river. Come on,” Eleanor said.

They walked out of the folly and around the back of the house, Tobias carrying his precious cargo wrapped in his coat.

“Oh, there you are!” Gideon called, walking toward her. He didn’t bother to acknowledge the children, just took her arm and brought her to a halt. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. You missed the strawberries and cream.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, pleasantly enough, “I’m engaged at the moment. But I should be back in five minutes.”

He didn’t like it, but she gently pulled free and walked on. As they left the gardens and started down the path to the river, a small hand slipped into hers. Phyllinda was looking up at her, her eyes clear and her mouth unsmiling. “I don’t like him.”

“That’s because he doesn’t like you,” Lucinda put in.

“He’s a molly,” Tobias said. “There’s something ratty about him. Just stay away.”

“Why ratty?” Eleanor inquired.

“He has big front teeth. You know how the duke looks a proper fright in those coats he wears?”

“I suppose you mean Villiers?”

“Yes, him. He’s got awful taste, but all the same, when he looks at you, you know what he’s thinking. Whereas that one looks a bit unhinged. Maybe he’ll marry Lisette. She’s the same.”

Eleanor thought about it for a moment and then said, “Your father is marrying Lisette, Tobias. So you mustn’t say slighting things about her, particularly in front of Phyllinda and Lucinda.”

“They’re not stupid,” he said.

They rounded the curve and arrived at the stream. “The roses grow over there,” Eleanor said, pointing.

Lucinda started forward, of course, so she grabbed her arm. “That’s straight up the rocks, and you can’t do it in those clothes. Your hair alone would disbalance you. Tobias, you fetch three roses.”

He was up the slope in a moment, and barring a bit of colorful language when he was introduced to the roses’ vicious thorns, he was successful. “We’ve got everything!” he said triumphantly, pulling open his crumpled coat to add the roses. By some miracle the three eggs were intact.

“So you’re going to claim the three prizes,” Eleanor said genially.

“Yes.” Tobias sounded guarded.

“And those other orphans, the ones Lucinda and Phyllinda lived with…they won’t win.”

“Not everyone can win,” Tobias pointed out.

“There are those who would say that you have won. After all, your father intends to give you each ten thousands pounds when you reach eighteen years. Whereas the Janes and Marys and the other girls will go off to be ladies’ maids.”

Phyllinda had her hand in Eleanor’s again. “At least they don’t have to make buttons any longer.”

“That’s true. But they will never live in a grand house with their brothers and sisters. You do know that you have three more siblings, don’t you?” And when Phyllinda and Lucinda nodded, “The Marys will go out to work because there is no one to take care of them. Whereas you have a father, and while he may have lost you for a while, he will always take care of you from now on, you know that.”

“Bloody hell!” Tobias said.

“Not in front of your little sisters,” she said, giving him a look.

“Sorry,” he muttered.

“Jane-Melinda didn’t solve a single clue because she can’t read,” Lucinda said. “She’s awfully nice. I’ll give her my egg and rose and stuff.”