Blameless - Page 25/42

Floote solved this problem by pushing hard against one of his neighbors until the man shifted over.

Alexia squeezed into the space provided to find, once she had settled, that the gentleman nearest her had suddenly found himself needed elsewhere. In an organic manner, and without any obvious movement, her immediate area became entirely vacant of al personnel save Floote and Madame Lefoux. Odd.

No one brought her a plate of any kind, nor, indeed, any other means by which she could partake of the food currently being passed about the tables.

Floote, who had already completed his meal, shyly offered her his dirty trencher.

“Apologies, madam, it is the best you’l get.”

Alexia raised both eyebrows but took it. What an odd thing to have to do. Were al Italians this rude?

Madame Lefoux offered Alexia the platter of sliced melon. “Three nights of decent sleep. That’s how long you’ve been out.”


Floote intercepted the melon when Alexia would have served herself. “Let me do that for you, madam.”

“Why, thank you, Floote, but that is not necessary.”

“Oh, yes, madam, it is.” After which he proceeded to serve her anything she wished.

It was as though he was trying to keep her from touching any of the utensils. Peculiar behavior, even for Floote.

Madame Lefoux continued with her explanation. “Don’t ask me what they drugged us with. My guess is a concentrated opiate of some kind. But we were al asleep for three ful nights.”

“No wonder I am so hungry.” This was rather worrying. Alexia glanced again at the silent, weapon-riddled men around her. Then shrugged. Food first, ominous Italians second. Alexia tucked in. The fare was simple but delicious, although entirely lacking in any meat. In addition to the melon, chunks of crunchy, salted bread, white with flour, were on offer, as well as a hard, sharp yel ow cheese, apples, and a pitcher of some dark liquid that smel ed like heaven. Floote poured a portion for her into his cup.

Alexia took a tentative sip and was quite overwhelmed by an acute sense of betrayal. It was absolutely vile tasting, a mixture of quinine and burnt dandelion leaves.

“That, I am to assume, is the infamous coffee?”

Madame Lefoux nodded, pouring herself a splash and then adding a good deal of honey and milk. Alexia could not believe a whole hive of honey capable of rescuing the foul drink. Imagine preferring that to tea!

A bel sounded and, in a shifting rustle, most of the gentlemen departed and a new crowd entered. These men were slightly less well dressed and a little less refined in their movements, although they, too, ate in complete silence to the sound of the Bible being read aloud. And they, too, were covered in weaponry. Alexia noticed with annoyance that clean utensils were set before them without bother. But the staff, mil ing about with platters of food and additional coffee, ignored Alexia with as much thoroughness as the men seated around her. Real y, it was beginning to make her feel quite invisible. She attempted a subtle sniff of her arm. Did she stink?

Just to test a theory, and because she was never one to take anything sitting down

—even when she was, in fact, sitting down—Alexia scooted along the bench toward her nearest Italian neighbor, stretching out a hand in his direction, pretending to reach for the bread. In a flash, he was up off the bench and backing away, stil not exactly looking at her but warily watching her movements out of the corner of his eye. So it wasn’t just that they were ignoring her; they were actively avoiding her as well .

“Floote, what is going on? Do they think I am contagious? Should I assure them I was born with a nose this size?”

Floote frowned. “Templars.” He intercepted another platter that would have bypassed Alexia and offered her some steamed greens.

Madame Lefoux frowned. “I did not know their reaction to a soul ess would be quite so extreme. This is bizarre, but I suppose given their beliefs…” She trailed off, looking at Alexia thoughtful y.

“What? What did I do?”

“Something highly offensive, apparently.”

Floote snorted in a most un-Floote-like manner. “She was born.”

For the moment, Alexia decided to fol ow the Templars’ lead and so ignored them in turn, eating her meal with gusto. The infant-inconvenience and she appeared to have reached an agreement. She was now al owed to eat in the mornings. In return, Alexia was beginning to think upon the little being if not with affection, then at least with tolerance.

At the sound of a second bel , al of the men rose and began filing out of the courtyard, going off about their business without a by-your-leave. Even the Bible reader departed, leaving Alexia, Floote, and Madame Lefoux alone in the massive courtyard.

Although Alexia managed to complete her meal before the staff were done cleaning up, no servant took her now-twice-dirty trencher. At a loss, Alexia began to gather up her eating utensils herself, thinking she would take them into the kitchen, but Floote shook his head.

“Al ow me.” He picked up the trencher, stood, took three quick steps, and hurled it over the courtyard wal , where it shattered loudly in the city street beyond. Then he did the same with Alexia’s cup.

Alexia stared at him with her mouth open. Had he gone completely mad? Why destroy perfectly good pottery?

“Floote, what are you doing? What has the crockery done to offend?”

Floote sighed. “You are an anathema to the Templars, madam.”

Madame Lefoux nodded her understanding. “Like being one of the untouchables in India?”

“Very like, madam. Anything in contact with a preternatural’s mouth must be destroyed or ritual y cleansed.”

“Oh, for goodness’ sake. Then why bring me here?” Alexia frowned. “And one of them must have carried me down the Alpine pass and then put me into bed.”

“A professional handler,” answered Floote curtly, as though that were explanation enough.

Madame Lefoux gave Floote a very long look. “And how long did Alessandro Tarabotti work for the Templars?”

“Long enough.”

Alexia gave Floote a stern look. “And how long did you?”

Floote came over al inscrutable at that. Alexia was familiar with that attitude; he got it when he was about to clam up and become his most cagey. She faintly recal ed from her nightmare time locked away in the Hypocras Club, some scientist saying something to the effect of Templars using soul ess as agents. Had her father real y been so bad as that? To work for a people who would have regarded him as not human. No. Could he really?

Alexia did not have an opportunity, however, to try and crack Floote’s hard, curmudgeonly shel , for someone came out into the courtyard and began walking purposeful y toward them. A Templar, but this one seemed perfectly capable of looking Alexia ful in the face.

The man wore practical middle-class dress twisted into absurdity through the presence of a white sleeveless smock with a red cross embroidered on the front. This absurdity was somewhat mitigated by the sinister presence of a particularly large sword.

At his approach, Alexia and Madame Lefoux extracted themselves from the bench seats.

Alexia’s nightgown ruffles got caught on the rough wood in a most annoying manner. She tugged them away and drew the robe closed more securely.

Looking down at her attire and then back up at the man approaching, Alexia grinned.

We are all dressed for bed.

This Templar also wore a hat of such unsightliness as to rival one of Ivy’s more favored investments. It was white and peaked, boasting yet another red cross emblazoned on the front and gold brocade about the edge.

Floote stood at Alexia’s side. Leaning over, he whispered in her ear, “Whatever you do, madam, please do not tel him about the child.” Then he straightened to his stiffest and most butlerlike pose.

The man bared his teeth when he reached them, bowing slightly. It could not possibly be a smile, could it? He had very straight white teeth, and a lot of them. “Welcome to Italy, daughter of the Tarabotti stock.”

“You are speaking to me?” Alexia said dumbly.

“I am preceptor of the temple here in Florence. You are considered a smal risk to my eternal soul. Of course, there wil be five days’ cleansing and a confessional after I have terminated contact with you, but until then, yes, I may speak with you.”

His English was simply too good. “You are not an Italian, are you?”

“I am a Templar.”

At a loss over what to do next, Alexia resorted to politeness and proper etiquette.

Trying to hide the fuzzy slippers under the fril y hem of her nightgown, she curtsied. “How do you do? Al ow me to introduce my companions, Madame Lefoux and Mr. Floote.”

The preceptor bowed a second time. “Madame Lefoux, I am familiar with your work, of course. I found your recent paper on the aerodynamic adjustments needed to compensate for aether currents quite intriguing.”

Madame Lefoux looked neither flattered nor inclined to make smal talk. “Are you a man of God or a man of science?”

“Sometimes I am both. And, Mr. Floote, how do you do? I believe I am familiar with your name as well . You are in our records, yes? You have maintained an unwavering connection to the Tarabotti stock. An intriguing display of loyalty not normal y engendered by preternaturals.”

Floote said nothing.

“If you would al please fol ow me?”

Alexia looked at her companions. Madame Lefoux shrugged and Floote appeared only slightly more stiff than usual, but he was blinking apprehensively.

Alexia figured there was nothing for it but to play along.

“With pleasure,” she said.

The preceptor led them through the temple, al the while talking to Alexia in a mild, silky voice.

“And how do you like Italy, My Soul ess One?”

Alexia did not like his use of the possessive, but nevertheless tried to answer this question. Since she had not, as yet, seen very much of the country, it was difficult. Stil , from what she had glimpsed out of her window that morning, she had formulated one ready opinion. “It is very orange. Is it not?”

The preceptor gave a little chuckle. “I had forgotten how extremely prosaic the soul ess are. Here we sit in Florence, the most romantic city on God’s earth, queen of the artistic world, and she finds it orange. ”

“Wel , it is.” Alexia gave him an inquisitive look. Why should she be the only one on the defensive? “I read somewhere that the Templars have an initiation ritual involving a dead cat and a duck made from a rubber tree. Is that true?”

“We do not discuss the secrets of the brotherhood with outsiders. Certainly not with a soul ess.”

“Wel , certainly, you would like to keep that a secret.” He looked dismayed but did not rise to the bait. Apparently, he was unable to. He could not refute her statements without discussing the very secrets he hoped to hide. Alexia relished her smal victory.

The rest of the temple, as it turned out, was just as richly furnished and religiously decorated as the parts Alexia had already observed. There was a certain sparseness to the design and a complete absence of personal items that gave the place the unmistakable aura of a monastery despite its luxuriousness. This feeling of piety was helped along by the general hush and quiet al about.

“Where have al the other gentlemen gone?” Alexia asked, surprised not to have encountered any of the many men they had seen in the dining courtyard.

“The brothers are practicing, of course.”

“Oh?” Alexia had no idea what their host was talking about, but he clearly believed that she ought to. “Um, practicing what, exactly?”

“The fighting arts.”

“Oh.” Alexia tried a new tactic after that, asking about some of the artifacts on display in an effort to get him to reveal more about his agenda.

The preceptor explained one or two with the same smooth calmness. “Salvaged from the treasury at Outremer,” he said of an entirely unremarkable piece of rock raised in glory atop a marble column, and, “The letter written by Preceptor Terric of Jerusalem to Henry I ” of a papyrus scrol yel owed with age.

Madame Lefoux paid attention with the interest of a bluestocking. Alexia was intrigued by the history but mostly mystified; she found religious relics rather dul , so the meaning was general y lost on her. The preceptor failed to reveal any useful secrets despite her cross-examination. Floote strode stoical y behind, disregarding the artifacts being described and focusing on the Templar leading them.

Eventually, they ended their tour in a massive library, which Alexia supposed must pass for the relaxation area. The Templars didn’t seem like the type of men to boast a card room. Not that she minded; Alexia had always preferred libraries herself.

The preceptor rang a little hand bel , like those Alexia had seen worn by cows, and within moments a liveried servant appeared. Alexia narrowed her eyes and drummed her fingers. After a rapid conversation in Italian, in which the preceptor did most of the talking, the servant left.