Burning Both Ends - Page 10/46

Andreas pulled his remaining power around him like a cloak. His skin tone was returning to normal, the dark gleam back in his eyes. “All of you witnessed Sebastian break his pledge of safe passage. We claim the right of self defense.”

The female vampire dressed in leather was the first to speak. “I am Marta, Sebastian’s first lieutenant.” The human male companion at her side handed her a short sword. When she gripped the handle and raised the weapon, the blond vampire came around the couch, as if he might interfere. Ari wasn’t sure what he had in mind.

Her finger tensed on the derringer’s trigger again. Maybe she should shoot the vampiress now. Andreas didn’t move. Taking her cue from him, Ari waited.

Marta glanced at Ari briefly, acknowledged the derringer with an indifferent look, and walked slowly toward Sebastian’s prone body. In one swift motion, she brought the sword up and slashed down on Sebastian’s throat. The severed head rolled across the stage. His body began to smoke and shrivel, releasing a putrid odor. Ari managed not to throw up or shoot anybody.

“With the crown now empty,” Marta said in a measured tone, “I grant your claim of self defense, and extend the continued protection of this court. The crown is a different matter. Your consort’s claim for possession is premature.”

Andreas gave a grave nod. “The right of succession will be discussed. In the meantime, thank you for your hospitality.” His gaze roamed over the group of vampires. The blond male took a step forward and eyed Andreas with a tentative smile. “Gabriel, I am surprised to see you here. I thought you were on the continent.”

The blond’s smile broadened into a grin.

Now that Ari had time to really look at him, he was gorgeous. Compelling eyes, flaxen hair in a modern, tousled style, muscular physique. Adonis come to life. And Andreas seemed to know him.

“A recent recruit,” the Adonis said easily. “I would greet you more enthusiastically, my friend, but frankly, you’re a mess, and I am hungry. We are all hungry. Our prince…uh…” He looked at the headless, decaying body. “Our former prince was rather heavy-handed in his edicts. Also, your companion still has a gun in her hand. May we put off further discussion until we are all more comfortable?”

In spite of the blood, Andreas and Gabriel slapped each other on the back, as men will do, and hostilities were over. At least for the present. Andreas, Oliver and Ari were shown to a small suite where the rest of their delegation joined them, including Marcus. He had remained in the front hallway watching the wounded werewolves after Russell and Lilith had shot their way into the audience chambers. After everyone was brought up to date on the current situation, Andreas excused himself to clean up. Ari found a quiet corner to sit and pull herself back together. Her head hurt, her left shoulder was bruised, but they’d gotten off cheaply.

When Andreas came out of the bathroom, he looked spotless again and totally unruffled by all that had happened. How did he do that? He walked straight over to Ari and dragged her into his arms.

“Cara mia,” he whispered. “You are something else.”

Ari leaned back and looked up at him. “Me? Look at you. I still can’t believe you killed Sebastian.”

“Impossible without you.” Andreas’s eyes darkened, saying everything his words were not in front of an audience.

“Whatever. However we did it, it’s done. We won.” Ari smile was tentative. “That’s what really matters, isn’t it?”

“I’ve never seen anything like your use of fire,” Oliver interrupted, coming up to them. “Why didn’t you burn Sebastian? Burn them all? Wouldn’t that have been easier?”

Ari pushed away from Andreas and sighed. No conversation is private when Otherworlders are in the room.

“It’s forbidden,” she said. “Those who can call fire have an unfair advantage over most creatures, but vampires in particular. If we work with or around vamps, especially in law enforcement, we are sworn to use the lethal fire only under certain conditions and only as a last resort. I consider the oath sacred.”

Oliver shook his head. “I’d like to know what you consider a last resort.” His voice was dry, but he regarded her with new respect. Whether it was for her keeping her oath or the power of her witch fire, Ari figured she’d never know.

“Besides, it wasn’t safe,” she said, ignoring his comment. “I might have hit Andreas.”

Oliver turned toward Andreas. “Nice catch on the dagger. How did you know she would throw it?”

Andreas’s mouth quirked as he looked at Ari. “A lucky guess. I know my witch by now. It is what I would expect her to do.”

Ari had nothing to add. Long before tonight, they had agreed not to reveal their telepathic link. A few—like the werelions and Marcus—probably had a pretty good idea, but Andreas and Ari had never confirmed it. Whatever magical thing was going on between them, whatever it might mean, they weren’t ready for the rest of the world to know it existed.

Oliver looked doubtful over the vague explanation, but all he said was, “It all went down so quickly that I don’t think Sebastian knew what was happening.”

“At least not in time,” Andreas agreed. “Now I think we should join the others. I do not anticipate more fighting tonight, but stay alert. We are badly outnumbered.”

When Ari and her companions arrived in the court hall, no one appeared to be in a mood to fight. In fact, Sebastian’s former court members, looking fed and contented, were celebrating with music, jugglers, and wine.

Gabriel approached them with a wide smile on his beautiful face.

“Gabriel and I have been friends a very long time,” Andreas explained, before turning to greet his friend. He introduced everyone.

“Welcome to you all.” Gabriel’s eyes danced at their reaction to the scene before them. “The entertainment was already scheduled, and we saw no reason to send the performers away. Um, except for the donor girls,” he added, giving Andreas a sideways look. “As you can see, Sebastian was obsessed by feudal court functions.” Gabriel waved his hand. “Come, allow me to introduce you to the others.”

“You have not changed much,” Andreas murmured with amusement. “Always ready for a party.”

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Gabriel announced, raising his voice to gain everyone’s attention. Even the musicians and jugglers paused and waited. “May I present Andreas and his lovely lady, Arianna. This fellow here is Oliver, and Andreas, you will have to introduce the rest of your company as I don’t remember all the names.”

Andreas did so. When he finished, everyone remained quiet, clearly expecting something more. He did not disappoint them.

“Tonight’s events have been as surprising to us as to you. Sebastian’s defeat was not something I sought or foresaw.” He paused and looked around the room. “Over the next few days many decisions will be made that affect you. I am sure you have opinions about those decisions, and I am interested in hearing them.”

Murmuring started among the crowd. Ari could see the surprise and confusion on their faces. Having been under Sebastian’s dictatorial thumb, Andreas’s style of politics would be foreign to them. It remained to be seen whether they would embrace the new freedoms or see them as a sign of weakness.

“Perhaps I should clarify,” he said as the murmuring turned to chatter, “I do not want to hear all your ideas tonight.” A laugh erupted, followed by several others. “For now, just enjoy your evening.” He smiled and turned to Gabriel. “I think it is time we met some of your friends personally.”

Ari couldn’t remember most of the names she heard throughout the next hour. She wasn’t good with names, but Andreas more than made up for her deficiency. He appeared to assimilate and use the name of each vampire or werewolf, as if he had a teleprompter. Maybe a photographic memory was a secret vampire trait. Or Andreas had inherited the talent of group socializing from his well-bred family, along with the Italian estates and vineyards. In his genes, so to speak.

Ari watched his aristocratic figure move around the room and imagined how his life had been as a wealthy landowner, caring for the land and the people. He must have been good at it. His estates were still intact, and he’d earned such loyalty that his weretiger families had followed him to America. Their descendants were still in his employ. He had a gift for managing businesses and the people who made them work. Club Dintero, his supper club, was clear evidence.

Ari almost choked on the wine she was sipping when the truth suddenly hit home. Andreas really was the prince here. He wouldn’t be returning to Riverdale. By killing Sebastian, they’d created a power void in Toronto, making this court his responsibility. Andreas would never shirk his duty. Her chest tightened. Duty would keep Andreas in Canada, and duty would return Ari to Riverdale.

She found his tall, beautiful figure again and studied his features, consigning them to memory. The dusky Italian complexion, the raven black hair, the inscrutable eyes with their long dark lashes. In mere days, their time would run out, and she wanted to remember every detail.

She watched him work the room, a casual smile on his face. He hadn’t yet realized what this situation meant for them. She’d stay in Canada for a while, of course, until his court was established. Two or three weeks at most, and then she’d quietly slip away. No big good-byes, no tears. She’d be a grown-up about this. No matter how hard it was.

He glanced over, his smile broadening when he found her, and he beckoned for her to join him. Mustering a return smile, she crossed the room.

Andreas’s eyes brimmed with mischief. “Gabriel tells me Sebastian’s consorts are mine now, if I wish to keep them. What do you think?”

“No way,” she blurted, then caught herself. What would he do after she left? She gave him a serious look. “How many are there?”

“He had four,” Gabriel said, suppressed laughter in his voice.