Fire Within - Page 20/48

Ari felt the corners of her mouth lift in response. He was incorrigible. Unfortunately, she also found him nearly irresistible. Where had all her good intentions flown? Nothing had really changed. Andreas and his appeal to her magic were as dangerous as ever. Yet, somehow it didn't seem to matter. She was no longer afraid. She wanted time with him, even if it was only for a little while.

“Am I going to be sorry about this?” she asked with a serious face.

His lips parted in a slow smile. “Not about everything. I can guarantee that.” His voice spoke of dark, wicked promises.

Damn, he was good at this. A sharp rap on the office door provided a welcome reprieve from decision making. Ari had had about all the truth telling she wanted for the moment.

When the door opened, Ryan stuck his head in with a cautious look. “If I’m not interrupting, I need to get the details on what occurred this afternoon.”

“Of course, Lt. Foster. Come in,” Andreas invited. “We were getting ready to talk about that.” He threw Ari a mischievous grin. She figured he knew how uncomfortable she was with Ryan catching them in such a personal conversation.

Ryan gave Ari a quick look before taking a seat on the couch. She ignored them both, perched on the edge of the polished, cherry wood desk, and tried to pull her scattered thoughts together.

“Not much to tell really. I was coming to work like every other afternoon,” Andreas explained. “Around 4:15. A passenger in a dark blue or black Buick sedan fired two shots. Both missed. I heard the discharge and got out of the way.” He waved a hand, like it was just that easy.

With his vampiric hearing and speed, maybe it was, Ari thought. She remained quiet and let Ryan continue.

“License plate?”

“Illinois. The car was disappearing around the corner by the time I looked. First number was a 5, but that’s all I got.”

“Did you see the shooter or hear anything else?”

“A light-skinned hand, rough, probably masculine, holding a pistol. I would like to give you greater detail, but I was rather preoccupied with avoiding the bullets. The car accelerated rapidly. I believe you will find tread marks.”

“Can you describe the weapon?”

Andreas shook his head. “I am afraid I have very little familiarity with firearms. It was a dark-grey metallic handgun.”

“We’ll check for tire marks. Maybe we can trace the car.” Ryan had been writing in his notebook and looked up. “Any ideas about this? Recent trouble with anyone? Here at the club or otherwise?”

“No. Nothing unusual. The occasional guest might drink too much, but no threats or any incidents that stand out.”

“Could this be connected to the other shootings?” Ari asked the question that Ryan had avoided.

Ryan nodded slowly. “There are similarities.”

“With a couple of significant differences. I have no human lover, no consort hidden away.” Andreas winked at Ari. She dropped her gaze, remembering when she had once asked him that very question. “And I have no connection to Shale’s agency.”

Ryan must have noticed the wink, for he turned his head to give Ari a pointed look. She pretended not to notice. She didn’t want to talk about her current relationship with the vampire. If she examined it too closely, it would sound as if she’d agreed to dating.

“What about the Pure Bloods?” Ryan asked. “How hard did you come down on them? Could they be looking for pay back?”

Andreas flashed a brief smile. “No. No further trouble from them. Take my word for it.” He sounded very confident.

Ari wondered what had taken place. Had they been killed? It was this kind of unknown that drove the wedges between her and Andreas. Before she could go any farther down that road, Ryan’s words jerked her back to the conversation.

“Eddie’s out of jail,” he said. “Any trouble between you two?”

Andreas shook his head. “None.”

“Oh, come on, Ryan.” Ari rallied to the reporter’s defense. “What are you suggesting? That Eddie’s some kind of psychopath? He might’ve had a motive for Jules, but not Patricia. Certainly not Andreas. Give it up. He’s not guilty. He was never involved.”

“I don’t know that. He’s a proven liar, and still a suspect,” Ryan said, his forehead creased in annoyance. “At least, in Jules’s murder.” He re-directed himself to Andreas. “But presuming she’s right, then who? You’ve got to have some clue.”

Andreas raised his palms. “I do not. I am inclined to think it was a fanatic. The publicity around the murders has stirred up old biases. The only other possibility is another power move against Prince Daron, a strike at a member of his inner court.”

“By Sebastian?” Ari suggested. The vampire prince of Toronto, Canada and Prince Daron had been sworn enemies for centuries. She didn’t know what Daron had done to earn Sebastian’s hatred, but the brutal Canadian dictator had tried to destroy him many times, the most recent attack less than a year ago. He’d sent a murderous pack of werewolves and a rogue vampire to take over Daron’s throne. Several people had died, including Ari’s former mentor, before the matter was settled. It wasn’t so far-fetched that he might try again, and his first move might be against Andreas, Daron’s first lieutenant and chief of security. Sebastian didn’t have warm feelings toward Andreas. Or anyone in Riverdale. In fact, Ari’d had her own run-in with the Canadian prince.

Andreas bent his head in thought. “I cannot rule out the possibility, although it seems too soon. On the other hand, Sebastian is tenacious, and the two of them have been fighting a long time.”

“Why would Sebastian have chosen these victims?” Ari asked, playing Devil’s Advocate. “They weren't members of the vampire court. Unless they have some important function we don’t know about?”

Andreas shook his head. “Nothing.”

“So, where does that leave us?”

“With too big a coincidence,” Ryan said. “Three vampire shootings within a few days. They’ve got to be related.” He frowned, clearly not liking the implications. “If Sebastian’s involved, we’ll have to find his local stooges.” He got to his feet. “I’m going to check on the crew outside, and then start looking for the car. For now, I’m keeping all options open, but check out this Toronto angle. Call me, if you think of anything else. Ari, are you coming?”

Andreas looked at her, raised a brow. “Perhaps we should finish our discussion.”

Ari’s better sense told her to go. In fact, it screamed at her, but she chose not to listen. When had she stepped off the deep end? “You go ahead, and thanks for the ride. I’ll call you in the morning.” She was astonished how sane she sounded.

Ryan nodded. Without another word, he walked out and closed the office door behind him. The man could take a hint, although Andreas hadn’t been exactly subtle with that wink. Ari was uncomfortable with how fast things were changing. Especially when she wasn’t sure what the changes were. She’d suggested friendship; Andreas had assumed a whole lot more. Not that she hadn’t let him maneuver her into considering it, still… She wasn’t sure she knew the rules.

“You are very quiet. Having second thoughts?” Andreas asked.

Ari gave him a thin smile. “Maybe.”

“Why am I not surprised? What is on your mind?”

Ari lips quirked in a wry smile. “Just that, my mind. As in, if you really wanted to, could your magic control it? I need to know.”

Andreas frowned, some emotion flashed across his face. “Before I try to answer that, tell me why you ask? What prompted the question? Have I done something?”

She shook her head. “No, but I think you might have that kind of power, and you’re used to getting your way. And, well,” she looked away for a moment, “my magic doesn’t seem to want to resist. I can’t help but wonder what would happen if you forced the issue without asking or listening to me. You already invaded my dreams, until I used magic to stop you.”

“You invited me.” He frowned, searching her face. “I came to your dreams because your magic sought me out. I stayed away, after I realized you had placed a protection charm under your pillow. I knew there had been a misunderstanding. Although I still do not know how or why.” He ran his hands through his black locks. “Believe me when I say I have suffered my own concerns about your ability to control me.”

“What? Andreas, I swear I didn’t do anything.” she said, then added uncertainly, “At least, not on purpose.” Had she? It would explain how he’d gotten past her wards, their power negated by her own magical summoning. Was this Ramora’s legend at work? Goddess help her. “What’s happening to us?”

“I do not know.” He gave her a speculative look. “Your face tells me you suspect something. Will you tell me?”

Ari shook her head. “You’re mistaken.” What could she say? She wasn’t about to reveal the existence of the legend—not until she was sure.

“Am I?” His eyes darkened. “Someday, when we trust each other more, we will have this discussion again. For now, I promise I will not attempt to overrule your free will. Besides, what makes you think I could? Have you forgotten Sebastian’s failed attempt so soon?” He caught her gaze. “You too must guard your magic. It is too strong to be allowed to run free. Now, enough of this talk. Would you join me for dinner? I could definitely use a glass of wine. Or a bottle,” he added with a wry smile.

“Tempting,” Ari said, welcoming the change of subject. “And I accept. We still have other things to discuss. At the top of that list would be the security around here.”

Andreas groaned. “Can we not also avoid that topic?” He opened the door, and they emerged into the hallway near the dining room.

“Not a chance. If you got killed it would be very bad for my reputation. I plan to keep a close eye on you.” She grinned up at him.