Almighty Coach - Page 128/475

Chapter 128: My Pride Forever

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dai Li walked up to Haiquan Fang and said, "Nervous?"

"What? No, no, I'm not nervous!" Haiquan Fang squeezed out a smile. But his tone revealed his anxiety.

"Haiquan Fang, look who is here!" Dai Li pointed at the crowd in the auditorium, where Dalu Fang was sitting.

"Dad! Why is he here?" Haiquan Fang was surprised.

"I invited him." Dai Li changed his facial expression to a serious look. He said, "You always want to improve yourself in front of him, don't you? Well, here is your chance. Your father is here watching your game. See his facial expression? He also wants you to win. Would you miss this opportunity?"

Haiquan Fang's face showed mixed feelings of surprise, hope and anxiety all at once.

But Dai Li continued, "Your father never supported you. He hopes that you will study in the UK instead. You must fight for your future! You must let your father know that you are gifted in the long jump, and that you will be an outstanding long jumper! You should win the game not only for a gold medal, but also for your years of hard work, as well as your mother's love! Now is the time to receive rewards for what you've been working for!

"Win the game and prove yourself. Say 'No' to your father confidently and proudly. Show him your power. Persuade him with your performance so that you can stay. Grasp the chance for a future you always dreamed of having!" Dai Li took a deep breath, then took hold Haiquan Fang's shoulders.

"Haiquan Fang, look at me. You are the best long jumper I have ever seen. I believe you can do this! Do not think about anything else. Do not think about scores. Just remember one thing: put all of your strength into this jump! You are not fighting against someone—you are fighting for your own future!"

Dai Li clapped his hands hard on Haiquan Fang's shoulders to energize him.

Haiquan Fang stepped up to the run-up area. Dai Li's words were still ringing in his head. He remembered how much he loved the long jump. He also recalled mother's support, his father's opposition, and the fierce quarrel they had had about him.

He was once confused, doubting himself to the point where he was almost ready to give up. Luckily, rebellion and stubbornness in adolescence had carried him all the way here. Now, Dai Li's words had enlightened him, and straightened out his thinking.

Fight for my future! Coach Li is right. This is my future, I should live on my own terms! Haiquan Fang turned around and found his father in the auditorium.

Dad, right here, right now, I will prove myself to you. I will be a good long jumper! I will show you that my choice is right!

At this moment, Haiquan Fang's eyes were filled with firmness. He was no longer nervous, hesitating, wavering, or confused. He had already forgotten about Gang Yang; his eyes only saw the track. In that moment, he transformed into a new person.


Haiquan Fang...

In the auditorium, Dalu Fang silently said his son's name. Although he was far from his boy, he sensitively recognized Haiquan Fang's changes. He saw a completely different Haiquan Fang, one that he was unfamiliar with.

Haiquan Fang's firm eyes and unshakable look were exactly the same as what Dalu Fang had had in past years!

Years ago, Dalu Fang had been in the start-up period. He looked like Haiquan Fang did now. Even though he had run into snags and had been foiled everywhere, he never shook his conviction. Because of this, he was able to keep moving on until he had attained the glory he had today, and eventually constructed a business empire worth hundreds of billions of yuan in property.

Dalu Fang suddenly realized that his son was grown up. He was no longer the little boy with a runny nose. When he stood on the field, it was an entirely different Haiquan Fang.

My son has grown up! Dalu Fang sighed quietly. A sense of unspeakable soreness grew inside him. He felt like an old bird, witnessing his baby flying away in the sky.

Such a stubborn boy! Just like I was when I was his age! He is indeed my son!

The next second, Dalu Fang burst out laughter. His eyes shined with encouragement.

My son will never give up easily!

You are my pride! I will always be proud of you!


Gathering around the scene, nobody was confident about Haiquan Fang's ability. Had it been a U20 game, he might still have a chance at surpassing Gang Yang. But 7.79 meters was invincible in U18 level competitions. It would take a miracle to beat.

"Second place in the Provincial Youth Games should be great for this boy!"

"He can jump 7.66 meters at 16-years-old. The Provincial Youth Team will think highly of him, and he will soon be recruited to the national team. He should be satisfied."

The crowds were conversing in subdued voices, which made Shouliang Zhao fidget in his seat.

Shouliang Zhao knew that he was one step away from success. But deep down in his heart, he did not feel any satisfaction. Gang Yang was 22-years-old, while his opponent was only sixteen. It was an unfair game. Gang Yang should undoubtedly win the game, but the whole process had been full of ups and downs. He had not won easily. As his coach, how could Shouliang Zhao be happy?

Dai Li! Shouliang Zhao gave Dai Li another angry stare. He knew so well that Dai Li was way better at training than he was. But considering Dai Li was able to lead an entire team at such a young age, his future was completely beyond Shouliang Zhao's imagination.

I have gotten revenge on Dai Li today. This is probably my last chance. The only chance that I can step over him! I have to seize this moment... Shouliang Zhao thought to himself with hatred. He had been waiting for two years, and now he could not wait to shame Dai Li in an effort to vent all his depression and anger.


Dai Li was unsure whether his words had worked or not.

At this point, Haiquan Fang had no choice but to stand and fight. Dai Li could only hope that Haiquan Fang understood this key point, and that he would try his best for the last attempt without being influenced by external factors.

When under stress, one might give up while another may face the difficulties head-on. Haiquan Fang, do not let me down. I hope you can fight instead of just waiting to fail. You are a gifted athlete. You will come across similar situations in the future. But no matter how bad the situation will be, you have to learn to overcome it yourself. This is the only way you will pass!

Dai Li had done all he could do for Haiquan Fang, so he clapped and cheered for him. Anything that happened next would all depend on Haiquan Fang.

Dai Li wanted to close his eyes and pray. He did not want to witness Haiquan Fang's last jump. He was too anxious to bear it. Despite this, he opened his eyes widely and focused on Haiquan Fang. He had to observe Haiquan Fang's every individual movement.

This last jump would be a big challenge for Haiquan Fang and Dai Li. As a coach, he had to learn to bear the pressure with his athlete. This was a lesson they had to learn. In a situation like this, the coach was the toughest shield for an athlete. Even though the situation would be difficult to overcome, the coach could never shrink, even if just a bit. If the coach could not stand the fight, how could the athlete?

Dai Li tried really hard to calm down. Finally, he managed to gather himself!

Dai Li appreciated Aiguo Jiang's help. At the last weightlifting championships, Aiguo Jiang had also gotten stuck in a bad situation. Dai Li had acted like a duck in a thunderstorm, and it was Aiguo Jiang who had comforted him. Dai Li grew from that experience. He learned to calm down when he felt trapped.

Jiang is about to retire, isn't he?

The idea flashed across Dai Li's mind. As he was thinking about this, Haiquan Fang dashed to the jumping board.


Haiquan Fang jumped high into the sky. He looked like an agile monkey ion mid-leap. His movements were perfect, and were as beautiful as a ballet dancer.

His brain had shut down. The only thing that was functioning was his instinct.

But Dai Li's attention was on the judge's hand.

The judge had two flags in his hands. One hand held a white flag, while the other held a red flag. The judge showed his professionalism. He did not hesitate, and after Haiquan Fang took off, he immediately raised a flag.

Yeah! White flag! Dai Li took a long breath. He focused back on Haiquan Fang right away.

Haiquan began falling to the ground. He maintained good balance, and his legs were stretched as forward as possible, hoping to reach a further marking line.

In an instant, Haiquan Fang tried his best to lean forward while raising his legs to increase his gliding distance and delay his landing.

At last, Haiquan Fang landed in the sandpit.

But it was not the end yet. He gritted his teeth and pulled in his stomach to straighten his body while protecting the mark from being destroyed.

"Awesome!" Dai Li cheered.

Awful! Shouliang Zhao felt he was done.

The crowds all concentrated on the edge of the sandpit, where the parallel measuring line marked Haiquan Fang's result.

"It must be over 7.80 meters! Without a doubt!"

"He wins! The little genius wins! How could it be possible?"

"Impressive, a 16-year-old can jump over 7.80 meters. I have never seen such an amazing long jumper before!"

"Extraordinary! He is jaw-droppingly good! That is a deadly strike! "

Shouliang Zhao opened his mouth in surprise. How could I lose the game? It cannot be true!

Along with people's exclamations, the surveyor reported Haiquan Fang's final mark.

"7.84 meters!"