Almighty Coach - Page 197/475

Chapter 197: Iron Man

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the training field, Xiong Chu gritted his teeth and went on with his training, but his body had a mind of its own. The next second, he crouched on the ground, breathing heavily.

I pushed him to the limit again! Yaozu Wang didn't urge Xiong Chu to get up, as he knew Chu was struggling. He had reached his physical limit. No man was a machine, let alone a perpetual machine. Once a man was tired or out of energy, he had to get some rest.

Yaozu Wang looked into the distance and saw that Yue Zhao was not training, either. Instead, he was lying on the ground, receiving a leg massage from Dai Li.

Yue Zhao had a two-hour extra practice session this morning. He should have a lot less power left than Xiong Chu does. That should mean I don't need to worry to much. Even if Yue Zhao stayed on the training field for an entire day, without sufficient energy he won't make much progress, Yaozu Wang exhaled, relieved.

However, at this moment, Yue Zhao got up from the ground and went back to exercising.

Did he regain his energy? Yaozu Wang was anxious, so he turned around to ask Xiong Chu, "How do you feel? Can you stand up?"

Xiong Chu gritted his teeth again, trying to raise himself up with both arms, but was only able to sit up. He had run out of energy for further training.

"Let's take a longer break. Have some water first!" Yaozu Wang could not help but sigh. He gave a bottle of sports drink to Xiong Chu.

After drinking some water and getting back some electrolytes, Xiong Chu had gained some energy. He sat there for a few more minutes, then finally stood up.

"Shall we continue?" Yaozu Wang asked.

Xiong Chu nodded, then returned to training.

After a short while, Xiong Chu laid out on the ground again.

"Let's take another break!" Yaozu Wang sensed that Xiong Chu had reached to his limit again.

I wonder how Yue Zhao is doing? Yaozu Wang looked into the distance again, and surprisingly found that Yue Zhao was still exercising.

Still going? He is so energetic! Yaozu Wang murmured, annoyed.


Gradually, Yaozu Wang realized, that although Yue Zhao's training time was longer than Xiong Chu's, he took less rest than Xiong Chu did.

Yaozu Wang began to observe Yue Zhao secretly. However, he found that Yue Zhao's workload was not low; instead, it was even higher than Xiong Chu's.

Yue Zhao has a larger training amount. How can he keep working for so long? He must have a ton of energy! Why didn't he practice long distance running instead? Yaozu Wang complained to himself. However, after he thought carefully for a while, he noticed something was wrong.

Yue Zhao began receiving extra training yesterday, and this morning he practiced for two more hours. He should have run out of energy a long time ago, and should feel more exhausted than Xiong Chu. Yaozu Wang recalled every detail he had observed during Yue Zhao's training progress. Suddenly, though, he remembered that whenever Yue Zhao had taken a break, Dai Li would give him a massage.

I heard before that Dai Li specializes in massage, and is as good as a professional masseuse. Maybe that's why Yue Zhao can keep going for so long.

Thinking about this, Yaozu Wang went over to Xiong Chu, who was resting on the ground, and said, "Xiong Chu, let me give you a massage!"

Coaches who were able to teach on the national team had to have some speciality, which meant that Yaozu Wang had some ability for sure. To sprinters, getting cramps or pulling a muscle was common. Therefore, professional sprinting coaches knew more or less about massaging.

Yaozu Wang figured that even though he was not as good as professional masseuses, he was capable of helping an athlete relax their muscles.

However, he could never know that Dai Li's Massage and Muscle Relaxation was way better than any ordinary massage. Even professional masseuses could not reach Dai Li's level.


Eight o'clock at night, on the training field, Xiong Chu fell on the ground like a pile of bricks.

"Coach, I'm sorry, but I can't do this! I cannot stand up." Xiong Chu sounded like he no longer had the strength to speak.

Yaozu Wang looked at his student with sympathy. He had never arranged such high-intensity training for Xiong Chu, and knew that today Xiong Chu had tried his best.

"Alright, let's end it here," Yaozu Wang said. He looked into the distance again, only to find that Yue Zhao was performing a deep squat.

What? Why is he still exercising! Does he even get tired? Yaozu Wang sighed depressingly. Keep practicing like this, then; let's wait and see how long can you bear it! I say in no more than three days that you will give up and cry! Yaozu Wang thought, helping Xiong Chu to the dorms.

After coming back to the dorms, Yaozu Wang's mind was still on the training field. Through his window he could clearly see the dorm gate, so he leaned on the window, playing Glory of Kings while waiting to see when Dai Li and Yue Zhao would appear at the gate.

Yaozu Wang waited for more than an hour, then finally saw Dai Li supporting Yue Zhao as they slowly moved through the gate.

Ten o'clock again. Go out at 5AM, come back at 10PM; seventeen hours in total. Even minus meal time, Yue Zhao has to have been on the field for thirteen to fourteen hours. Once he finished counting, Yaozu Wang was astonished.

That's crazy! Thirteen to fourteen hours a day; even Iron Man can't bear such high-intensity training. Yue Zhao will give up soon!


The next morning, Yaozu Wang got up an hour earlier, and took Xiong Chu to the training field at six o'clock. Yue Zhao was already there, sweating all over.

"Hey Li, did you come at five again?" Yaozu Wang said, greeting Dai Li.

"Morning, Coach Wang. You are quite early," Dai Li nodded as greeting, acquiesced in the fact that they had started training at five o'clock.

"The early bird catches the worm. I asked Xiong Chu to warm up, then have formal training after breakfast." Yaozu Wang paused, then asked, "Dai Li, would like to join us for breakfast?"

Dai Li nodded, "Sure, but Yue Zhao won't go. He needs to keep practicing. I will bring food for him."

Yaozu Wang felt awkward. He thought to himself, Do you have to do this, saving every second, even breakfast time for training! Yue Zhao is a human, not a machine; he won't hold on for long under such pressure.


That night, Yaozu Wang leaned on the window again. At 10PM, he saw Dai Li and Yue Zhao again.

The next morning, Yaozu Wang showed up to the training field, but Dai Li and Yue Zhao were already there.

One day, two days, three days; everyday was the same. Yue Zhao continued his extremely high-intensity training and long workout time. Yaozu Wang was stunned.