Almighty Coach - Page 304/475

Chapter 304: A New Continent

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Scared by Bin Wang's roar, everybody froze.

Why is Bin Wang here?! Dai Li was astonished.

All the athletes looked embarrassed, like they were being caught red-handed.

They all remained silent. As a coach, Dai Li couldn't say anything either.

Finally, Li squeezed a smile, walked to Bin Wang, and said, "Coach Wang, I'm guiding them in doing some warm-ups."

"Warm-ups?" Bin Wang showed an "are you kidding me" expression, then said, "What kind of warm-up exercises? Yours look like square dance!"

"Well...This does look like square dance, to some degree," Dai Li answered with embarrassment.

"To some degree? This is definitely square dance! Even the music is for square dancing!" Bin Wang's tone became serious.

"What matters most, is not how it looks, but how it works," Dai Li smiled. "This method offers a pretty good warming up effect."

"I say Li, what is in your mind? Our athletes warm up through square dancing, and you even talk to me about effects, aren't you out of bounds?!" Bin Wang looked at Dai Li. If Dai Li was not wide awake, with no smell of alcohol, he would possibly even have been labeled as a delirious drunk!

Dai Li's heart was filled with helplessness. He understood Bin Wang's idea, to any other coaches, they would definitely think Dai Li overstepped.

"Coach Wang, I'm not lying to you, neither do I run wild. My warming up indeed works," Dai Li explained.

"Square dance? How could it be possible?! To ordinary people, it might be, but to professional athletes, such exercise doesn't have any effect at all," Bin Wang said straightforwardly.

"Coach Wang, in our national ping-pong team, did anyone use square dancing for warming up?" Dai Li asked.

"Of course not, who would be that stupid?" Bin Wang replied at once.

"If nobody has ever tried, how do you know square dance doesn't work well?" Dai Li argued.

"Li, you are a fitness coach, so you must know that warming up for professional athletes doesn't mean just moving the body and having some sweat, they also need to activate joints, and stretch muscles. Square dance's movement range might work for joint-activation, but for stretching muscles, it's far from being enough," said Bin Wang.

"I wouldn't say that." Dai Li shook his head, saying, "My warming up exercise can stretch muscles effectively. If you don't believe it, you can ask these athletes."

At this moment, as the team leader, Anshan Wang stood out to support Dai Li, attesting, "Coach Wang, Coach Li is telling the truth. This warming up exercise is indeed very effective."

On the side, Pengfei Cui also said, "Coach Wang, I feel that Coach Li's warming up is more effective than our previous traditional exercises."

"Right, Coach Wang, if it didn't have any effect, why would we dance with Coach Li for days?" Xiangxian Zuo's voice also rang out.

"For days? You have been square dancing everyday, all these days?" Bin Wang felt shocked. In his eyes, it was crazy for athletes to dance once, but to dance for days? He dared not even imagine.

However, the next second, Bin Wang thought in another way, noticing that Xiangxian Zuo's words did make some sense. Athletes, who were able to join in the national ping-pong team, were all very brilliant. If this square dance didn't work, they wouldn't dance after Dai Li so energetically. But to be rational, Bin Wang was still unwilling to believe that square dance could warm up adequately.

Dai Li seemed to sense Bin Wang's struggle, and said, "Coach Wang, how about this, you can have a try on my warming up exercise, and check for yourself whether it is effective or not."

"You want me to do square dance?" Bin Wang shook his head at once. As a vice chief coach in the national ping-pong team, it was too immature for him to do square dance.

Dai Li showed a determined attitude, as he knew, without Bin Wang experiencing square dance for himself, he would never believe Dai Li's explanation.

"Coach Wang, if you trust me, please dance with us, to examine its effect," said Dai Li.

To this extent, although Bin Wang was still unwilling to dance, he finally compromised. The music rang out again, Bin Wang still extremely reluctant to dance after Dai Li.

Gradually, though, he felt his body temperature was increasing, and his adrenaline started secreting rapidly. Warmth spread in Bin Wang's body, and he felt that he was showering under sunshine on a summer day.

"Forward, swing, clap!" Dai Li's voice rang.

Bin Wang had followed up Dai Li's rhythm, and as Dai Li ordered, he clapped his hands. Bin Wang coordinated himself into square dance, his body moved with the music beats, while the warmth that swept over his body became scorching hot.

Sweat came out of his skin, and Bin Wang sensed that his body was fast turning to be quite active. Bin Wang was very familiar with such a feeling, and it only occurred after being fully warmed up!

Square dance can indeed warm up my body! Bin Wang was filled with astonishment.

Bin Wang used to be a Grand Slam ping-pong player in the past, and was once the world's No.1, and also was the previous "Big Brother" of the national ping-pong team. Therefore, he couldn't be more familiar with warming up. Years of experience helped him judge clearly what level of warm up could result in him being in the best status.

Now Bin Wang was sure that his body was ready, and in the best status, he even felt that, if he took the bat now, even Anshan Wang couldn't match him as an opponent. When such an idea came to his mind, Bin Wang's heart was shocked.

To compete with Anshan Wang? I have retired for more than ten years, why do I have such weird ideas! No, this is an adrenaline surge. When I was an athlete, I only had such surges when I was in extremely heightened and ideal conditions. After I became a coach, I have never experienced such feelings anymore. Why? Why would I feel such an adrenaline surge? Because of this square dance?

An appalled look displayed on Bin Wang's face. Talking about warming-up, to activate one's body was only the first step of the process, as an ideal warm up should also arouse morale, and make athletes remain in an excited mood.

Unfortunately, ordinary warming up could hardly raise athletes' morales. Think about this, shouting digital orders, while continuing in stretching arms or legs, how could those actions make one excited?

Hence, athletes all needed to raise their morale during training or competitions, to make themselves high. Of course, some athletes, like those with hyperactivity, didn't need to do so. They would be excited as soon as they began exercising.

Now, simply by square dancing, Bin Wang sensed such a similar stimulation, as if he had won several games already!

Dai Li didn't lie to me. Square dance can indeed warm up, moreover, it not only warmed up my body, but also raised my mood! This is really out of my expectation, that square dance could have such an amazing effect!

Bin Wang suddenly felt that he was on a new continent.