Almighty Coach - Page 452/475

“Alexander has won!” Sebastian cried in surprise.

From Sebastian’s perspective, it wasn’t surprising to see Alexander winning a competition. But it was beyond his imagination that Alexander had defeated Warton to win the race.

Was Warton too slow today? Thinking of that, Sebastian looked at the big scoreboard on the wall.

It showed that Warton’s score was 9.91 seconds, a pretty good score which could possibly get the gold medal in a race held by the International Association of Athletics Federations.

Warton was not slow, but he was defeated. Then, the only reason was that Alexander’s score was great. Sebastian found Alexander’s name on the scoreboard with his score beside it: 9.87 seconds.

A gap of 0.04 seconds was not enough for a blink and was too short to be felt by humans. But 0.04 seconds in the score of a sprint, especially in the score within 10 seconds, was a chasm.

Sebastian recalled the flying Alexander on the track. That man seemed just like Alexander at his peak four year ago!

Has he recovered to his best state? No. That’s impossible, totally impossible! Even if he could recover, he couldn’t be so fast. I couldn’t train him to be so fast. How could that Dai Li be better than me at training him?

The Sebastian’s self-confidence seemed to take a hit. He always considered himself the best track and field coach in the world. He thought what he couldn’t do must be impossible for other coaches as well.

But reality taught him a lesson. Alexander’s score of 9.87 seconds was telling everybody clearly that he had recovered his best state, as powerful now as he had been four years ago.

The Chinese coach is only a fitness coach. He is not a professional coach for sprint. How could he be better than me? And why could Alexander recover so quickly? Sebastian thought about that, rolling his eyes. Maybe the Chinese coach used something illegal! Yes! That makes sense!

His eyes were filled with the fire of hope again. He firmly believed that Alexander used stimulants to recover in such a short time to his state from four years before.

The champion must go through a urine test. He will be found out if he used a stimulant. He will be found out! Sebastian comforted himself.

The next day after the competition finished, Sebastian asked for the results of the urine test for the competition again and again. But he was disappointed by the fact that no one was found to have used stimulants.

He was unhappy about that, but soon he calmed down after he thought about it.

American biological labs usually had technologies that were more advanced than the technologies of the Anti-Doping Committee. For example, the Franklin Lab that was cooperating with Sebastian had a technology that was two years ahead of the Anti-Doping Committee of the IOC. The stimulants invented by the lab couldn’t be detected by the Anti-Doping Committee for another two years.

Products of the Franklin Lab could not be found out in a short period of time. So, it was possible for the product of other labs not to be found out either.

But what made Sebastian upset was that Alexander’s recovery was too fast.

Is the stimulant he is using more effective than the product of the Franklin Lab? Right. I see. It is the effect of the stimulant that has allowed him to recover so fast! He refused my partnership because he had another choice.

Sebastian helped athletes with stimulants. Therefore, he thought that Dai Li would also use stimulants. And Alexander’s outstanding performance made him believe more firmly that Alexander had used better stimulants.

But as I know, the products of the Franklin Lab are the best in the world. Where does Dai Li find the better stimulants? Is there another research institution that is working with him secretly?

Suddenly, he was very worried. He knew that Alexander would outachieve Warton greatly with both his talent and stronger stimulants.

The Franklin Lab’s technology has fallen behind others. I must tell them about this as soon as possible. And I must ask them to get Alexander’s body fluid sample!

Thinking about that, Sebastian took out his mobile phone and called the Franklin Lab.

Alexander walked to the door of the men’s room, only to find an “Out of Order” sign hanging on the door.

Out of order? He thought. But before he left for another toilet, the door opened and a young man dressed as a plumber came out.

“Sorry. The pipes inside weren’t working right. I’m repairing them. I have already repaired the first urinal, so you can use it, if you want,” said the plumber kindly.

“Okay. Thank you.” Alexander walked in and came to the first urinal.

“Yes. That one,” said the plumber, gazing at Alexander. It seemed that he wanted to watch Alexander pee.

It was very strange for one to be watched when he was peeing. Alexander couldn’t help squinting at the plumber.

Why does this guy keep staring at me and focusing on my dick? Is he homosexual? I must protect my *sshole. Alexander got goosebumps all over with this idea and he even found it difficult to pee.

At that moment, the plumber felt awkward, too. So, he turned around, pretending to be calm and trying to act like a stranger.

Alexander finished as quickly as he could and pressed the flushing button, and he found that it didn’t work.

“I haven’t fully repaired it yet,” the plumber said.

“Okay.” Alexander nodded and pulled his pants up quickly and then he ran out of the toilet.

He relaxed when he left the toilet and got to the corridor. He didn’t discriminate against gay men. But he didn’t want to be alone in a room with a gay man, especially when the gay man was staring strangely at his penis.


The sound of a shutting door came from behind Alexander.

The door is locked? Alexander looked at the door of the bathroom. The “Out of Order” sign was conspicuous.

A strange plumber! Alexander shook his head and walked out with big steps.

Andrew was an investigator of an investigation company. His job covered a wide range of tasks, including investigating hidden wealth, extramarital affairs, and the whereabouts of a specific artworks.

Andrew’s assignment that day was to get the urine sample of an athlete.

Andrew had seen many strange clients and gotten many strange assignments. But it was his first time on an assignment like this. However, as an experienced investigator, he would never be stopped by it. And what’s more, the commission of the assignment was a lot of money.

So, he disguised himself as a plumber, disabled the urinal, and hung a repair sign on the door of the toilet to wait for the athlete.

Everything went well. That athlete came to the toilet and peed in the urinal that Andrew had “repaired” in advance. And finally, Andrew got his urine sample.

The only thing that made Andrew unhappy was that the athlete thought he was gay!