Almighty Coach - Page 462/475

Alexander looked around, recalling his last participation in the Olympic Games.

At that time, Kittell was at the peak of his career life. And the most important task of the American Team in the Olympic Games was to challenge world-class Jamaican runner. But their efforts were in vain. The American Team led by Alexander spared no effort, but they couldn’t beat the great Kittell. And the 4×100 meter relay witnessed Kittell outrunning the American Team at the final baton. And America was defeated by Jamaica.

Many years had passed, and everything had changed. None of Kittell’s teammates in that Olympic Games attended this tryout. And many young faces showed up.

Although Alexander knew them, they felt like strangers.

So many young people this time! Alexander shook his head slightly. He was only 30 years old then. He was still strong, though as a sprinter, he was at the end of the peak of his physical condition. He was still able to get good achievements. But compared with those young athletes around him, he was already an old man.

Competition in the 100m sprint was always ruthless. And sprinters had a fast turnover. An athlete’s physical peak lasted for several years, and he would be active in races in those years. And years later when he was out of the period of his physical peak, he would be out of the competition, too.

And America was the greatest track and field superpower in the world, with endless good athletes. A large number of young people chose to be professional athletes every year. So, the generations of athletes cycled very quickly.

100m sprinters in other countries who achieved Olympic A Level were allowed to take part in the Olympic Games twice. At least they could take part in one Olympic Games and one World Championship. But in America, a country full of competition, taking part in the Olympic Games twice was a great achievement, which could be talked about proudly for a lifetime.

What’s more, the former king of the 100m sprint Kittell had retired, which made many 100m sprinters dream of being the next king. No one could challenge him when he was active in the field, but he had retired and left an empty throne behind. Every top sprinter in the 100m program hoped to replace Kittell as the new king of the 100m sprint, the fastest flying man in the world.

The Olympic Games was the best stage for the enthronement of a new king. Therefore, this tryout for the Olympic Games saw many athletes in the program of the 100m sprint. And those sprinters were more skillful than sprinters of previous years. The same thing was happening in other sprinting powers, especially Jamaica. Sprinters were competing fiercely for opportunities to take part in the Olympic Games. Each of them wanted to inherit the crown of “the fastest flying man in the world.”

While Alexander was reminiscing about all the changes, he sensed a hostile stare from one of the tracks beside him.

He is the talented sprinter, “the Miami Hurricane,” Warton. I beat him in the previous race. He must be dissatisfied with the result. He is seeking revenge this time!

Seeing Warton reminded Alexander of his former coach, Sebastian.

That coach is a “pharmacist.” But he is now the Chief Coach of the American National Team. I will be under his management again after I’m promoted. That’s terrible.

And this guy, Warton, is very good. I’m afraid he is as fast as I was in my youth. I might lose to him if he performs better today.

Foreseeing a hard race, Alexander took a deep breath to erase all thoughts and then he stood on the starting block to get himself fully prepared.

The starter raised the starting gun and asked all participants to be on their marks. Then the gun went off to mark the beginning of the 100m race.

Every sprinter in the 100m sprint final was brilliant. The eight sprinters in the final all had the ability to finish the race within 10 seconds. That was to say, each one of them could be the champion of Asia in the field of sprinting.

So, for the first 20 meters, they stayed very close. Tiny gaps among them were just the evidence of their different start reaction time. Sprinters whose start reaction time was shorter ran slightly ahead while those with a longer reaction time fell behind slightly. Only “slightly.”

It became a competition of acceleration after 20 meters. A faster acceleration led to an advantage. Some sprinters with a higher stride frequency had a greater advantage in acceleration.

An experienced sprinter ran in his own rhythm. The slight falling behind didn’t change his rhythm of running. And new sprinters were easily interrupted by their rival’s rhythm.

Sprinters in the final were all experienced. So everyone knew that the advantage in the first 50 meters was useless unless one could change this advantage into a victory.

In fact, the 100m sprint nowadays was a competition of strength in the latter part of the race, when the abilities of sprinters were almost the same.

After 50 meters, Alexander and Warton were almost at the same position.

Warton has grown faster since the last race! Alexander realized.

It had been several months since his last race with Warton. Alexander had been training hard for these months and he had fully recovered to his condition before he was banned. So, he was now more powerful.

Alexander would, of course, win against Warton if he ran the same speed that he had several months ago. But in this race, Warton wasn’t slower than Alexander, which showed that Warton had made great progress in these months.

It’s not surprising that he is called a talented sprinter. His progress is great after just a few months. If he keeps making such progress, it will lead him to be the champion of the Olympic Games this time.

Other sprinters besides Alexander and Warton also showed their strength. During the period from 50 meters to 70 meters, all participants stayed very close.

That Warton runs so fast today. I think he is as good as Alexander now. Just a few months have brought such great changes to him! Dai Li thought.

Dai Li was confident about his own training ability. It was his effective training that let Alexander make obvious progress these months.

But then Dai Li saw that Warton had made greater progress. A few months ago, he had been weaker than Alexander. But it turned out that he was likely to outperform Alexander in this race.

Something is wrong. My training is arguably the most effective with the help of the system. But Warton is making progress faster than Alexander. It means that the training he has received in recent months is more effective. I remember his coach Sebastian, who is also the coach of the American National Track and Field Team. That shows Sebastian is skillful enough. But it can hardly be possible for him to be better than me plus my system!

Alexander was the number two sprinter in the world. I just helped him recover, which is much easier than making a new athlete be the best. An experienced athlete already knows what he should and should not do. And his previous achievements made him more confident. A new athlete hasn’t gone through enough competitions, so he cannot rise to the top in a short time. And sports training is a step-by-step process that allows no sudden rise.

While Dai Li was thinking, the participants on the track entered the final sprint.

Alexander was still neck and neck with Warton. But the two were ahead of the other participants. The winner would be one of the two.

In the final 20 meters, Alexander had sped up to his limit.

And at the same time, he found that Warton was faster than him. Warton had a half-body-length lead.

He outran me! Alexander felt worried and tried his best.

Warton was faster than Alexander. Warton’s advantage was larger and larger as he reached the finish line.

The next moment saw the two crossing the line at almost the same time. The gap between the two was not big, and both crossed the line very fast. But it could be recognized that Warton crossed the finish line first.

Warton won!

Sebastian smiled from the main stand with satisfaction.

Alexander, do you still think that Warton is the same today as he was a few months ago? Is that beyond your imagination that he can make so much progress within these months? Do you regret refusing me? If you had chosen to be trained by me, you would have been the winner today. As I said before, the Franklin Lab is the best in the US!

Thinking of the Franklin Lab, Sebastian was a little guilty at the bottom of his heart.

By the way, the new product of the Franklin Lab is so effective. It applies well to young athletes like Warton who are still developing. It can activate their physical potentials more quickly. The Franklin Lab would not have given it to me in advance if it were not for Dai Li’s actions. But its effect is not so good on physically activated old athletes. So, I must have Dai Li’s new drug to cover both young and old athletes. I will be invincible!

“Warton won. He defeated Alexander in the final 20 meters to get the championship of the 100m sprint! His score is 9.83 seconds. A score at the top of the world, and very close to 9.80 seconds. I just looked up to find that it is the best score of the 100m sprint this year! And it ranks third among all American sprinters in history. I think he will be the Olympic champion if he can keep this score in the Olympics!” the commentator said. Immediately the audience broke into applause to congratulate Warton on the annual best achievement.

“And Alexander is the silver medalist with a score of 9.86 seconds, 0.03 seconds slower than Warton. Bad luck! But congratulations, too!”

Meanwhile, the screen on site showed all participants’ scores, and the wind speed, 1.7 m/s against the wind.

Being in the second place, Alexander won the opportunity to take part in the Olympic Games successfully. But he was not so happy, not only because he lost to Warton but also because that Warton’s fast progress had made Alexander afraid.

It was not so difficult for Alexander to win the last race between Warton and him. And at that time their scores were close. Alexander got 9.87 seconds and Warton got 9.91 seconds. Just a gap of 0.04 seconds.

But Warton was 0.03 seconds faster than Alexander this time. So, it was a gap of 0.07 seconds in total. But it only cost him a few months to get this gap. It was surprising progress. It was too surprising to be believable.

Is that because they ran against the wind? Is Warton better at running against the wind? Looking at the scoreboard, Dai Li was confused. Alexander got a score of 9.87 seconds last time with the wind. And he got 9.86 seconds this time against the wind. 0.01 seconds faster. But given the wind speed, Alexander had made a progress of more than 0.01 seconds.

In fact, for a sprinter who could finish the race within 9.90 seconds, being 0.01 seconds faster was a great achievement, which could be celebrated with a bottle of champagne.

But Warton was 0.08 seconds faster. His score was 9.91 seconds last time and 9.83 seconds this time.

Within the same period, Alexander would celebrate for an enhancement of 0.01 seconds. Warton’s improvement of 0.08 seconds deserved a special ceremony.

It’s abnormal! Did Sebastian provide Warton with drugs again? Alexander knew Sebastian’s tricks. So, he thought of the possibility at once,and became furious.

It’s okay if I lose to him because of strength, like I lost to Kittell. But I lost to such tricks. D*mn it!

Alexander’s eyes were filled with anger for a moment. But he knew there was nothing he could do against Sebastian. As he knew, Sebastian would not be trapped. The drug would not be found out as long as he dared to use it.

And what’s more, he was the Chief Coach of the American National Track and Field Team!

I can’t believe that Alexander lost to Warton. Alexander’s performance was good enough today. The score of 9.86 seconds means that he has fully recovered to his best condition. But he lost. Maybe his rival had a better luck today and performed better. Dai Li shook his head with regret. And then he looked to other scores on the scoreboard.

As the track and field superpower, America has many talents of track and field. Except for the eighth, all participants finished the race within 10 seconds. Generally, the final of the American Tryout reaches a higher level than the final of the Olympic Games.

The 100m sprint ended, and tomorrow will be the preliminary competition of the 200m race. It’s lucky that Warton won’t take part in the 200m race. A strong rival won’t be there. So, Shawn Ford, you must try your best to be the champion!