Playing Patience - Page 26/96

She wanted teasing? Then teasing was what she was going to get.

“Nothing that comes out of my mouth is fun? I resent those words. My tongue comes out of my mouth and I’ve been told multiple times that it’s fun.”

Her eyes got large and she started to blush again. Damn, I liked making her blush.

“I should probably go talk to the director and find out what they need me to do. It was nice talking to you again, but we should definitely stay away from each other, I think.” She stood and her chair screeched across the gym floor.

“Definitely.” I jokingly agreed.

I watched her ass in her tiny gym shorts as she walked away. To be so petite, she had the most beautiful thighs and calves and I was starting to wonder what it would feel like with them wrapped around me. As much as I tried to fight it, she was starting to grow on me, which meant staying away from her was my best bet. A girl from her side of town had no business messing with a guy like me. On the off chance she decided she wanted to take a ride on the Zeke Express, I needed to make it clear she wasn’t welcomed around me. I knew myself and if she ever offered, I would jump all over that.

Of course, that plan was shot to hell when she finished talking to the director of the Boy’s Club.

“Looks like I’m stuck with you,” she said as she plopped into the seat beside me.

She blew at the piece of hair that kept escaping her ponytail and rolled her eyes.

“Well, I was here first. Plus, I have to be here, while you’re only here so you can flirt with young boys.” I didn’t look up from my phone.

“I’m not here to… You know what? I’m not even responding to that. It’s too late. I said I would volunteer for a month, so I will, but once the month’s up I’m out of here.” She blew at the piece of hair again and my fingers itched to push it behind her ear.

Then she got up and walked over to the young boys and started talking with them.

“You guys like playing basketball?” she asked as she tried to dribble a ball. It bounced away from her and the smallest boy chased it down.

“Yeah, basketball’s our favorite sport. What’s your favorite sport?” the one named Riley asked.

“I play soccer. You guys know anything about soccer?”

I watched from afar as she very patiently kicked the ball around with the boys. She was teaching them how to softly kick the ball with the inside of their foot. She would clap and get excited when they did well and pat them on the back and tell them to keep trying when they didn’t. It was kind of amazing to watch. She was so caring, sweet, and patient with the boys. Again, I was struck with how perfect her name was for her.

“Are you the goalie?” the smallest boy asked as he wiped at his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand.

“No, I’m the girl who kicks the goals. I’m the striker.” She smiled proudly.

I bet she looked so hot all sweaty in those little, gym shorts. I shook my head, trying to shake out the image of Patience pulling off that tank top and having a sexy little sports bra underneath.

When our hour was up, I pushed up from my chair and stretched. Sitting for almost an hour in that tiny chair had my ass numb and my legs stiff.

“Okay, boys, I guess I’ll see y’all tomorrow.” I yawned.

“Yeah, he doesn’t want to miss the chance for a nice hour-long nap,” Patience joked with the boys.

They all laughed. She looked over at me and the smile on her face was so bright and happy that I caught myself smiling back at her. As soon as I realized it, I turned and walked away. I didn’t even tell her good-bye. I stopped by the bathroom to take a piss before I left and then I pushed on the heavy blue doors of the gymnasium and walked into a shadowed evening. It was close to dark and parents who’d just got off from work were showing up to collect their kids. I threw on my black hoodie and started toward my car.

My door creaked as I opened it and jumped inside. I cranked up my loud engine and turned on my headlights. They shined directly on Patience who was sitting on the curb out front. I sat a minute and debated leaving her there, but the thought of her being stuck in the dark alone bothered me. I pulled up next to her and she looked up and rolled her eyes.

“Don’t you have car, rich girl?”

I knew it was an asshole thing to say, but I said it anyway.

“Yes, I have a car.” She looked back down at her phone and dismissed me.

“Then why are you sitting out here instead of driving it home?”

I knew I should just pull off and be done with it, but this wasn’t the greatest place for a pretty girl like Patience to be sitting in the dark alone.