Armed & Dangerous (Cut & Run #5) - Page 30/43

“If you can’t ride me properly, I’m gonna have to flip you back over,” he said before reaching up to jerk Zane’s head down for a demanding, desperate, possessive kiss.

Zane hunched over to help with the kiss and without warning pushed up from his knees nearly off Ty’s cock before slamming himself down, taking Ty’s cock all the way with one smooth motion. “Properly?” he growled when he broke the kiss.

Ty’s hands gripped Zane’s waist, and he called out, encouraging his lover for more. He fell back again, hands sliding to Zane’s hips. He loved to feel the supple movements of Zane’s hips when they were fucking. Zane had never ridden him before, but they would definitely be doing this again.

“God, you’re so hot,” he groaned, pushing his hips up to shove his cock hard into Zane.

Zane started moving again, up and down, and then he’d sit flat and shift his hips forward, dragging himself along Ty’s cock, before pushing back hard. Then he leaned over, braced himself on one hand, and started riding Ty in earnest, his balls and half-hard cock pinned between them.

Ty cried out and bucked his hips. He pulled his feet up to give him more leverage and tried to meet Zane’s movements with his own. Their damp bodies slapped together, and he could feel himself pushing past that tight ring of muscle with almost every one of Zane’s movements. It didn’t take long for him to curl upward, the orgasm seeming to start in his toes and work itself through him.

His fingers grasped at Zane’s shoulder and side urgently as he shoved his cock deep into him one last time, and Zane kept moving, riding him hard through the pulses of his orgasm. Ty finally cried out, a hoarse, desperate sound, fingernails digging into Zane’s skin as he bucked his hips.

He shuddered as Zane finally slowed and leaned over to kiss him.

Ty’s fingers shook as he reached for him. His entire body did. He kissed Zane with tangible relief, wrapping his arms around him and holding him. Zane sighed and settled over him, pressing his chest against Ty’s sweaty skin and placing gentle kisses at his temple.

Ty didn’t even try to calm his breathing, just let himself pant and gasp for air as he hugged Zane to him, then closed his eyes. “That was fun,” he said, breathless.

Zane’s soft rumble of laughter reverberated through both their chests, and he nodded.

“We’re going to need a really big towel,” Ty murmured as he turned his head to press his mouth against Zane’s temple.

Zane chuckled again and sighed. “Shower.”

Ty hummed a negative. “Then I won’t smell like you when I wake up.”

Zane pushed himself up on one elbow so he could look at Ty. “That’s… ridiculously romantic.”

Ty laughed. “Don’t sound so surprised.”

Zane nipped at Ty’s bottom lip to stop the laugh. “I’m not.”

Ty reached up to kiss him again, slow and careful. “Better let me up,” he finally said with real regret.

Zane’s fingers tightened on his arms for a moment before relaxing and releasing him. “For now,” Zane allowed before climbing off him.

Ty lay there for a moment, still recovering. Then he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, fighting down the light-headedness that he knew would come after mind-blowing sex. “Back in a minute,” he said, and he headed for the door to the bathroom on unsteady legs.

He felt pretty confident in letting Julian and Cameron stay on their own for the night. After the noise he and Zane had made, the other two men could have no doubt what they’d been up to, and they were smart enough not to bother Ty and Zane tonight.

Ty smiled to himself. That, or they had used the golden opportunity to finally escape. At this point, he really didn’t care.

Chapter 13

THE soft click of the door brought Cameron out of his doze, and he opened sleepy eyes as the bed dipped on the other side. It was Julian, back from a patrol of the hotel, most likely. Cameron smiled. Julian’s protective instinct was one of his most endearing traits. He slid his hand out from under the pillow to reach for Julian’s. Julian’s cool fingers glided across his palm in the darkness. He felt Julian move, sliding himself into the bed with his usual careful movements.

“Go back to sleep,” he whispered, almost at Cameron’s ear.

Cameron hummed as he scooted toward Julian’s warmth. “Everything okay?” he murmured before yawning.

Julian’s arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer. He sighed as he settled Cameron against his chest and rested his chin on top of Cameron’s head. It was the same contented sound he almost always made when he held Cameron to him. “I’m not sure. I’ve made several attempts to contact Preston, but he’s… simply gone.”

“Really?” Cameron woke up a little, though he nestled as close as he could get, inhaling Julian’s warm, spicy scent. “What does that mean?”

“I hope it means he’s smart and he’s cut and run before he can be dragged into this too.”

“You don’t really believe that, though.”

“No. Preston wouldn’t run. I have an awful feeling.”

Cameron wrapped around him with a frown, knowing there wasn’t much he could do to alleviate the worry or stress.

They hadn’t heard from the other room in a while, and Cameron found himself smiling as he thought about the two tough, acerbic FBI agents. “It’s so cute. They’re in love.”

“It’s like watching two kittens fight with machetes,” Julian muttered.


“What? It’s weird!”

“No, it’s not. They’re perfect for each other. Poor Zane, though,” Cameron murmured. “In love with Ty Grady.” He couldn’t imagine how frustrating that would be. Then Julian inhaled, and Cameron chuckled slightly. Yeah, he could, actually. “Did I tell you that Ty cuddled Wesson when he was at the apartment?”

“He cuddled him?”

“He picked him up and cuddled him like a baby. I should have known right then that he was just as evil as you are.”

“Interesting. You mentioned he picked him up. And Wesson let him?”

“He purred.”

“Oh my God.”

“And then begged for more.”

“The little harlot.”

Cameron laughed, hiding his face against Julian’s shoulder.

“My opinion of them both has been slightly altered, I’m afraid,” Julian admitted. “Grady’s still a complete wanker, of course, but….”

Cameron blinked his eyes open and pulled back to see Julian’s face. “Why is that?”

“It’s twice as terrifying, working with someone you love. A mistake could cost you everything. It makes what they do that much more… impressive.”

“That’s what you do with me, sweetheart,” Cameron said gently.

Julian laughed. “No, I can trust you to be smart and stay out of trouble. You’re not… in the thick of things, usually.”

Cameron swatted at his chest.

“You are everything to me,” Julian whispered in his ear.

“You know you are impossible to resist,” Cameron said with a sniff, cuddling back into his arms. He sighed and added, “I think I must have loved you before you spoke a word to me.”

“All part of my charm.”

Cameron smiled and tipped his head back so he could kiss Julian’s jaw. “You’re so humble.”

“Which adds to my charm.”

“Hustler,” Cameron said as he reached up with one hand to tip Julian’s chin down toward him.

Julian kissed him hard suddenly, holding him tight and delving into the passionate kiss. Cameron inhaled through his nose but snaked one arm up and around Julian’s neck as he gave himself over. Julian could be disconcertingly tender, at odds with his demeanor and size, but he could also be demanding and rough, and Cameron loved it both ways.

Julian broke the kiss but didn’t loosen his hold on Cameron as he took a deep breath. “Have I told you lately how lucky I am to have you?”

“No,” Cameron answered as his chest began to ache. It did that around Julian an awful lot.

“I should tell you every day,” Julian whispered to him. “Seeing those two struggling to love each other and forced to hide it from the world….” He shook his head sorrowfully. “You’re everything to me, Cameron.”

Cameron smiled as his pulse sped. “I’m a lucky man. I love you, Julian. If I didn’t stop when you died on me, it’ll never change.”

Julian kissed him again, his long fingers spreading over Cameron’s back as he tightened his arms around him. Cameron sank into his embrace, pushing away any thoughts of danger or separation. They were together right now, and that was what was important.

ZANE watched the sun go down and the room fill with darkness in the few minutes Ty was in the bathroom. He stretched on the bed, enjoying the slide of lube and come between his thighs. Muscle fatigue complemented by satiation lulled him into quiet thoughts as he waited for his lover to return. He tucked his arm behind his head and stared up at the ceiling as his mind wandered around reflections and memories of Ty—no big surprise there; that was where his mind almost always wandered.

The bathroom door creaked as Ty pushed it open, but that was all the noise he made as he crept through the darkness. Zane could barely see him, but the dim light picked up on his naked skin and the white towel he held in his hand.

It was always fun—and arousing—to watch Ty move, naked or not. He was like a wild cat, all lean, economic, smooth movement that was hypnotizing. He came closer to the bed, steps careful, eyes still adjusting to the darkness. He crawled up the bed and over Zane without a word, taking care not to rub against his sticky belly. He kissed him soundly before climbing off him and laying the towel on Zane’s chest.

“You okay?” he asked in a low whisper.

Zane nodded and moved one hand to put the damp towel to use, but he kept his eyes on Ty. He just didn’t want to look away.

Ty shook his head, grinning so that Zane could see the white of his teeth. He shifted, stretching out his shoulders before rolling onto his side and propping his head on his hand as he looked at Zane. It would be a trick for them to sleep in the double bed without one or both of them ending up on the floor at least once. But Zane figured he might just curl up around Ty close enough that it wouldn’t matter.

Zane finished with the towel and tossed it to the floor. When he glanced back, that grin was still in place on Ty’s lips. Zane snorted, enjoying the sparkle in Ty’s eyes. He reached out and let his fingers coast down Ty’s cheek to drift over the compass rose at his neck. “You know how to break me.”

“That’s the last thing on my mind,” Ty murmured. He scooted forward and pressed his lips to Zane’s. He didn’t try to deepen the kiss or grope Zane like he usually did. It was a simple, sweet gesture, one that he ended all too soon as he rolled onto his back once more.

He put one arm under his head and stretched the other out under Zane’s neck. “Come here,” he said in a low voice.

Zane shifted to curl against Ty’s warm body under the curve of his arm. He slid his hand over Ty’s waist and settled his arm there so he could hold Ty as well.

Ty turned his head enough to nuzzle his nose and mouth against Zane’s. He wrapped his arm around Zane’s shoulders and held him close, bringing his other hand to his waist to rest on Zane’s hand there. He was silent, his body loose and still. Zane had rarely ever felt Ty when he was truly relaxed. Even in sleep or after drinking, his muscles always seemed to be tight and tense, his body ready for action.

Zane hummed. “Wish I had this effect on you more often.”

“What effect?”

“This one,” Zane said as he slid his hand up Ty’s torso until he could trace Ty’s lax features with his fingers. “You’re so relaxed. It’s quite a sight.”

“I’m always relaxed,” Ty mumbled, though the smile in his voice told Zane he was merely poking fun at himself. He hugged Zane closer, kissing his forehead.

“Is this the result of your little sabbatical?”

“Partly. Mostly it’s my dangerous lack of caffeine right now.”

Zane smiled, and he couldn’t help but ask, “Where’d the sandalwood come from?”

“Deuce. His crazy yoga girlfriend has gotten him on board the scent therapy stuff. It’s supposed to relieve stress. I don’t know if it works; I just think it smells good.”

Zane laughed, and Ty chuckled along with him. The warmth soaking through Zane was heady and addictive. He couldn’t remember being this content to just be still and next to Ty, although it was always pleasant. Now it meant even more, because Zane knew exactly how special this was.

He would never have imagined, even after their first night together, when Ty had held him all night, that they could ever have this.

“I was sure, when we met, that you were a straight-arrow ladies’ man,” Zane said. He pressed a soft kiss to the hollow of Ty’s shoulder.

Ty laughed. “You were half-right.”

Zane pushed himself up so he could look at Ty. “How’s that work?” he asked, a smile pulling at his lips.


“Half-straight? Half ladies?” Zane poked at Ty’s belly, his finger hitting hard muscle. “You’ve never mentioned any other men.”

Ty shifted again and reached up to run his hand down Zane’s arm, letting his fingers play over Zane’s muscles. “I think it’s been pretty half and half, who I’m attracted to. Most of the other men I’ve been with have been one-time hookups,” he admitted, words careful, as if he were trying to gauge Zane’s reaction as he said it.