Stars & Stripes (Cut & Run #6) - Page 20/42

Jesus, waiting until they got home was going to kill him.

“Will you sing something for me?” he asked, low and intimate.

Ty swallowed hard, and their eyes locked as Ty licked his lips. “Anything you want to hear.”

Zane’s heart rate ratcheted up. He set his glass down and stood. “Time for a quick break,” he said under his breath. He needed to cool off.

Ty nodded, frowning as Zane moved away. He excused himself from the table, and a moment later he was at Zane’s side, fingers sliding around Zane’s arm. “You okay?”

Zane cleared his throat and managed a laugh. Having Ty so close wasn’t helping him calm down enough for public consumption. He shifted his weight and met Ty’s eyes. The crowded bar seemed to slow around them, fading into the background as Zane’s world narrowed to the man in front of him.


Zane nodded. They didn’t have to stay in public, and Zane wanted him badly. A few minutes away wouldn’t be a problem. “Come on.”

Ty frowned in confusion, but after a glance back at the table, he followed Zane without questioning him again. Zane headed for the back of the honky-tonk, where there were tiny bathrooms and lines a mile long. It would be quieter there away from the music, and they could talk. Or not talk.

They were in the back hallway, at the end of the line for the ladies’ room, when Zane spotted a utility room door open. He stopped and turned to Ty. Ty gave him a wary look, as if he knew Zane was about to do something stupid. Zane could hardly believe he was considering this, but he figured they’d done worse.

He gave Ty a grin, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him into the utility closet. Ty flailed but didn’t make a sound as Zane yanked him, and as soon as the door shut, he grunted in surprise and annoyance. With their eyes not yet adjusted, it was impossible for them to see each other. Zane groped for the lock, and turned it with a muffled click.

“What the hell, man?” Ty asked as he found Zane’s shoulder with his fingers.

Zane chuckled, found the light switch and flipped it, illuminating a single, bare, low-wattage bulb above them. “I needed a break.”

“In the broom closet?” Ty leaned against the door and met Zane’s eyes, smiling and shaking his head.

Zane moved in close, placing a palm flat on the door on each side of Ty’s shoulders, caging him in. “A little more private than a bathroom stall.”

Ty raised his head, making his hat hit the door and slide up away from his eyes. “That kind of break,” he said, a hint of playful sarcasm to his words. “It’s the hat, isn’t it? Just can’t help yourself.”

“The hat just makes it worse,” Zane growled. He pressed his body to Ty’s, touching from chest to knee.

“Want me to take it off?”

Zane had had enough teasing, and he decided to shut Ty up in the only way that ever consistently worked: he leaned in to capture Ty’s full lips in a voracious kiss.

Ty’s arms snaked around him, fingers digging at Zane’s shoulders. He hummed against the kiss, and when Zane pulled back, Ty panted, “I’ve been wanting you to do that all night.”

Zane dragged his hands down Ty’s sides. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”

Ty arched, fingers gliding under Zane’s belt at the small of his back. “Do it again,” he said with a nod of encouragement and a lopsided grin.

“Bossy,” Zane teased, but he did lower his head to indulge in another hard kiss.

Ty’s hands found their way under his shirt, yanking at it to untuck it and slide his warm hands up Zane’s back. “We’ve really got to stop doing this out in public,” Ty mumbled, sounding insincere as he continued to work Zane’s shirt loose and drag his hands against Zane’s bare skin.

Zane abandoned the thin pretext of just making out and shifted to straddle Ty’s thigh. He bit at Ty’s neck as he ground against him hard, thumping Ty back against the door. “You look so fucking hot tonight,” he growled.

Ty laughed breathlessly. Zane could feel Ty’s heart hammering, his pulse picking up. Ty’s quiet, furtive breaths against Zane’s skin were intoxicating and heady. Zane pulled Ty’s shirt from his waistband before reaching for Ty’s belt buckle, all the while licking at Ty’s lips and kissing him again, hard and messy. He didn’t bother to swallow the soft groans he might normally have worried about someone overhearing. The music was so loud in the bar that someone could stand right at the door to this closet and not hear a peep.

“Fuck, Zane,” Ty gasped, sounding both exasperated and turned on. He grasped at Zane’s belt, at his sides, his shoulders, anywhere he could touch. But he seemed content to let Zane have his way. And right now, Zane was of a mind to have it hard and fast.

He slid his hand under Ty’s briefs to squeeze Ty’s cock. “I should make you get on your knees,” he whispered, lips moving against Ty’s ear. Ty shuddered against him, obviously liking the idea. “Then again, maybe I’ll just fuck you right up against this door.”

Ty huffed out a breath and bit his lip against a smile. “That could probably be arranged.” Lord knew they’d both had a number of back-room encounters like this in their lives. Just never with each other.

Zane’s reply came out a rumble as he claimed another kiss. He pushed Ty’s jeans and briefs down to his thighs, groping as he went. He knew Ty was humoring him—about the locale if nothing else—and he planned to enjoy it to the hilt. Literally. He pulled one hand away and reached into his back pocket, where he’d stashed a single-use packet of lubricant when he’d changed clothes.

Ty burst out laughing when he saw it. “Is that a travel pack of lube? I didn’t even know they made those.”

Zane grinned. “Where the hell have you been buying your lube?”

“You’ve been buying it, Zane.”

Zane slapped Ty’s hip just hard enough to sting. “You hold still,” he instructed, and in one smooth motion, he went down on his knees and sucked Ty’s cock between his lips.

He heard Ty’s head bang against the door behind him. The hat dropped at his side, either tossed to the ground or knocked off. Ty’s hand tangled in Zane’s hair, and he pushed his hips forward.

The times Zane had done this, he’d been slow and careful and thorough. Tonight he sucked hard and fast and messy, taking Ty in over and over.

“Fuck, Zane!” Ty gritted out. He tugged at Zane’s hair, and his hips pushed away from the door, thrusting into Zane’s mouth without the care he usually took.

Zane managed to take a balancing hand off Ty long enough to tear open the lube packet and squeeze some out, and then he reached around Ty to slide the tip of his finger inside him and rub as he kept sucking. He was burning up inside; all he wanted was to hear Ty yell as he fucked him wild.

“Christ, you were serious,” Ty stuttered. He turned his shoulder, as if struggling to remain motionless and let Zane do what he was doing.

Zane pulled his mouth free and wrapped his fingers around Ty to pump his cock. “Fuck, yeah, I’m serious,” he growled, pushing the tip of his thumb into Ty.

Ty groaned wantonly, arching his back away from the door. Zane felt the steady beat of the music in the floor and the walls, heard the commotion of people just on the other side of the flimsy wooden door. None of it mattered. He pushed his thumb as far as it would go and shuttled it in and out as he licked around the head of Ty’s cock. He focused on Ty’s face, watching the pleasure there, letting it fan his own desire.

“Baby,” Ty gasped, closing his eyes as his hand tightened painfully in Zane’s hair. His entire body was taut, just one breath away from snapping. And Zane knew that voice. If he didn’t want it down his throat, he had to stop right now.

He thought twice about it, wondering what it would be like, if it would turn him on half as much as he thought it would. He’d almost convinced himself to try it once or twice, chickening out at the last moment and letting Ty come on his lips or his chin instead, which had been hot enough on its own.

He didn’t want to risk losing his nerve again and getting come all over his shirt, though.

So he lurched to his feet and turned Ty around, thumping his chest against the door. He used the rest of the lube on himself, letting his cock push against Ty’s ass as he stroked himself. He was so hard and hot, even the warm air in this little closet felt cool to him, and he wasted no time widening his stance and shoving into Ty.

Ty cried out, splayed his fingers against the door, and threw his head back, resting it on Zane’s shoulder. He shouted again, almost like he was in pain, as Zane pushed past those tight muscles, then turned his head into a desperate kiss and Zane bit at his lip and shoved his cock in harder.

Zane grunted and started to thrust as their mouths bumped and slid. He could feel the scrape of his jeans on his inner thighs, taste the beer on Ty’s tongue, hear women laughing outside the door. It all just heightened the sensations of fucking the hottest man in the bar in a messy back-room encounter.

Ty felt so fucking incredible against him. Zane dragged his hands up and down tight muscles and slammed Ty against the door again. Ty had to stand on his tiptoes as Zane fucked him.

Zane growled and gave himself over to the hunger, dropping any pretense of self-control. Ty was keeping up a litany of curses, and the occasional gasp tore from him with Zane’s more brutal thrusts. He pushed against the door for leverage, back into Zane, grinding their bodies together and making it more violent and messy than it already was.

“Come on,” Zane taunted with a sharp thrust. He dug his fingers into Ty’s hips, trying for any small bit of control he could get. “Paint the door for me, and you’ll be feeling my cum drip out of you the rest of the night.”

Ty growled back, moving one hand between himself and the door. Zane could imagine what that hand was doing, and it made his groin cramp. Then Ty’s head was on his shoulder again, and Ty was crying out his name as his body tightened and pulsed around Zane’s cock.

Zane hunched over, grabbing Ty’s ass and spreading him apart as he fucked him brutally for five or six thrusts, nailing him to the door. He let out a long moan, and his hips stuttered as he began to come.

For all the frantic violence of the coupling, his climax spun out slow and scorching, and it left him dizzy, almost staggering as it went on and on. He could feel the cum slipping out of Ty, dripping down his cock, and yet it continued.

Ty reached back and clutched Zane’s hip, and Zane dragged his teeth against Ty’s shoulder, still thrusting, still coming. Ty rested his head against the door, panting. Zane leaned forward and pressed his forehead to Ty’s shoulder as he gasped for breath, moaning as he pulled out of his lover.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Ty gasped, so low that it probably wasn’t meant for Zane’s ears.

Zane huffed a short laugh and wrapped his arms around Ty from behind, hugging him close. “Love you,” he whispered against Ty’s ear.

Ty laughed, nodding as his body relaxed. Zane smiled and nuzzled his cheek, kissing him. The gentle caress was a wild contrast, especially since his pulse was still thundering.

Ty turned his head, grinning as he tried to catch his breath. “Certain parts of me are going to cramp if you don’t let me go.”

Zane grunted. He released Ty and stepped back, then glanced around the room and grabbed a roll of paper towels off a shelf.

Ty leaned against the door, watching Zane from under lowered brows and smirking. After wiping off, Zane offered Ty the roll and smirked right back.

“You know I have to ask.”

Zane finished tucking himself in and zipping up. Instead of answering right away, he leaned over and picked up the Stetson, dusted it off, and placed it back on Ty’s head. “Ask?”

“I mean . . . what the hell?” Ty laughed. “What brought this on?”

Zane sighed in satisfaction, stepped close, and kissed Ty soundly. “Must be the Old Spice.”

Ty smiled, his gaze softening “I love you too,” he said. “Now let me pull my pants up, huh? You can’t wear a hat with your junk hanging out.”

Zane laughed raucously. “They’re probably wondering where we are.”

Ty pulled his jeans up and buckled his belt. His eyes crossed as he looked up at the brim of the Stetson. “There’s no cum on this hat, is there?” he asked, deadpan.

“No.” Zane unlocked the door, then paused and gave Ty a smug look. “You look like you’ve been totally fucked over.”

Ty rolled his eyes and peered down at himself, fixing the buttons of his shirt and smoothing his hands over the material. Zane chuckled as he opened the door just a bit to check the hallway. And flinched in surprise. Annie was leaning against the wall opposite the closet door, arms crossed, waiting in line for the bathroom. She looked up when the door opened, and her expression swiftly morphed into an evil smile.

“Aw, hell,” Zane muttered.

He felt Ty move, ducking behind the door.

“Well, that explains your disappearance,” Annie said. Her lips compressed like she was trying not to laugh. “Is this what they mean when they talk about coming out of the closet?”

Zane glared at her, and she gave up and laughed.

“God, she’s as bad with the puns as you are,” Ty said from behind the door.

Zane pulled it the rest of the way open, still glaring at her. “You’re just all kinds of clever, aren’t you?”

Ty pointed at Zane as he looked at Annie. “His fault.”

Annie raised one eyebrow at Zane. All he could do was shrug. She grinned again and turned her gaze on Ty.