Ball & Chain (Cut & Run #8) - Page 6/42

“Can you say hello?” he asked.

“Hello,” Amelia echoed.

Zane lifted her a little higher, holding out his fist to show her. “Can you give Nick a fist bump?”

Nick gave Ty a wary sideways glance, but he held his fist up to the little girl. Her eyes were shining when she punched her fist to his, but it didn’t end there. She pulled her hand back and spread her fingers, making an exploding sound as she did so, and then she came back for a second bump.

Nick and Kelly laughed raucously as Zane hugged her tight. “That’s my girl!”

“How in the hell did you become the favorite?” Ty grumbled. He looked genuinely upset, and Zane gave him an apologetic smile. He’d actually spent more time with Ty’s niece than Ty had because of the deployment, and he’d overcome his awkwardness with children to become quite comfortable with her. He carried her over to the golf cart, leaving Ty to gather the rest of Zane’s bags for him.

Ty and Nick piled the bags onto the cage on top of the cart. Nick and Kelly took the rear seat, facing backward, and Zane set Amelia between himself and Ty as Deacon guided them toward the main house.

“Pretty swank, Deuce,” Ty said, leaning forward so he wouldn’t have to yell.

“Oh my God, wait until you see the house,” Deuce said, laughing.

“My granddaddy had a flair for the dramatic,” Livi told them. “I mean, the place was pretty dramatic to start with from what I understand, but he completely gutted and redid it when he inherited it.

“How long’s the island been in your family?” Zane asked.

“A little over a century. When the steel boom started and the robber baron era came along, my great-great-grandfather bought the island and built the mansion as a way to escape public outcry when his dealings went shady.”

Zane raised both eyebrows, impressed with her candid handling of her family’s not-so-stellar history. “Wow.”

“I’m going to die in Scotland,” Nick said under his breath. “In a kilt.”

Zane coughed to cover his laugh.

“The castle ruins on the lee side of the island are from the sixteenth century. But the main house was built in the late 1800s,” Livi continued. “The island was produced by an extinct volcano, so it’s riddled with caves, lava tubes, and cliffs. The house is built near the highest cliff, actually. You guys should have plenty of territory to explore.”

Nick turned around, putting his arm over Ty’s shoulder and leaning closer to hear. “Did she say lava?”

Ty shook his head. “You’re not going to die in Scotland.”

Livi smiled sympathetically at him. “Deacon tells me you and Kelly are both members of Ty’s Recon team.”

“Yes ma’am,” Nick answered.

“Sidewinder, right?”

Nick and Kelly both nodded.

“So do all of you make a habit of being bitten by snakes, or was that like a personal journey of discovery for you?”

Deuce and Ty burst out laughing, and Livi covered her mouth like she was embarrassed for making fun. Amelia giggled, even though she didn’t know why. Zane glanced sideways to see Nick pursing his lips and nodding like he was trying to hide a smile.

“Everyone’s a comedian,” he finally muttered, turning back around and shaking his head.

“I still love you, babe,” Kelly said to him, patting him on the knee.

“Shut up.”

Livi finally got control of her laughter and continued talking. “I have to apologize, when Ty told us you were bringing a date, we just assumed . . . the room you have has one queen-sized bed.”

“That’s fine,” Nick said. “We’ve shared before.”

“You’re sure? We could probably do some creative switching, maybe find you two twins.”

“No, we’re good,” Kelly insisted. “Thank you, though. He brought me for a free week in Scotland. Least I can do is put out.”

“You damn right you will,” Nick said. They both laughed.

It took another few minutes to reach the house, and even Zane’s eyes widened at the sight of the place. It was a Gothic revival mansion, with spires and gables and ancient windowpanes that sparkled in the weak sunlight, all of it made of aged stone and dark brick.

They sat and stared at it as Deuce and Livi clambered out of the cart. Kelly leaned forward to peer up at the structure, then turned to Nick grimly. “You’re going to die in Scotland.”

Nick just nodded, his mouth gaping open.

“Jesus Christ,” Ty whispered.

Four porters appeared to retrieve their luggage, leaving them free to gawk at the house as Livi led them toward the intimidating front entry. Zane instinctively clutched Amelia closer as they stepped under the front archway and through the massive wooden door.

The inside of the house was pleasantly light and airy, though, with none of the doom and gloom of the exterior. The wooden floors were a light gray color, covered with cream-colored fiber rugs to soften their appearance. The walls had all been plastered over and painted in cool colors, with the exception of the occasional artful patch of stone showing through to remind visitors of the age of the stately home. The light fixtures were all glittering centerpieces hanging high above their heads, illuminating surprisingly modern décor with comfortable-looking furniture and family photos dotted throughout, rather than deer heads or family crests like Zane had half expected.

Livi stood in the foyer, extending her arms. “Welcome to Stanton Hall. I can give you the grand tour now, take you right to the kitchen for some snacks, or show you where your rooms are so you can rest.”

Kelly and Nick both raised their hands, and said almost in unison, “Rest, please.”

Livi laughed and nodded. She took Amelia from Zane, rubbing her nose against the baby’s cheek. “I’ll show you to your room.”

Nick and Kelly trailed after her, still checking out the massive house as they climbed the grand staircase.

“I wouldn’t mind a bite to eat,” Zane said. “Maybe some coffee.”

Ty took a step and craned his head, watching Nick and Kelly as they disappeared onto the second level. “I’d like a tour.”

Deuce took Ty’s arm in his to lean on him as he walked. “I’ll lead Zane to the kitchen and give you a halfass tour, how about that?”

“Where is everyone?” Zane asked.

“Guests won’t arrive until the day of the ceremony. Until then, it’s just family and the wedding party.”

“Jesus, Deacon, what the hell have you gotten yourself into?” Ty hissed.

Deuce lowered his voice, trying not to laugh. “I was just going for the hot yoga girl, okay?”

Zane cackled as he followed after them.

Deuce led them through the great hall, pointing out different rooms as they passed. There was a gentleman’s study and a billiards room, a living room and a parlor, an office with the door closed, a sitting room, a morning room and a dining room, and a hallway that led off toward even more rooms, which Deuce claimed included a pool and a theater.

The kitchen was located at the bottom of a flight of curved stairs. Zane had to duck.

A white-haired, cherubic little woman was bustling around the kitchen, humming softly as she prepared what looked like a simple, huge dinner. She stopped and smiled when she noticed them.

“Gentlemen, this is Mrs. Aileen Boyd. Stanton Hall’s cook,” Deuce told them. “Mrs. Boyd, this is my brother Ty and his partner Zane.”

Aileen came over to greet them. She had a splotch of flour on her cheek. She was holding a large knife in one rubber-gloved hand. Ty discreetly leaned away from it. “Lovely to meet you both,” she said, her smile genuine and warm. “You’ve come for food, have you?”

Zane glanced around the kitchen and shook his head. “You’re so busy here, we wouldn’t dare bother you.”

“Oh, don’t be silly!” Aileen said with a wave of her hand that coated Ty in a fine mist of flour. “You’ve been traveling, and big boys need big food. Here, you just take whatever you need.” She headed back to her work station, offering up the entirety of the kitchen to them.

Ty gave Deuce a hesitant glance, and Deuce shrugged. They made themselves small plates of food to tide them over until dinner. Zane found himself admiring the pristine kitchen. There were four ovens, two glass-fronted refrigerators, a large stainless steel walk-in freezer, and what seemed like miles of counter space full of pots, pans, appliances, and food. The walls were made of stone, decorated with carved figures. It seemed supremely odd that a kitchen would be covered with carved angels, but he swiftly realized a subterranean room this expansive could only have begun life as one thing: a chapel.

“We’ll get out of your hair now, Mrs. Boyd,” Deuce called. She waved cheerily, and they took their plates with them and headed back up the winding stairwell to the main hall.

Deuce led them toward what he called the morning room, and there they found several small tables set up for dining. At one of them, a man was polishing a brass candlestick with a blue cloth. He startled when they appeared, then put a hand to his chest and smiled at them. “Gave me a bit of a jump.”

“I’m sorry, Hamish,” Deuce offered. “I’m giving my brother and his partner a little tour. Guys, this is Hamish Boyd, the house manager. Hamish, this is Ty and Zane.”

“Boyd?” Ty asked. “Did we just meet your wife?”

“Indeed, if you were exploring the kitchen.” Hamish finished his polishing and set the candlestick back in its rightful spot. “Would you like anything?”

“No, Hamish, thank you,” Deuce answered.

Hamish gave a nod and picked up another candlestick to polish. Ty turned until he was staring at Deuce, a smirk curling his lips.

“What?” Deuce asked.

“You have a butler. I’m judging you so hard right now,” Ty said under his breath.

Zane tried desperately to muffle his laughter as the tour continued.

Nick and Kelly followed Livi into the suite she had designated as theirs. The room was modern, with silver-toned floors and ebony-stained furniture. A four-poster bed with sparkling, gray netting sat opposite an intricate fireplace, complete with an ornate mirror and corbels carved into angels. A silver chandelier cast gentle light on sumptuous gray-toned linens.

On the outside of the door was a little wooden sign with their names carved in it, a stylized ampersand between, hung with a red ribbon. Livi blushed as Nick looked it over.

“I’m really sorry, I completely misunderstood when Ty called and told me the name of your guest,” she said. “I can have another placard made for you.”

Nick laughed and jerked his thumb at Kelly. “Blame the doc, he’s the one with the girl name.”

Kelly jabbed him in the ribs. “Don’t worry about us. I’m sure you’re up to your ears in things to deal with, so you can mark us right off your list. We’re happy.”

Nick nodded in agreement, still trying to catch his breath. The little girl kept grinning at Nick, reaching her hand out to him, but Nick wasn’t comfortable responding. He didn’t handle children well.

Livi smiled, her shoulders slumping in relief. She hitched Amelia higher on her hip. “Thank you both. For so many things. I can’t even begin.”

Nick managed a weak smile at Amelia before meeting Livi’s eyes again. He could see the strain around her eyes and mouth, the worry she was trying to hide behind the task of being a hostess. This was not the way a blushing bride was supposed to feel. For the first time, Nick truly began to worry.

“Well, I’ll leave you to rest up,” Livi said. “There’s a welcome dinner tonight at seven on the back patio. After that, Deacon and I will try to fill you guys in on what’s going on.”

“Sounds good,” Nick said, keeping his voice gentle.

Kelly held his fist up as Livi passed, and Amelia gave him a fist bump over her mother’s shoulder. She giggled as Livi carried her out. Kelly chuckled and pushed the heavy door shut after them, leaving him and Nick alone for the first time in almost twenty-four hours.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, and just as Nick was about to step closer, Kelly smiled slyly and moved away. He peered at the fireplace, walking with his hands in his pockets. Nick trailed after him, watching the way Kelly’s shoulders moved, the way he cocked his head and exposed his neck.

“Kels,” Nick whispered.

Kelly turned to grin at him. “When are we going to tell them?”

“If we tell Ty now, he’ll go ballistic, and we’ll ruin that poor girl’s wedding. And you know it.”

Kelly laughed. “So . . . the plane ride home so he can’t be armed?”

“Agreed,” Nick growled. He took a last step and grabbed Kelly by his upper arms, shoving him against the paneled wall beside the fireplace. He pressed their bodies together and kissed Kelly hungrily.

Kelly flailed, reaching out to grab at the closest thing for leverage. His hand fell on one of the angel corbels, the one whose bent wing was attached to the fireplace by a dainty ball and chain. Something clinked inside the fireplace, and before they could break the kiss, the wall gave way behind Kelly’s back and they both went tumbling into a hollow space behind it.

Nick tried to catch himself on the edge of the new opening, but Kelly didn’t let go of him and they crashed gracelessly to the floor. They were both laughing before the dust settled.

“Ow,” Kelly groaned, still giggling. “What the hell happened?”

Nick pushed himself up, looking around. The walls were hollow, with at least two or three feet of space between the thick stone and plaster of each room. The passageway came to a dead end where the hallway was, but in the other direction it seemed to turn a corner on the outer wall. Shafts of light pierced the darkness in odd places, highlighting cobwebs and floating dust motes.