Shallow - Page 11/41

“That’s one.” I reached in his direction for another ball.

He narrowed his eyes at me and shoved a ball in my direction. I studied the hoop again and heard Payton say, “It’s so hot out here tonight,” and I knew she was doing something to distract him again. I really didn’t want to know what so I shook it off and took my next shot. A beep signaled my second hoop and he jerked his head around to look at the hoop.

I held my hands up to signal for my next ball and again he unnecessarily shoved one in my direction. He wouldn’t fall for another one of Payton’s distractions unless she took off her top.

“Last shot. Better make it count if you want to win that teddy for the little lady.”

It was a given that he was going to do something to move the hoop. The only question was would it be left or right? There was a 50/50 chance I would guess the right direction so I went with the left.


It was a lucky guess and I knew that, but it wasn’t about making the shot. It was about seeing Payton walk around with one of those big, ugly bears and even better was the kiss she promised me. Sort of promised, my non-no kiss.

She squealed with excitement and threw her arms around my neck so I took the opportunity to pick her up and swing her around like we had hit the Tennessee Lottery. I knew we looked ridiculous to those around us, but I didn’t care because it was a great excuse to put my arms around her.

I put her down and looked into her eyes. This wasn’t where I wanted our first kiss to happen but I would take it if she offered.

“I’ve got players behind you, so pick your prize and move on,” the sleaze bag called out.

Great job of ruining this kiss for me, Dude. I struggled to not show my irritation. “Show him the one you want, Doll Face.”

“That one,” she said as she pointed toward the biggest bear hanging on the wall. Her eyes lit up over that ugly stuffed bear and I knew I was giving her something she would never forget. It wasn’t the bear, it was the memory.

“Thank you, Nick,” she said as she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

Damn, that was a total letdown. A brotherly peck on the cheek was not the kind of kiss I had in mind, but I smiled because I didn’t want her see that I had expected more.

“Glad I could be the one to give you your first Fair Bear.”

“Fair Bear,” she laughed. “I like that. I think that should be his name.”

It was starting to get late and I guessed they would be shutting things down soon. “You seem like you’re feeling better. You wanna give the Ferris wheel a try before we go?”

“Yeah, I’m feeling much better so I definitely want to do that before we go.”

The line was short because it was getting late so we were quickly loaded into the carriage that would carry us up to overlook the Collinsville fairgrounds. We rose higher into the sky each time a carriage was loaded with riders and I watched the excitement on Payton’s face as we got closer to the top.

She twisted in the carriage and looked around in every direction. “I know we’re just on a small Ferris wheel, but it feels like we’re on top of the world.” She laughed as she turned to me. “You think I’m being silly, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t think you’re silly at all. I think you’re intriguing.”

I licked my lips as I stared at the shiny gloss on her lips and imagined how soft and slick her mouth would be against mine. I had never wanted to lean in for a kiss so badly in all of my life. Being on this Ferris wheel on top of the world with her couldn’t be more perfect, but I couldn’t do it; I was too scared.

I, Nick Hawke, the sexpert and fearless daredevil, was scared. I was too pansy to kiss this beautiful girl because she was wonderful and perfect and different. She was special and I didn’t want to blow it with her by pushing too hard, too fast.

The wheel stopped again to load another couple. “I’m sorry I didn’t say this already, but thank you for taking care of my drunk ass last night. I didn’t think I would be so wasted after only two drinks. I guess I just drank them too fast.”

Without thinking, I reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Hey, I didn’t mind. It was my pleasure, puke and all.”

She shook her head as she looked down. “Liar,” she laughed. “The whole thing with Cooper seems so stupid now. I tried to make him be my Jessie. That’s weird, I know. I’m sort of messed up that way.” She looked up at me. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I told you that.”

Claire was right. She was beginning to see that she never really loved Cooper.

All the carriages were loaded and we began to rise and fall as the wheel spun around. A gust of wind picked up as we rose to the top and a wild strand of hair blew into her face and got stuck in her lip gloss. I couldn't resist the excuse to touch a part of her so I reached forward to set it free.

All I could taste and breathe was this moment with her. Our time together would be over soon and I didn’t want to go home without telling her that I had to see her again.

I twirled the wild strand in my fingers and then tucked it behind her ear. “Last night, you told me you wouldn’t go out with me because you were looking for something different, yet you’re here with me now.”

A regretful expression came across her face. “Nick, you’ve been really sweet to me and I’ve had a wonderful time with you tonight, as a friend. We can never be more than that. You’ve gone through too many girls.”

“I’ve always used protection. Every time without fail. I swear I haven’t caught anything if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I’m glad to know you at least had the good sense to be safe, but that’s not what I mean. I’m looking for something lasting and you’re looking for your next one night stand.”

“I’m not.”

“You are and if you were really being honest with yourself, you’d have to admit that you’re interested in me because I’m a challenge for you. I didn’t flip onto my back for you and it’s driving you crazy. I promise it won’t be long until you see that I’m right. You’ll forget all about me when your next conquest comes along and both of us will walk away from this unscathed. We might even be friends when it’s over.”

She couldn’t be more wrong. This was me being honest with myself about what I wanted for the first time in a really long time. I truly, madly, deeply wanted Payton Archer. “You’re wrong about me but I can see that it may take a while for you to realize that. In the meantime, if friendship is all you can give then I’ll take it over nothing at all.”

9 A Hawke’s Prey


I rambled about nothing and everything simultaneously since our talk on the Ferris wheel, but I kept hearing Nick’s words repeat over and over in my head. “You’re wrong about me but I can see that it may take a while for you to realize that. In the meantime, if friendship is all you can give then I’ll take it over nothing at all.”

I had heard all the lines of bullshit before and I knew the game like the back of my hand but none of Nick’s words sounded like the kind of thing a Playah would say. Was it possible that I was wrong about him?

His fingers accidentally grazed mine as we walked to his car and it made me wish he would reach out and squeeze my hand the way he had when we were on the Ferris wheel, but I knew he wouldn’t since I had just skillfully played the friend card.

“You’re suddenly very quiet. Is something wrong?”

I adjusted Fair Bear on my hip like a toddler. “Just thinking is all.”

I reached for my phone in my back pocket to read the texts I had ignored from earlier.

“K. Have fun.

The next text was also from Claire. “Don’t worry about being DD. We’re covered.”

I was nearing the stage of utter shock because I had completely expected Claire to rip me a new one for leaving with Nick. “K. Having fun but call if U need me,” I replied.

“They don’t need me to be the DD so I’m free for the rest of the night.” I realized that sounded like I assumed he would want to spend the rest of the night with me so I tried to back paddle on my statement. “But you can take me back to Dane’s if you have something else you’d like to do.”

“I can’t think of a thing I’d rather do than be with you tonight.”

That might not be the entire truth. There was at least one thing I knew he would rather be doing, but he could forget it; he wasn’t getting in my pants tonight.

“So, what cha wanna do? What’s there to do in Collinsville?”

“There’s a pool hall down the road that I hang out at sometimes. You like playing pool or darts? I could probably score us some draft.”

A pool hall? I somehow doubted it would be anything similar to The Billiards Club in Franklin but I was game. Just as I was about to tell Nick that I would love to go with him, three thugs appeared behind us.

“Well, well, look who we have here. If it isn’t Nick Hawke.”

“I’m not looking for trouble, Ace.”

“Well, it looks like trouble found you. You cost me a lot of money on last night’s race and you’re either going to make up for it on this next race or I’m gonna take it out of your ass.”

“Get in the car, Payton.” I opened my mouth to ask why, but Nick didn’t give me the chance to say anything. “No questions. In the car, now.”

I saw the seriousness on his face and knew it wasn’t the time to question him so I did as he told me. He pushed the lock down on the door before he shut it and I knew that was a sign that these guys weren’t pals and they weren’t here to play.

My heart was pounding as I watched Nick talking to the one with tattoos from his wrists up to his neck. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I could tell he was mad as hell about something.

I couldn't see Nick’s face because his back was turned to me, but I could tell that he was standing his ground because both of their voices grew louder as they argued. Nick was not backing down to this guy and that clearly wasn’t going over well. I thought about how Jessie had been stabbed and shot by people no different from these thugs he was arguing with now and I reached for my pepper spray in my purse, just in case.