Chosen - Page 3/51

Suddenly, Rob got a whiff of something familiar to him. He remembered passing Marc in the hallway recently, he remembered his scent and now, he smelled it again. The scent of his blood made Rob even hungrier as he prowled around looking for him. Then, he went to the open window that faced the back of the house, and spotted him outside, with a group of friends.

Rob quickly turned around and headed downstairs and out the back door of the townhouse. He entered the small yard that was lined with a metal fence and other houses looking down onto their yard. This wasn’t the typical Westchester house, but he didn’t think much of it at this moment. He was on a mission.

“Marc, what’s up bro?” Rob said, walking over to him.

“Yo, who’s that?” Marc said, looking suspicious and putting something quickly into his pocket.

“It’s me, Rob, you know, your sister’s friend,” he replied.

“Oh right, what up kid,” Marc said, in a tough voice.

Rob was surprised to see him in baggy jeans, a hoodie and hanging out with the druggies of AHS. He didn’t realize what a terrible path Marc had been led down, and couldn’t understand why. He remembered Marc being a nice, innocent freshman last year, and now, it was as if he were a completely different person. Rob even spotted a tattoo coming up out of his sweatshirt and wrapping around the front of his neck.

“You have a minute?” Rob asked.

“Not really, not for you,” Marc said, in an obnoxious tone, obviously showing off to his new group of friends.

“Yeah Jock, we don’t want you here, why’d you come outside anyway?” one of the guys asked.

“What’s your deal, Man?” Rob answered back, “I wasn’t talking to you.”

“Well, you were talking with my home-boy and that’s the same as talking to me, you hear?” the guy replied.

“Listen, Dude, chill out, I’m talking to Marc,” Rob said back angrily. “Marc, where’s your sister? What happened to her?”

Marc threw down his blunt and looked at Rob. He was clearly upset and disturbed by this question, and his group of friends could tell he was getting pissed off.

“Yo, Man, why did you have to bring that up? Don’t you know you shouldn’t talk about her?” another guy responded, equally as rude.

“Yeah, Bro, what’s your deal? Leave him alone,” another guy yelled back.

“Chill out guys, I have to find her, I want to help,” Rob replied.

“Well, there’s nothing you can do. You can’t help us,” Marc said, approaching Rob.

“I can, trust me, I’ll find her, I just need some clues,” Rob responded.

“What don’t you understand, Rob? I said, No! You can’t help us,” Marc yelled, walking towards him with a swagger.

Rob watched as Marc got closer. He could see his bloodshot eyes and his wavering step. He knew he was high and drunk. Rob could see the hatred in Marc’s eyes as he got closer and he began to wonder what was going to happen next.

The smell of Marc’s blood made his stomach weak. He waited and then, before he knew it, Marc’s friends were surrounding him, ready to fight. Rob looked at them with ease, knowing his strength would prevail, and waited for them to lift their fists.

Sure enough, one after the next charged at him, including Marc. They violently swung at Rob as he dodged each attempt and then, without thinking, struck back with one large swing, clipping each of them across the face and neck. He watched them fall to the ground like dominos.

Marc lay there on the ground with his chin quivering, suddenly panicked as Rob came close to him.

“Tell me what you know?” Rob said again, this time in a more serious tone.

“I don’t know, I don’t know,” Marc said, staring back at Rob who was hovering over him like a bat in a cave.

“Don’t lie to me. Tell me, or, I’ll…” Rob said, as he was interrupted by Marc.

“All I know is that my other sister Sarah might have an idea. That’s all I know,” Marc said as his eyes rolled back into his head.

Rob looked down at him and knew this could be the clue he’d been waiting for, but he wasn’t finished. He had to find out more.

Slapping him across the face, Marc snapped to it again, opening his eyelids and focusing on him once again.

“Where is Sarah?” Rob asked.

“Um..” his eyes became unfocused. Rob slapped him again. “She’s in college now,” Marc replied.

“Where? What school?” Rob asked back.

He waited but Marc didn’t answer.

“Where is she?” Rob yelled down to Marc.

“Syracuse,” he said as his head rolled to the side.

Rob looked down at his lifeless body and couldn’t resist the urge. He took one last look at him as a human and then sank his large white teeth deep into his neck, sucking his blood quickly before anyone could see. He then sucked the blood of each of his druggie friends, not realizing they were so strung out on drugs that it actually passed through and he began to feel a bit woozy himself. It was a high he’d never felt from sucking blood before.

He quickly walked away from the scene, trying to make his escape from the party. He looked up and realized he had to go back through: there was no other way out. He had to move quickly so nobody would suspect anything when they came out and saw the blood drenched punks of AHS laying in the backyard.

As he entered the townhouse, he was bombarded by Arielle, wearing a short black mini skirt, a halter-top, with her breast exploding out of it, and high heels. Rob looked her up and down thinking she looked hot, but not really focusing much on her. He had Rachel on his mind, and couldn’t be distracted.

“Hey Robby,” Arielle said, in a seductive tone.

“Hi,” Rob answered quickly, still walking towards the front door to make his exit.

“Where are you going in a hurry?” she said in a sultry voice.

“I’m outta here,” Rob answered.

“But why? The night is still young,” Arielle said, looking at him.

Rob could tell she’d had a few drinks by the way she was acting. She was basically throwing herself at him, which he found to be rather annoying and unattractive. He knew he had to find Sarah and quickly. He couldn’t let any more time go on without finding his true love.

“Robby, come here, I want to show you something,” Arielle said, grabbing Rob’s hand and pulling him backwards.

“I have to go now,” he replied, pulling his icy cold hand back.

“Just a few minutes, I think you’re going to like it,” Arielle said, looking down at her body.

Rob didn’t know what to expect. He knew this would be easy for him if he stayed, but he really wasn’t in the mood. He couldn’t think of any other girl right now. His mind was set on finding Rachel.

He felt a tug at his jacket and a warm hand go up his shirt. “Rob, come on, let’s go upstairs. There’s something I want to show you now,” Arielle pleaded again.

She pulled him into her arms and started rubbing her head against his neck and chest. Rob didn’t know what to do. He kind of liked this, but was conflicted. He knew he had to leave. He couldn’t stay for another minute.

“No Arielle! I said, I’m leaving,” Rob said, pushing her off of him and walking quickly outside to get into his blue Audi.

Arielle ran after him into the darkness and followed him into his car. She jumped in the passenger seat and started caressing his leg. Rob didn’t know what to do. The smell of her body, of her blood was enticing him as she inched her way closer and closer towards him. He couldn’t resist her anymore. He leaned in to her as if to kiss her, and his fangs emerged from his gums. He knew she was clueless as to what was happening, but before he could stop himself, he sunk his teeth deep down into her neck, sucking the blood out of her limp body.

She lay there in his arms, her eyes twitching as she looked back at him with a glaze in her eye. Her body began to shake and he could see the transformation taking place in front of his eyes. He knew he had just turned her.

He swiftly got out of his car, and ran to the passenger side, opened the door and scooped Arielle out. He lay her down on the grass by an old tree. He knew she’d be safe there, safer than on the wild journey he was about to take. His only hope was that she wouldn’t tell anyone what had happened.

Chapter 5

Rachel flew through the air at lightning speed to get to the place she thought would have some answers for her. She landed, then looked up at the castle as if it she didn’t recognize it. It was completely different. There was scaffolding up over the entire outside with bright blue tarps hanging over the roof. She could see the cracks in the façade and instantly knew what had happened. The Greslins. They invaded during the great war. She couldn’t help but worry if everyone was all right. She hoped that Matilda and Uncle Drew were OK and that they were still living there.

She quickly walked up the cracked marble staircase and into the grand foyer of the castle. She ran into the library to find Uncle Drew, but he wasn’t there.

“Uncle Drew, Uncle Drew!” Rachel called. “Where are you?”

She waited a few seconds and called his name again. Then, as if from thin air, Uncle Drew stood before her.

“Yes, my dear, what can I do for you?” Uncle Drew asked.

“Uncle Drew, you have to help me. It’s Benji, there’s something wrong,” she said, worried.

“You’ve been gone for almost a year. I heard you took the leap of faith with him,” Uncle Drew said. “I’m proud of you, Rachel. I knew you had it in you.”

“Never mind that,” Rachel said, “Benji’s in trouble, he’s hurt and I don’t know what to do.”

“What do you mean he’s hurt?” Uncle Drew asked, sounding alarmed.

In walked Matilda, who’d overheard their conversation.

“Benji’s hurt?” she asked.

“Yeah! He’s bleeding from his neck, and he’s unconscious. I need help. Fast!” Rachel yelled.