The Vampire's Assistant (The Saga of Darren Shan #2) - Page 25/34

My heart was heavy when I saw Sam run into camp early the next morning. I hated having to disappoint him but knew I had to. There was no way I could let Mr. Crepsley turn Sam into a half-vampire.

I'd thought about it a lot during the night, and the frightening thing was, I believed Sam would agree to become a half-vampire if I gave him the option. Smart as he was, I don't think he'd have stopped to consider the loneliness and awfulness of being a vampire.

He rushed over when he saw me, too excited to notice my new clothes and haircut.

"Did you ask him? Did you?"His face was bright, filled with hope.

"Yes,"I said, smiling sadly.


I shook my head. "Sorry, Sam. He said no."

Sam's face fell about a thousand miles.

"Why ?"he shouted.

"You're too young,"I said.

"You're not much older!"he snapped.

"But I don't have parents,"I lied. "I didn't have a home when I joined the Cirque."

"I don't care about my parents,"he said with a sniff.

"That's not true,"I said. "You'd miss them."

"I could go home for holidays."

"It wouldn't work. You're not cut out for life in the Cirque Du Freak. Maybe later, when you're older."

"I don't care about later !"he yelled. "I want to join now. I've worked hard. I've proved myself. I kept quiet when you were lying to R.V. about the wolf-man yesterday. Did you tell that to Mr. Tall?"

"I told him everything,"I said.

"I don't believe you,"Sam said. "I don't think you spoke to him at all. I want to see him myself."

I shrugged and pointed toward Mr. Tall's van. "That's where you'll find him,"I said.

Sam ran off in a huff but slowed after a few steps, then came to a halt. He kicked the ground miserably, then returned and sat down beside me.

"It's not fair,"he grumbled. I could see tears trickling down his cheeks. "I made up my mind to join. It was going to be great. I had it all planned."

"There'll be other chances,"I said.

"When?"he asked. "I've never heard of a freak show playing around here before. When will I run into one again?"

I didn't answer.

"You wouldn't have liked it, anyway,"I said. "It's not as much fun as you think. Imagine what it's like in the middle of winter, when you have to get up at five in the morning and shower in ice-cold water and work outside in blizzards."

"That doesn't bother me,"Sam insisted. Then his tears stopped and he got a crafty look in his eyes. "Maybe I'll come along, anyway,"he said. "Maybe I'll sneak into one of the vans and stow away with you. Mr. Tall would have to take me then."

"You can't do that!"I snapped. "No way!"

"I will if I want."He grinned. "You can't stop me."

"Yes, I can,"I growled.

"How?"He sneered.

I took a deep breath. The time had come to scare Sam Grest away forever. I couldn't tell him the truth about me, but I could invent a story almost as horrifying, one guaranteed to send him running.

"I never told you what happened to my parents, did I, Sam? Or how I came to join the freak show?"I kept my voice low and steady.

"No,"Sam said quietly. "I've wondered a lot, but I didn't want to ask."

"I killed them, Sam,"I said.

"What ?"His face went white.

"I go crazy sometimes. Like the wolf-man. Nobody knows when it's going to happen, or why. I was in a hospital when I was younger, but I seemed to be getting better. My parents brought me home for Christmas. After dinner, while I was in a fight with Dad, I flipped out.

"I tore him to pieces. Mom tried to drag me off, but I killed her too. My little sister ran for help, but I caught her. I ripped her apart the same way I'd ripped my mother and father.

"Then, after I'd killed them..."I locked eyes with Sam. It had to be a good act to make him believe. "I ate them."

He stared at me, stunned.

"That's not true,"he whispered. "It can't be."

"I killed and ate them, then ran away,"I lied. "I was discovered by Mr. Tall, who agreed to hide me. They have a special cage built to keep me in when I go crazy. The problem is, nobody knows when it's going to happen. That's why most people avoid me. Evra's okay, because he's strong. So are some of the other performers. But ordinary humans... I could rip them apart in a second."

"You're lying,"Sam said.

I picked up a large stick lying nearby, turned it around in my hands, then put it in my mouth and bit through it like it was a big carrot.

"I'd chew your bones and spit you out as gristle,"I told Sam. I'd cut my lips on the stick and the blood made me look ferocious. "You wouldn't be able to stop me. You'd be sleeping in my tent if you joined the show and would be the one I'd go for first.

"You can't join the Cirque Du Freak,"I said. "I wish you could - I'd love to have a friend - but it's not possible. I'd end up killing you if you joined."

Sam tried responding but couldn't get his mouth to work. He believed my big lie. He'd seen enough of the show to know that things like that could happen here.

"Go away, Sam,"I said sadly. "Go away and don't ever come back. It's safer that way. It's better. For both of us."

"Darren, I... I..."He shook his head uncertainly.

"Go !"I roared, and pounded the ground with my hands. I bared my teeth and growled. I was able to make my voice much deeper than a human's, so it sounded like a wild animal.

Sam screamed, scrambled to his feet, and sprinted for the woods, never once looking back.

I watched him go, heavyhearted, certain my ploy had worked. He'd never be back. I wouldn't see him again. Our paths had separated, and we would never meet again.

If I'd known how wrong I was - if I'd had any idea of the awful night that lay ahead - I'd have run after him and never returned to that disgusting circus of blood, that revolting circus of death.