Blow Out - Page 22/126

“That would be Eliza Vickers, graduated the top of her class at Harvard Law School. I’ve met her, of course, spoken to her at social functions and occasionally on the phone. Stewart said she’s an emotional liberal, from a social welfare point of view, but a firm legal conservative, is horrified at the thought of social engineering. He liked that. She’s smart, well organized, and the other two law clerks are under her control. He has three clerks, not four like most of the Justices. Stewart admired her and trusted her, I believe. I liked her too. Unlike most law clerks who spend only a year working for a Justice, she was in her second year with him.”

Ben said, “I wonder what will happen to the three of them now?”

Margaret shrugged.

“Three more lawyers will be turned loose on society a little early,” Sherlock said. “That’s a thought to curl your toes.”

Margaret smiled, just for a brief moment.

Sherlock said, “With your permission, Mrs. Califano, we would like to go through your address book as well as Justice Califano’s to compile a list of your friends and anyone with whom your husband had ongoing contact.”

“Certainly.” She looked down at the delicate Rolex on her right wrist. “Janette, Bitsy, and Juliette should be here soon. Anna, you did call them, didn’t you?”

Anna nodded, and went with Margaret to get her address book.

Thirty minutes later, Callie walked agents Sherlock and Savich and Detective Raven to the front door. “Are you going to see the other Justices now?”

“Yes, they knew Justice Califano best. And the law clerks, naturally. We need all the information on him they can provide us. We need to form a clear picture of your stepfather, what he was really like—his likes, dislikes, people who rubbed him the wrong way and vice versa, and especially, if his behavior was different in any way on Friday.”

When they reached the door, Callie looked straight at Ben Raven and said, “You’re going to split up, right?” At their nods, Callie said, “I’ve known the Justices since I was sixteen years old, and I know more about the law clerks than my mom. For example, Eliza is a major league ballbuster. She ruled my stepfather’s chambers with an iron fist. Why don’t I go with Detective Raven? I can fill him in, maybe give him an introduction that will help you guys.”

Savich shook his head. “No, Ms. Markham, that isn’t possible. We would certainly like to hear everything you know about any of them, but you cannot be a part of the official investigation.”

She dug in her heels. “Look, Agent Savich, I want to help. I’m not about to go running to the Post with a big inside story. Stewart was prissy, he was rather rigid, and he could never tell a joke right, but he was a good man, and he had a brilliant legal mind. The thought that someone murdered him enrages me.”

“Forget it, Ms. Markham,” Ben said. “Go home and have a cup of tea. Write your gossip columns.”

“I don’t write gossip columns, you jerk.” She paused, pointed a teacher’s finger at him. “Let me put it this way, Detective, agents, either you let me help or I might go back to work, all the way back. I already have lots of good inside information, enough for the first page, don’t you agree?”

“That’s blackmail,” Sherlock said, eyebrow arched, and gave Callie a look of respect. “That’s ugly.”

“I know, Sherlock, but please listen to me. I’m not stupid, and I know these people, and I know how to keep my mouth shut. I’m only pushy when I’m in my reporter mode, and even that could be useful. I took time off from the Post, much to my editor’s annoyance. Please, let me help.”

Ben said, “I could put you in jail for the attempted blackmail, Ms. Markham. Give it up. You’re not a cop, you don’t know anything. We’re the professionals, let us do our job.”

Callie struck a pose, tapped her fingertips against her chin. “Hmm, you know, I can see the headline right now in my head. FBI and Metro Police Flummoxed. If you don’t let me work with you, I will investigate on my own. My mother, our friends, the Justices, the clerks, they will talk to me, more easily than they’ll talk to you.

“Use some brain cells here, Detective Raven. Do you think they’re more likely to tell a cop what’s going on, or me, someone they know, someone they trust?”

“Has anyone ever decked you, Ms. Markham?”

She gave him a cocky grin. “There have been those who’ve tried. Don’t you even think about it, Detective.” She looked him up and down. “I could take you down without breaking a sweat.”