Vampire Apocalypse: A World Torn Asunder - Page 30/34

Rodgers heard Harris shout and swung his axe against the tail end of the rope held taut to a metal clasp in the wall. The rope was thick and tied securely to ensure it could hold the enormous weight of their last surprise. The rope snaked up the wall, held in place with tacks, until it reached a metal ring set into the ceiling. Attached to this was a hook that held a very large wooden frame in place, flush with the ceiling. The frame stretched across the entire corridor and, before it had been tied in position, had reached down to about three inches from the ground.

The frame had multiple spikes carved into the wood and their points were wickedly sharp. This gambit had worked well in the forest and Rodgers hoped to God that it would stop the three creatures advancing on them now. Fear rose like bile in his throat and he hacked repeatedly at the rope. Sweat seeped into his eyes. He missed a few times and took chunks out of the wall beside him.

Sweat rolled down Harris" back as he watched the creatures get closer. His eyes moved frantically between Rodgers and the creatures like some demented tennis match, and he willed the rope to break. The lead creature, some form of Minotaur, had the longest legs of the three. It cleared the smoke, seemed to notice Rodgers, and stopped suddenly. The other two quickly caught up.

The creature known as Pollock thundered down the corridor in triumph. The energy it had exerted from destroying the door and retaining its form had worked up an appetite that gnawed at him. The hunger, like a physical pain deep in his stomach, was to be savoured; its massive jaws dripped saliva as he anticipated the slaughter to come.

Pollock looked down at the humans crouched in fear behind a pitiful barricade and laughed at their stupidity. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a human to the side of the others frantically strike the wall and he slowed, well aware of how tricky these humans could be.

Fear engulfed Harris when he watched the creature trace the line of rope and then register a change on his face. Harris couldn't read the features, but he reckoned that the creature had worked out what was about to happen. The creature turned to shout a warning, but in the same moment the rope finally separated and Harris heard a whoop of delight from Rodgers.

Freed of the rope, the hook slid easily from the clasp in the ceiling and the frame began its downward descent.

The other vampires held back to allow the three lieutenants the first blood. The air was charged with the expectant carnage that was sure to follow. Nero watched his lieutenants approach the barricade.

Finally, this annoying resistance comes to an end, he thought. His eyes glowed with anticipation. The rest of his brood waited impatiently at the entrance, like puppies straining against a lead. Nero held them back with a glowering look; he wanted to savour this victory. The vampires were impatient, but held their positions reluctantly, each one raising their heads and sniffing the air. The stench of fear was rank in the enclosed area and Nero knew that even his iron will could not hold them once the carnage began and the blood scent reached them. At that stage, though, there would be plenty for all.

Narcissus saw Pollock slow and then stop. His eyes flickered in every direction to discover why he hesitated with such a feast so close before him. He knew there must be good reason and so slowed his own advance. At the same time that Pollock turned to start back toward him, he watched the frame swing down from the ceiling and impale the vampire.

The frame slammed into Pollock with such force that his body was picked up and lifted high as the frame completed its swing. One of the spikes ripped through Pollock's neck muscle, and bright blood pumped outward in great gushes. Narcissus barely had time to react before the frame continued its arc, ripped into his flesh and shattered bone. He felt spikes tear into his shoulder and his left arm went numb as the sheer force of the blow crushed muscle and cartilage. The second spike nicked his upper thigh and, rather than penetrating the flesh, it tore a ragged, deep furrow along his leg.

The third and final spike tore through his middle, destroying his spleen, colon and stomach on its way. The pain was excruciating and, though he knew he could survive such damage, the wounds would never truly heal.

At the same time the frame ground to a jarring halt and slammed into Thiebes. Narcissus screamed when the weight of Thiebes slammed into him and dragged against his own body. He fell to the floor and his wounds tore further when he slipped down the frame. Narcissus looked over Pollock, but the creature wasn't moving.

He heard Thiebes bellow with anger as he pulled himself from the spikes and gripped his leg where a nasty wound bled copiously. Narcissus knew that all three of them would be dead if Pollock had not seen the trap at the last minute. Slowly he began to pull himself from the frame and slumped to the ground, panting. The pain was so intense that it distracted him. The change come upon him and his ruined body slipped back to human form. Agony tore through him, but he savoured it, knowing he would use the pain to focus. He would allow himself just enough time to heal and then he would enjoy repaying the humans for their trickery.

Nero's grin of triumph slowly melted when he saw the frame drop from the ceiling and slam into his lieutenants. The sheer speed of the trap took him completely by surprise and caused him momentarily to lose control over the other vampires. The heavy, sweet scent of blood filled the enclosed area and sent the other vampires into frenzy. The sudden relaxing of his control allowed the pack to swarm uncontrollably into the charnel zone.

The scent of blood was so strong that it intoxicated those relatively new vampires that had never experienced a massacre on this scale. They immediately attacked the source of the precious liquid and pounced on the wounded lieutenants, ripping into their torn bodies with wild abandon. Teeth tore into any exposed area and fresh blood gushed into eager throats and splattered everywhere.

Thiebes grabbed two of the attacking vampires, gripping their heads in his massive hands, and tore them from him before he slammed them both against the wall. Their heads were smashed to pulp against the hard surface, and their bodies dropped limply to the floor while Thiebes reached for two more of the frenzied creatures.

Narcissus lay on the ground. Three Vampires descended on him and plunged their teeth into him greedily. The recent excesses of holding his massive form together and the subsequent shock to his system by the frame had obviously left him weak. He didn't even try to stop them as they literally drained him.

Nero recovered from the shock and screamed at them to stop, but his voice was lost in the general melee of screams and growls coming from the corridor. He focused his will and sent out a strong command through the mind link he maintained with his clan. The mental command was so strong that it was like a physical blow. The Vampires all stopped immediately, stunned by the force and disorientated by the unexpected communication.

Thiebes ignored the command, picked up another vampire in his massive arms, and tore it in two. Nero lost his temper and in a blur of motion he appeared beside his lieutenant and reached out to stay his hand when he reached for another.

"Take him down!" he shouted, indicating Pollock. Three vampires rushed to the task. "You fools," he hissed. "They are the enemy," his arm shot out and pointed at the barricade and the humans behind it.

Harris was at a loss to explain the carnage that erupted after the frame had come down, but was delighted to see the Vampires fighting amongst themselves. One of the older creatures was definitely dead. The other two were injured, although how badly he couldn't tell. At least twenty other Vampires were left, including Nero.

"Damn!" Harris muttered when he saw the creatures stop their infighting and turn their attention on the humans. One of the larger creatures, the one covered in a dark red, almost claret, sticky substance, leaned back on its massive arms and kicked at the frame. He shattered it with one kick. Harris ducked down as splinters and shards of wood flew at the barricade and ricocheted off the metal in a dangerous hail. Some people grunted as wood cut flesh and ripped into muscle. Harris glanced up and down the line to ascertain the damage and saw numerous people holding limbs, but no serious injuries. He sighed with relief and then saw the hoard advance.

"Heads up people!" he shouted. "Here they come!"