Insidious - Page 34/87

Savich and Sherlock watched with interest as silence fell, as when the curtain first rises on a play. Then Hildi was quickly at Rob’s side, touching his face and hugging him, leaning forward to have him kiss her cheek. She stood back and looked up at him. “My beautiful boy, how I’ve missed you. You must let me paint you, as I did your mother. There’s so much I’d like to capture, that special light in your eyes, the way you tilt your head, just like your father.” She smiled at Marsia. “I fear even you, my dear, couldn’t capture those qualities in your metal sculptures.”

“No,” Marsia said, “you’re quite right.” She stood quietly at Rob’s side, a fixed smile on her face. Rob had probably warned her that pretty much anything could come floating out of Aunt Hildi’s mouth. If anything, she looked mildly amused.

When Venus introduced Marsia to Veronica, Veronica stepped forward, took Marsia’s hand. “I’ve read all about you, seen your sculptures at the Mianecki Gallery in Baltimore. Your work is amazing. I remember in particular a large piece named Hercules, copper and steel, I believe. I could feel the power you gave him, the bold spirit. A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Gay.”

“Thank you,” Marsia said. “He spoke to me,” she added. “Call me Marsia, please.”

Veronica gave her a beautiful smile. “Call me Veronica.”

Veronica turned to Rob. “Rob, I remember you as a teenage boy, all swagger and fun. I also remember you were always kind to me. Welcome home.” She smiled up at him, not all that far since she was tall. Rob lightly kissed her cheek. “Thank you, Veronica.” He said against her ear, “I’ve got to say you’re as beautiful as ever. I was telling Savich and Sherlock that you were a very sweet fantasy from my misspent youth.”

Veronica pulled back, laughed up at him. “I remember, too, how you liked to tease me, always telling me how hot I was, and that always made me perk right up.”

Rob nodded. “I remember how close you were to Grandmother, even back before I left a decade ago. She tells me you do everything to keep her safe except sleep next to her.”

Veronica sent a smile toward Venus. “I asked her if I could move a bed into her room but she refused. You’ve grown up well, Rob. Venus knew you would; she never doubted you, only thought you’d gotten lost along the way, that you’d find your way back. And you did.”

Marsia turned to Savich. “Rob told me Sarah Elliott was your grandmother.” She nodded to the painting above the fireplace. “I want you to know she was a great inspiration to me. Did you inherit any of her incredible talent?”

Sherlock said, “Dillon whittles, beautiful pieces out of rosewood, maple. Some are exhibited at the Raleigh Gallery in Georgetown.”

“I should like to see them,” Marsia said. “I noticed the fine scar lines on your fingers and wondered.” She held up her own hands. Fine white scars scored her palms. “Working with metal has its dangers, as does working with a knife and wood.”

Glynis sashayed up to Rob, past the woman at his side, took his face between her hands, and kissed him, with tongue. Rob gently set her away and lightly touched his knuckles to her smooth cheek. “Good to see you again, too, Glynis.” She tried to kiss him again, but Rob was fast and took a quick step sideways, held her hands in front of him.

Marsia gave Glynis a friendly smile, said without rancor, “It’s a good thing I’ve got Rob nailed down because you’ve got quite a technique there.”

Glynis nodded, chin up. “Oh, that little thing? Rob didn’t kiss me back this time, not like he did when I was seventeen,” and Glynis gave her a smile with teeth.

Venus clapped her hands. “Let’s not forget that no one is seventeen now.” She gave Alexander a speculative look. “You’ve been unusually quiet. Are you pleased to see your brother again?”

Alexander was still at his post against the fireplace mantel, a martini in his right hand, like he’d stepped off a page of GQ. He recognized an unspoken order when he heard it. “I’m in favor of anything that pleases you, Grandmother.” He turned to Marsia, spoke in a smooth, emotionless voice. “Your name is interesting, Ms. Gay. Are you hoping to change it to Rasmussen?”

“My name has quite a history, Mr. Rasmussen, as I’m sure yours does as well. It’s a distinctive history, one I will tell you about if you’re interested.” She gave him a long look. “I would like all of you to know that Rob has never traded on his name. He built his construction business on his own hard work, and on the trust he’s earned. That’s how I met him, through his business.”

Rob said, his voice easy, “I remodeled her kitchen. I did a great job because I hoped I’d be cooking Marsia dinners one day on that Wolf range I talked her into. Don’t look surprised, everyone, I like to cook. I’m good at it, too.”

“Part of your army training?” Alexander said, sneer at full bloom. “Pork ’n’ beans in the mess hall?”

Rob appeared to give this serious consideration. “No training as a cook directly, but I’ll say the army helped me grow up. By the way, add the right hot sauce and some onion to the pork ’n’ beans, and they’re not bad.”

He turned back to his family, looked at each of them in turn as he had when he’d come in. “I know this is difficult for you, here I’ve turned up out of the blue, and now we’re suddenly together, thanks to Grandmother, but I’ve got to say I’m really grateful to get to see all of you again. I’ve missed you. I hope you’ll forgive me for all my young man’s stupidities. I am sorry for them.” He looked straight at his brother. “What’s important now is that we all work together to help Savich and Sherlock find out who’s trying to kill Grandmother.”

Alexander put a bit more wattage in his sneer. “Indeed we should, little brother. The trouble is that some of us—you, for example, have a, ah, troubled past. I might add you have your fortune tied up with this family. The income from your construction business is nothing compared to Rasmussen Industries. Isn’t it true you have no access to your trust fund while Grandmother is alive or until you’re thirty-five?”

Rob said matter-of-factly, “Yes, we all know that’s true. That has helped me to focus my life in the meantime, on what’s really important to me. Do you know what I found out? I discovered I could make it on my own. Have you ever wondered whether you could, Alexander?”