Insidious - Page 78/87

Marsia looked Venus up and down. “You miserable old biddy. Why am I not surprised you made a grand entrance? It seemed too coincidental to me that you would be at death’s door so conveniently when you’d hung on to life like a leech for eighty-six years.” Marsia laughed. “I see, there isn’t a new will. How rich. That ridiculous lawyer, he was in on it, obviously. Where is he, hiding in a closet?”

“No,” Venus said. “Isabel took Mr. Sullivan down the back stairs. He’s having cake and tea with Mr. Paul and Isabel in the kitchen.” She smiled at each of her family. “I do apologize to all of you for upsetting you. Dillon thought a bit of playacting would help all of us get to the truth.”

Savich said to Marsia, “We had to turn to you sooner or later once all that evidence against Alexander was handed to us, clumsily planted at best and far too obvious. We followed through with questioning Alexander as we were meant to. I’ll bet that was Veronica’s idea, wasn’t it? You wouldn’t have overplayed your hand in such a manner.”

Marsia flicked a contemptuous look toward Alexander. “Oh, that ridiculous fool over there? Who’s to say he wasn’t stupid enough to leave the arsenic there? Perhaps both he and Veronica are behind all of this? I want a lawyer.”

Savich said, “I have agents outside to escort you and Veronica to the Daly Center. You can call your lawyers from there.” He punched his cell and called them in.

Venus waited until the two women were marched out, waited until she heard the front door close. She smiled at Savich and nodded, moved to stand behind a chair and faced her family. “Alexander, I never accepted that you were the one who was trying to kill me. Dillon didn’t, either. I hope you now accept that I love you. I’ve always loved you. You will remain my right hand at Rasmussen. When I die, you will have controlling interest.”

Venus turned to her youngest grandson. “And you, Rob, my dear boy, I am so happy you are back in my life. I have missed you, prayed for you, always wished you would return home. I am so pleased you have become a fine man, the man you were meant to be.”

Rob roared to his feet. “You believe me a fine man? It was because of me you could have died! I believed I loved her, Grandmother, or loved the person I believed she was. And look at what I did—I brought her into your life.”

Venus waved a weary hand. “Enough drama, Rob. Please, I am so tired of all the drama that’s swirled around this house for the past week. You’re back to stay, Rob. I will not let you out of my life again. If you wish to join Rasmussen Industries, you will be welcomed. If you prefer to continue on your own path, that is your choice as well. It’s your life to live as you wish, with no meddling from me.” She gave him a crooked smile. “Dillon speaks well of this Delsey Freestone girl. Would you like me to put in a good word for you with her?”

Rob gave her a huge smile. “I thought, Grandmother, you just promised me no meddling.”

“All right, but if you need me—” She smiled at each of her family in turn. “All of you, I am so relieved and happy we’re together again, with no more suspicions, with no more lingering doubts. The Rasmussens have won. I love you all. I hope at least some of you can stay for dinner.”

Isabel lingered outside the doorway for a few moments and then hurried back to the kitchen, smiling hugely. “Mr. Paul, it’s over. The family is safe, and together. This is your cue.”

Mr. Paul rose from his chair and clapped his hands. “I do not think I will begin with my roast duck, but with espresso and my excellent éclairs. I think the family can use the sugar.”


* * *



It was after nine o’clock when Cam, followed by Daniel, drove back toward Malibu to Missy’s cottage. She was looking forward to finally getting some sleep. She turned her Toyota onto Colony Road and saw a shadow, looked hard, and realized it was Blinker. He saw her car coming and slipped behind some bushes four houses from Missy’s cottage.

She was tired, she was frustrated, and the dam burst. She wanted to grab him, hold him upside down and shake him by his feet, do whatever it took to let him know he was messing with Missy for the very last time. She slammed to a stop, flew out of the car—with Daniel close behind her—and chased him down. She tackled him and flattened him facedown with all her weight, straddled his back, and slapped the back of his head.

“You moron! I can’t believe you’re back here again. I’m going to announce what you’ve been doing on Good Morning America, with your color photo. I’m going to tell your mother. Where does she live?”

“You think I’d tell you that?”

Cam smacked his head again.

Daniel came down on his haunches beside them. “Not a problem, Cam. I’ve got a file on him now. His mom is Carrie Bayley, and she owns a bakery in Cleveland. We can call her in the morning, tell her all about what her precious son has been doing. Maybe she’ll haul you back home, Blinker. Hey, maybe better yet, we can save her the trouble. We can motor you a mile out in the ocean and toss your sorry self overboard.” Daniel rose, lifted Cam off his back. She was red in the face, still breathing hard. He grabbed Blinker’s arm and flipped him onto his back. He stood over him, arms crossed, staring down at him. “My boat’s at my house up the road, not far at all.”

“I hate boats, I get seasick! Listen, I’m more than one hundred yards from Missy’s house! I’m not doing anything wrong, just out walking around, minding my own.”

Daniel looked up the street, mentally calculated, and realized he was right. Barely. “Stop lying, you were planning on sneaking to Missy’s house again, hoping Agent Wittier wasn’t there to pound you. Again. What is it going to take to get you out of Missy’s life once and for all?”

Blinker looked at Daniel’s face in the dim moonlight, saw something that scared him. He licked his dry lips. “I couldn’t sleep, no, really, I couldn’t. I wasn’t going to get any closer, I swear it. I just wanted to be near where she lives. Maybe see her if I was lucky, you know?”

Cam’s rage evaporated. He was obsessed, fixated for some reason on Missy. He was only a sad little man, but still, an idiot. She said very clearly, “If I ever see you in Malibu again, Blinker, I will personally shoot you and bury your body in Topanga Canyon.”