SIMS - Page 73/109

Beece walk down dark alley with other sim. Beece cold and hungry-tired, not know where is. Too many turn. Beece pretend search Meerm but not want find. Beece not like these mans. Ver mean mans. But meanest is red-hair city man who hurt Beece. Other mans call him Grimes. Grimes ver bad man. All these mans bad. Want hurt Meerm. Why? Meerm not bad. Meerm just sick. Get big-big belly.

Beece hear run-steps. Crouch down fraid when see red-hair city man run up. But not hit Beece. Stop and talk other man.

"Hey, Alessi! Somebody called the cops. Lowery heard it on the scanner."


"Yeah, well, had to expect it. Somebody sees a bunch of men and monkeys poking through their neighborhood, they want to know what's going on."

"Don't suppose we've got any suck with these locals."

"Naw. Who'd ever figure we'd have to operate in Newark? Anyway, Portero doesn't want anyone to know why we're here. That's why I'm moving the car around to the main drag out there. I'll be in the McDonald's lot. When the boys in blue arrive, we fade."

"I'll bet he's royally pissed."

"Count on it."

"All right. See you at McDonald's. Hey, while you're there, get some burgers and fries for the trip home. I missed dinner."

"You got it."

Grimes go. Other man look Beece. "Keep looking, monkey. We're not through yet. You go over there." Point other sim. "You come over here with me. Find her, damn it!"

Beece go where told. Lots trash here. Big puddle. Shoe all wet. Beece lost. See top Mickey-D sign between building. Golden arches. Yum. Beece love Mickey-D. Yes-yes. Sometime -  What sound? Beece hear squeak-squeak. Turn see black metal door in brick wall. Look hard see red letter.





Beece no read but Beece see blood on door. See eye look out from door crack.

Meerm! Meerm here!

Beece look round quick. Mans not near. Man not look. Beece fraid talk. Wave Meerm to make stay. No speak, no move! Beece bend, get water in hand. Wash blood off door. Get more. Blood all gone now.

Man yell, say, "Find anything over there?"

"No, sir. Many puddle. No see Meerm."

"All right then, keep moving! Time's a-wasting!"

Beece bend and whisper to door, "Beece not tell. Not tell no one."