The Dark at the End - Page 23/97

Hank had kept up a brisk pace on his trek and found himself puffing a little by the time he stopped at the corner across the street from Drexler's apartment building.

Out of shape. Back in the day before he became a best-selling author, he earned his pay through hard physical labor - and every so often he missed the simplicity of his slaughterhouse job. But, despite all the pain-in-the-ass picayune bullshit it entailed, being the King of Kickerdom was better. He had a purpose now, something he'd lacked before.

As he waited for the light to change he saw a guy in a hoodie come out the front entrance and signal an approaching cab. Hank gave him a casual glance and was turning away when the cab's headlights caught his face.

He knew that face. Where - ?

Him! Shit, it was him!

Tyleski - the guy who stole the Compendium.

A burst of rage pushed Hank off the curb but he reined it in after two steps and stopped. The guy was getting into the cab and Hank would never reach him.

But he couldn't let him get away again. No fucking way.

He looked upstream and saw a couple of cabs barreling his way. He waved an arm and the one in the lead swerved across three lanes to stop in front of him. Hank jumped in and pointed to Tyleski's departing taxi across the street.

"Follow that cab!" he said, realizing how the words sounded as they spilled out.

But no wisecrack from the driver. He just hit the gas and followed.

Now what? Think.

Follow the guy home, find out where he lived, then arrange payback.

Wait. Shit happened. What if traffic snarled and he got away? This was a precious opportunity. Couldn't let chance screw it up. He needed backup. He could call Kewan and -

No. Szeto - call Szeto. Good chance this was the same guy he was looking for. He'd be more aggressive than Kewan. Tons more. He had a real hard-on for this guy.

He found his number and punched SEND.


"Hey, it's me. You know that guy we were talking about today, the guy you've been looking for? I'm following him in a cab as we speak, but I'm afraid I might lose him, so - "

"Do not lose him! I will call you right back."

Szeto was gone.

Hank looked at his phone and said, "'Do not lose him'? Well, fuck you."

Ahead, the guy's cab stopped at a light. Hank's pulled up right behind it. As they idled, waiting for green, Hank watched the silhouette of the guy's head. And wondered what the hell Szeto was planning. Had to be up to something. He wanted this guy.

The light changed and they started moving again. Hank drummed his fingers on his leg. Well, so far so good. Maybe he wouldn't need backup. Maybe -

His phone rang.

"Where are you?" Szeto said. His voice echoed like he was in hands-free mode or using the speaker on his phone.

Hank gave him the intersection.

"Going uptown?"

"You got it."

"What side he is seated?"

Wondering why that mattered, Hank double-checked the silhouette ahead.

"He's on the right."


"Why is that good?"

"Just stay on phone and keep me posted."

Hank felt his steam rising.

"Hey, look. I brought you in as backup. I don't need - "

"Just stay with him. I will handle this."

Hank bit back a remark and let it go. Maybe better to let Szeto call the shots. That way, if they came up empty-handed, he'd have no one to blame but himself.

So he kept Szeto informed of their uptown progress, wondering what the enforcer had in mind, and wishing he'd get to it before -

A bright yellow Hummer roared through a red light and T-boned the right side of the cab ahead of Hank, knocking it a good half dozen feet sideways. Hank's own cab screeched to a halt. A second later Szeto, carrying a pistol, jumped out of the Hummer. Hank watched, stunned and slack-jawed, as he ran around to the undamaged side. He pulled open the rear door and looked inside, then shoved the pistol into a shoulder holster and signaled to Hank to come help him.

Hank shook off his paralysis and jumped out. By the time he reached the damaged cab, Szeto was dragging an unconscious guy in a hoodie out the door. A van screeched to a halt beside them and the side door slid open. Hank helped load the guy into the van, then jumped in behind Szeto. They roared off, leaving the cab and the Hummer behind.