Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4)

  • published :
  • 12/06/2018

Page List Start Reading

Storyline Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4):

Vampire Academy Series 4: Blood Promise

The heart of the story focuses on the hero Rose Hathaway's journey to fulfill the promise she made to herself and Dimitri. During this journey, Rose finds herself in situations she would never have imagined--mob-like characters whose intentions are ambiguous, other aspects of Moroi life she was not privvy to, along with her first encounter with a dhampir commune, meeting other dhampirs with a vendetta like her, and finally, her heart stopping confrontation with Dimitri. No spoilers will be given, for that would take away at the amazing story Mead has created, but rest assured, you have seen absolutely nothing yet.

The novel was a mind-blowing experience full of amazing adventures and action that showed no signs of letting up at any point during the reading. Richelle Mead's writing has grown more sophisticated and despite the dark setting is full of humor and will make you race through the pages, leaving yourself blinking at the last page wondering where all the time went.

Page List

1. Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4) - Page 1/31
2. Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4) - Page 2/31
3. Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4) - Page 3/31
4. Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4) - Page 4/31
5. Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4) - Page 5/31
6. Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4) - Page 6/31
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