The Princess Bride - Page 86/131

Okay. Enough. Back to the text. Nightmare time.

The next night she dreamed of giving birth to their first child and it was a girl, a beautiful little girl, and Buttercup said, “I’m sorry it wasn’t a boy; I know you need an heir,” and Humperdinck said, “Beloved sweet, don’t concern yourself with that; just look at the glorious child God has given us” and then he left and Buttercup held the child to her perfect breast and the child said, “Your milk is sour” and Buttercup said, “Oh, I’m sorry,” and she shifted the infant to the other breast and the child said, “No, this is sour too,” and Buttercup said, “I don’t know what to do” and the baby said, “You always know what to do, you always know exactly what to do, you always do exactly what’s right for you, and the rest of the world can go hang,” and Buttercup said, “You mean Westley” and the baby said, “Of course I mean Westley,” and Buttercup explained patiently, “I thought he was dead, you see; I’d given my word to your father” and the baby said, “I’m dying now; there’s no love in your milk, your milk has killed me” and then the child stiffened and cracked and turned in Buttercup’s hands to nothing but dry dust and Buttercup screamed and screamed; even when she was awake again, with fifty-nine days to go till her marriage, she was still screaming.

The third nightmare came quickly the following evening, and again it was a baby—this time a son, a marvelous strong boy—and Humperdinck said, “Beloved, it’s a boy” and Buttercup said, “I didn’t fail you, thank heavens” and then he was gone and Buttercup called out, “May I see my son now” and all the doctors scurried around outside her royal room, but the boy was not brought in. “What seems to be the trouble?” Buttercup called out and the chief doctor said, “I don’t quite understand, but he doesn’t want to see you” and Buttercup said, “Tell him I am his mother and I am the Queen and I command his presence” and then he was there, just as handsome a baby boy as anyone could wish for. “Close it,” Buttercup said, and the doctors closed the door. The baby stood in the corner as far from her bed as he could. “Come here, darling,” Buttercup said. “Why? Are you going to kill me too?” “I’m your mother and I love you, now come here; I’ve never killed anybody.” “You killed Westley, did you see his face in the Fire Swamp? When you walked away and left him? That’s what I call killing.” “When you’re older, you’ll understand things, now I’m not going to tell you again—come here.” “Murderer,” the baby shouted. “Murderer!” but by then she was out of bed and she had him in her arms and was saying, “Stop that, stop it this instant; I love you,” and he said, “Your love is poison; it kills,” and he died in her arms and she started to cry. Even when she was awake again, with fifty-eight days to go till her marriage, she was still crying.

The next night she simply refused to go to sleep. Instead, she walked and read and did needlework and drank cup after cup of steaming tea from the Indies. She felt sick with weariness, of course, but such was her fear of what she might dream that she preferred any waking discomfort to whatever sleep might have to offer, and at dawn her mother was pregnant—no, more than pregnant; her mother was having a baby—and as Buttercup stood there in the corner of the room, she watched herself being born and her father gasped at her beauty and so did her mother and the midwife was the first to show concern. The midwife was a sweet woman, known throughout the village for her love of babies, and she said, “Look—trouble—” and the father said, “What trouble? Where before did you ever see such beauty?” and the midwife said, “Don’t you understand why she was given such beauty? It’s because she has no heart, here, listen; the baby is alive but there is no beat” and she held Buttercup’s chest against the father’s ear and the father could only nod and say, “We must find a miracle man to place a heart inside” but the midwife said, “That would be wrong, I think; I’ve heard before of creatures like this, the heartless ones, and as they grow bigger they get more and more beautiful and behind them is nothing but broken bodies and shattered souls, and these without hearts are anguish bringers, and my advice would be, since you’re both still young, to have another child, a different child, and be rid of this one now, but, of course, the final decision is up to you” and the father said to the mother, “Well?” and the mother said, “Since the midwife is the kindest person in the village, she must know a monster when she sees one; let’s get to it,” so Buttercup’s father and Buttercup’s mother put their hands to the baby’s throat and the baby began to gasp. Even when Buttercup was awake again, at dawn, with fifty-seven days to go till her marriage, she could not stop gasping.