The Record of Unusual Creatures - Page 313/834

Chapter 313: In the End, It's All His Fault

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the end, Hessiana did not get to find out what demon hunter blood tasted like. Even though she came up with a multitude of ideas like using a straw, using napkins, setting up candles, playing soft jazz and using proper cutlery, which on the surface seemed to practice restraint. However, Vivian clearly did not find the idea of her minion dining on a pool of blood by the street anywhere close to self-restraint. Aside from that, even Hao Ren and the others were uncomfortable by the thought so, Hessiana had to give it up.

The group were closing in on Hessiana's turf and the streets looked like something you would see in Stalingrad during World War II. Their turf was almost totally destroyed. The streets and many of the buildings were simply broken walls at this point. Smoking craters marked the streets and the air was thick with the stinging of a mix of smells. These resulted from the various combustibles, acid weapons and remaining poison gas. Hao Ren felt that just walking through the street could cut his life short by 10 years. The other parts of the city were equally damaged but, nothing could match the carnage here. Hessiana's Daredevils used human warfare tactics by bringing in big bombs with bigger explosions into a fight between unusual creatures, and the result was telling.

As they passed through a street, a vampire clad in combat garb and a steel helmet leapt out from behind some concrete blocks. "Hold it right there... Oh-oh!!! Mistress is back! Mistress is back!"

"Turcan, are you sober now?" Hessiana gave the vampire a sideways glance and pointed towards Y'zaks. "We got Bethanos. Inform Lucas, we have a score to settle with that old bastard."

Turcan was that drunk vampire who could not get out of his bat form. When he finally became sober, he turned into a rather good looking vampire. Then again, all vampires were almost paragons of beauty and culture. Having listened to Hessiana's orders, Turcan pointed towards the piazza nearby. "The Lucas Family just arrived not too long ago. They are waiting for you."

Hessiana then saw that a group of vampires were indeed standing on the piazza, and they looked like they had just got out of a huge fight. Their leader was of course Zeon Lucas. The immaculately dressed vampire was still as swanky as ever. Even though his clothes had blood stains, his entire outlook was still prim and proper. It was a stark contrast to the ragtag state of his underlings. The first thing Hessiana said as she walked towards him was, "Hey, Old Goat. Still keeping up the haughty appearance, eh. I almost can't tell if you actually fought based on how you look."

Zeon Lucas and his group turned towards Hessiana. Their sights immediately shifted towards the six-metre-tall demon behind her. "This is..."

"Wang 'Y'zaks' Daquan." Y'zaks had to lower himself before he could speak to Zeon. As he spoke, sparks of flame rained all over the old vampire's head. The latter's impeccably kept hair that was untouched by combat was just a fraction away from being ruined. "This is Bethanos. I've already taught him a lesson earlier. But, if you want to give him supplementary classes, be my guest."

As he finished his sentence, he threw Bethanos on the ground. At the same time, he remembered to keep the latter bound with chains made out of demonic runes. Zeon saw how miserable the conniving shadeling had become and could not keep his usual, gentlemanly composure as he broke out into a big laugh. "Hah! Bethanos! This didn't cross your mind when you sold us out?"

Bethanos acted like he did not hear a thing. Well... in fact, he truly could not hear anything. The old shadeling had passed out even before Y'zaks threw him down before the group.

"Why are you lot standing here anyway?" Hessiana pointed towards her mansion. "Let's talk inside... We are allies now, no?"

Andrea scowled and spat blood out of her mouth as she heard Hessiana. "Well, no. We are waiting for you lot to sweep the mines."

Hessiana recoiled immediately as she was about to stomp her foot and scream at her underlings. "Stop playing dead and sweep the bloody mines!"

She shook her head after that. "I may need to find a new place to stay for a few days. This will take at least a week."

At the same time, a glaring evening light appeared in the sky. Hesperides dragged her spiky, giant mace as she stepped down from the light. She had followed Vivian's aura and teleported herself there. When she showed up, Hao Ren realised that the evening goddess' bloodlust had faded and she had returned to her original demure self.

Hesperides had a few fresh streaks of blood on her and the mace had some visible damage. Her face bore the weight of fatigue but, she smiled when she saw Vivian. "So glad I'm in time to see you safe. The city too."

She then saw the half-dead shadeling lying on the ground nonetheless, her expression did not change. It was almost as if this lunatic, who brought disaster to the sanctuary was nothing but a small fry to her. Hesperides turned to Y'zaks and nodded at him. "The big one, right? I've never seen a demon like you before. Are you from the deeper part of the abyss? Well, that doesn't matter does it. I'm really glad that you fought alongside us."

Hao Ren was surprised that Hesperides could tell the demon was Y'zaks with just a glance. It seemed like the Ancient One did have some ability to her name. "You can sense his aura?"

Hesperides just gave the party a sweeping look and said, "Exclusion method. The big guy's missing."


Vivian looked at Hesperides' almost serene looking face and raised her eyebrows slightly. "Got your revenge?"

The evening goddess demurred for a moment before she sighed softly. "No... He got away. I even got a few people to help out but, demon hunters are slippery as usual... and he also had two others with him. Almost as skilled as the godslayers of old. Pfft, but at least, I got something with interest back."

Vivian stared at the giant, spiked mace that Hesperides was still clutching and could not help but repeat the same thing she had told the goddess a thousand times over. "I think you should go back to using that magic staff of yours. Your melee combat skills are so poor that even a blind demon hunter can take you down."

Hesperides simply pointed at her forehead. "Here we go again. I want to go back to using my staff too but, this hole here won't allow it. Every time I get agitated, I go berserk. Even if you give me a staff, I'll still be clubbing someone with it." As she spoke, Hesperides touched her spiked mace gently. "It's better to have this at the moment. At least, the 128 spikes on super heated metal hurts more..."

So, that was why she was so fixated on the mace!

Vivian noticed the slightly weird expression on Hesperides' face and asked, "Say... do you think being so engrossed in this whole revenge thing is worth it? Haven't you suffered enough?"

"There's no value to it. This is war. It all boils down to who lives." Hesperides gave a self-deprecating laugh. "Smacking him with the mace today was me ticking off one of my long held regrets... But... seeing how you are now, I don't think you guys are staying?"

"We have accomplished what we came here for," Hao Ren quickly interjected. "Our goal was too see what the ruins was about. Now that the dimension has collapsed, there's no reason to stay here any longer."

Hessiana looked at Vivian and then at Zeon Lucas. She wisely kept her mouth shut about the Sacred Relic of Origins. She knew that Zeon was hungry for power and the Sacred Relic would definitely bring more trouble. Of course, she would not have been able to hide it forever as the Lucas Family would be sending men to sweep the shadeling's stronghold for information. It was just a matter of time before they discovered it. However, rather than adding into the chaos, it was better to just delay it for as long as possible. Zeon Lucas was stunned as he heard that the other dimension had collapsed. "What?! The ruins... collapsed?"

Hessiana patted Zeon on the shoulder as she pointed to Bethanos. "In the end, it's all his fault. Just keep him alive once you're done with him. I still have some questions to ask him."

Bethanos had begun to stir by then but, he instantly fainted again once he heard Hessiana...