The Record of Unusual Creatures - Page 7/834

Chapter 7: It’s Useless to Only Have Six Senses

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

How did it feel to have a werewolf living at home?

There’s not much to it. There was no werewolf transformation since it was not a night with a full moon, hence there were no blood-thirsty werewolf massacres, nor was there a squad of 200 knights led by a demon hunter charging into the house to exterminate a werewolf. Hao Ren felt that this night was peaceful since nothing had happened. The werewolf was affable, willingly pays rent and was not ferocious even after transformation. The only thing remotely bothersome about her was her fear of cats as well as being a slight bit long-winded. And of course, she was slightly annoying. Apart from these, there she had no other shortcomings. Werewolf form or not, she was quite cute.

The next dawn, Hao Ren woke up in shock when his face was slobbered. The first thing he noticed was a face of black and white, with two golden pupils staring straight into his eyes. This meant only one thing: breakfast!

"Good morning, Rollie!" Hao Ren tried his best not to fall back to sleep. After a few yawns, his limbs seemed to awaken, and he waved his arms to chase the cat off. Still feeling groggy, he pulled himself out of bed to get dressed.

Suddenly, he recalled that he had a guest in his house.

Also, this new guest was a so-called werewolf.

This fact was the cause for his insomnia last night. Awaking from slumber, he ruffled his hair and asked himself, "Was it all a dream?"

Very quickly, he realized that it was indeed not a dream: There were the sound of footsteps approaching from the direction of the living room, followed by a somewhat familiar voice, "Landlord! Why isn’t there signal for the television? It was stated in the ad that there was television!"

Hao Ren let out a sigh, finally accepting the fact that his life had indeed changed. He knew that he was not fully prepared - in all honesty, unless he was still naïve with a brain was full of hallucinations, who could have been prepared for this kind of situation?!

He was completely clueless on how he would live under the same roof with a werewolf, and never knowing what could happen at any point in time. Looking at the current situation, he might as well catch the bull by its horns when the need arises.

Exiting his bedroom, Hao Ren saw Lily sitting in the living room. This werewolf teenager had already changed into a tank top and denim shorts. Radiating youth and energy along with her wheat coloured skin and outfit, Lily looked like someone who had just completed an entire course of a fitness program.

Noticing that Hao Ren had exited his room, Lily happily waved to him and said, "Good morning landlord! Can you please check why the TV has no signal?"

Right after she said that, she saw the black and white cat lying on Hao Ren’s shoulder and she immediately scurried to the back of the sofa. Timidly, she stuck half of her head out and stared at it with eyes which had turned pale, and in a stuttering voice said, "Rollie... Good… morning..."

"As a werewolf, please live with some dignity" Hao Ren gave Lily a glance. He felt that his senses toward the dangers that lay undiscovered was slowly diminishing with each conversation he had with Lily.

"This sort of scenario is kind of distracting and relaxing to be honest," Hao Ren thought to himself. He walked across the living room to the LED TV which he had purchased 2-3 years ago. The display was completely blue, and the incessant static noise was annoying. "Is something wrong with the TV? Can’t you get any signal from your room?"

This simple looking rented apartment was in fact a lavish one. Each room had its own TV. This idea came to Hao Ren when "business" was good a couple of years ago. The televisions were on sale back then and allowing him to acquire them without spending a fortune. Today, possessing a TV in each room was a major selling point when it came to renting the rooms out.

Lily nodded and carefully crawled out from behind the sofa on all fours. Treading slowly, she said, "There’s no signal in the room. I need to watch some documentaries in the morning."

"You like watching documentaries?" Hao Ren asked while chekcking the back of the TV to see if the problem stemmed from a loose cable. "No. It’s just that there have been some films about wolves in the wild lately. I have to be aware of what my kind..." answered Lily.

"You’re from South Africa?" Hao Ren turned his head, curious. Thinking that he was able to discuss such topics with a werewolf, he could not help but feel curious.

Lily shook her head. "No. I do not know where I come from. I probably came from a snowy region. The memories I had before my slumber are blurry and I cannot recall anything, but I feel that no matter where a wolf comes from, we still belong to the same family. You humans classify yourselves by race and religion, but you’re still humans on earth. I feel that the reason why we mutants are segregated into the lowest class by humans are because we’re not united…"

Lili rambled on and on. Hao Ren felt that he could no longer keep up with her topic. My goodness, how can someone keep up with this conversation? To talk about evolution or problems in each species with a canine from a snowy region?

"There seem to be no problems with the cable as well as the TV. Since you can’t get any signal in your room, it is most probably due to the technical hiccups by the broadcast station," said Hao Ren in a professional manner. In fact, he could not identify the root cause of the problem. He said those words because he felt that he should not embarrass himself any further in front of a silly werewolf who was very much afraid of cats. "Watching TV programs here is mostly dependent on the TV’s signal instead of pre-recorded ones"

"Ok" answered Lily, there was a trace of disappointment in her face but it was gone in a few seconds. Hao Ren filled Rollie’s food bowl and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. However, there was a knock on the door before he even managed to reach the kitchen.

Not knowing whether it was just his imagination, Hao Ren felt a familiar chill seconds before someone knocked on the door. However, this feeling was dissipated quickly, leading Hao Ren to think that it might be because he had been too stressed out lately.

Lily frowned and scrunched her nose, but she did not pursue the matter. She pointed at the front door and said, "Landlord, you have guests!"

"Yes, I know." Hao Ren jogged to the door, wondering who it was that could have visited him in this god forsaken place. Based on this person’s time of arrival, it should most likely not be a hound from the electric or water suppliers. Whilst opening the door, he said, "Hi, who are you looking for?!"

A female stranger stood at his doorstep.

She was lanky at around 1.7 meters tall, with hair that fell to her waist. She wore a plain black dress and a pair of worn out sneakers. Although she had no accessories on, her dull attire could not mask her beauty. She looked to be of noble birth.

She did not have large eyes but when she smiled, they looked elegant. She had a small, hooked nose as well as thin lips. There was no makeup on her pretty face, yet her lips were a radiant red. Her features indicated that she was Eurasian, giving off the vibe that she blessed with the beauty of mixed heritage. The most eye catching thing about her, however, was her flawless complexion! Her smooth and soft skin looked like it could tear from a gust of wind. Her skin was also exceptionally fair, which resulted in her looking slightly pale.

Hao Ren was not a lecher. Although he frequently hooked up with girls, he was still able to restrain himself. Even after he saw a teenager as beautiful as Lily dancing and skipping around yesterday, he was only taken aback momentarily. The primary reason why he was so startled now was because the girl in front of him was really that much more astonishing.

The stranger at the door had her arms raised, shielding herself from the sunlight, as if she disliked the intense sun. As soon as she saw Hao Ren opening the door, she lose her composure and blurted, "You were the one who… last night. You’re not dead?"

"How can you say such things?!" Hao Ren immediately understood the context of her question and was alerted to her possible identity. "Yesterday night… my goodness! Lily, transform quickly!"

Apart from Lily, Hao Ren encountered only one other "person" last night.

Moreover, he was now certain that the sudden chill he felt moments ago was not his imagination. That was actually his mysterious sixth sense which he developed since he was young but it was proven that having the sixth sense alone was useless when one had let his guard down. He had already opened the door and his attacker from last night was just less than two meters away from him!

The last thought that came to Hao Ren’s mind in this chapter was, I cannot believe that it was such a beautiful girl…