Mystical Journey - Page 432/891

Chapter 432: Pursue 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Within the cave.

Beckstone jumped onto the Black Crow's back while holding onto Eleven's smaller hand.

"Eleven, everything depends on you now! As long as you find the connecting point in the Magic Array, Uncle and I will be able to burst out if we combine our strengths!"

Eleven's little face was deathly pale, and her face showed that she was completely at a loss.

"Calm yourself and come! I believe that you can do it." Although Beckstone was panicking, he tried to relax his tone.

He knew that he and his uncle had received heavy injuries from the self-destruction of the Black Fire Guards. In this state, he definitely could not face the Nine-Headed Demon Dragon as his opponent. However, he determinedly made sure that his appearance was not too worried.

Eleven's eyes were filled with tears, but she nodded determinedly.

She closed her eyes and began to detect the weakest parts of the Magic Array's joining points. Strong warnings of danger ravaged through her and disrupted her concentration, as she tried to perform her premonitions.

"I can do it… Can definitely do it… Definitely…" Eleven chanted it repeatedly in her mind.


Another loud noise rang out, and the source of this noise was much closer as compared to the others.

The expressions of the trio changed.

At this moment, Eleven's eyes shot open suddenly, and she grabbed Stone's hand and pointed to the front.

"I felt it! It's there!!" she yelled loudly while in tears.

"Your Highness, I went through so much trouble to find you…" echoed the man's cold voice from outside the hole suddenly; he was close!!


Beckstone roared loudly. The bodies of the three people suddenly exploded in blinding golden halos.


The golden halo around the Black Crow King's body collapsed suddenly. The gigantic Black Crow opened both of its eyes, abruptly spread its wings and flew towards the cave in front at lightning speed.

Countless golden lines appeared in the air suddenly and wrapped around the Black Crow King tightly, but were immediately broken by Beckstone whose eyes were still bleeding.


The Black Crow King blurred into a black long straight line as it flew towards the cave platform.


Copious amounts of black smoke lingered, as the black figure shot into the cave.

"Trying to run?!"

Garen's right fist clawed at the Black Crow King.

Nine blood-colored dragon heads circled around and flew out of his arm, before intercepting the Black Crow.


Unexpectedly, the Black Crow King pumped its wings and in a burst of speed, barely evaded the claws of the Nine-Headed Dragon. It rushed out of the cave, entered the platform, and shot towards the night sky.

A few black feathers drifted in the air slowly.

Garen followed closely behind, and his feet exploded suddenly, as the great reactionary force pushed him forth like an arrow fired at the Black Crow King.

At this moment, a giant black stone man stood up right in front of him suddenly and blocked the path in front of him.

"Get lost!"

The giant stone man's chest was punched by Garen. But his speed had been drastically reduced.

The Black Crow King took the opportunity to finally fly off the platform, leaving the cliff for good.

"Today's revenge will be remembered by us at Terraflor Society!!" Beard's voice echoed angrily from the sky.

Garen rushed towards the platform cave, and both of his eyes were bloodshot. Suddenly, he puffed his chest out. His entire chest was so puffed up, it seemed as though it was about to explode. The Nine-Headed Dragon's shadow floated out behind him steadily.

Suddenly, his mouth gaped open.


A cloud of terrifying black smoke accompanied the loud roars that echoed out of the entrance of the cave suddenly.

The black smoke turned into a replica of the Nine-Headed Dragon before it flew at the Black Crow King in the sky.


The Black Crow King roared in frustration and had barely passed through a layer of golden light film in the sky, before gliding down and falling in a faraway area unsteadily.

Behind it, the Nine-Headed Dragon that was releasing black smoke was obstructed by the golden light film and howled angrily in the sky.

Garen grasped the sides of the cave with both of his hands, as his bloodshot eyes glared at the Black Crow King in the sky angrily, while a dragon's shadow flashed across his face.


Underground Blood Jade Palace

There was a ringing crash as God Cloud's right arm fell on the floor and shattered into countless pieces, like a cracked clay container.

He held his broken arm tightly while a green ball of flesh floated in front of him slowly, emitting a faint tragic green light.

"Your decision to enter the Blood Jade Palace alone was your greatest mistake," said Avic coldly while he stood at far away. "I had initially thought that my arrangements were already set, but I never expected that a conclusion like this would happen in the end." He looked at the ruined surroundings of the palace and took a deep breath.

The staff that had belonged to the captain of the Silver Knights, Woods, had broken, and he was now crawling on the ground while a blood pooled around his body; he was on the brink of death.

The Geometry Service's King of the Stars held a paintbrush with an extinguished flame, while droplets of blood continuously trickled from his wrist and dripped between the slits of his fingers. His forehead was covered in sweat.

The only perfect one was Veska, who held the Choking Blade in his hand while his surroundings were wrapped in a large dark blue sea water illusion that imprisoned God Cloud tightly.

He glared at God Cloud's chest where there was a wound, a very strange wound indeed.

It resembled a painting that had been partially erased as if there was an additional broken layer on God Cloud's chest, and between the top and bottom halves of his body, it seemed like a block had been removed, causing him to lack a large chunk of flesh.

The strangest part was that although his face was pale, he continued to move like normal.

"Drawn Removal… Not surprising that it's King of the Stars' strongest ultimate move!" God Cloud bowed his head and looked at the wound on his chest. "Too bad you can't move, if not, even if it was me, we would only be able to fail and return."

"Right now you're gravely injured, as long as I continue to pin you down with the Distortive Beads, to keep you here, you will die sooner or later!" said Veska coldly.

But no one expected God Cloud to smile mysteriously.

"Actually… From the beginning, victory and defeat were already determined…"


Something fell down right after he spoke.

Not far away, Avic clutched his chest suddenly as he hacked, and fresh blood spurted out of his mouth.

A look of disbelief appeared in his eyes while he glared at God Cloud. He wanted to open his mouth, but was unable to make a sound.

Everyone had been stunned by the abrupt changes that occurred almost instantaneously.

Avic's blood splattered on the palace floor, causing a large pile of broken bricks to be dyed red.

"Your Highness!!"

Veska finally came to his senses and yelled loudly while trying to turn around and rush over.

"Don't!!" Avic finally roared at the cost of coughing up another mouthful of blood. "Stop him! Kill him!!"

Veska's pupils widened. All this time he'd assumed that everything was under his control, yet today, twice in a row, he'd completely misjudged the situation...

If His Highness Avic died…

He was too afraid to think of the consequences that would follow, Obscuro Society had already arranged everything, and definitely would not have any oversights in the end!

"God Cloud!!!" He spun around abruptly, the murderous intentions in his eyes revealing how close he was to killing him.

A calm smile appeared on God Cloud's face.

"From the very beginning, I had begun to meddle with His Highness's food and drink, putting in a medicine that could not be considered poison, as a flavor enhancer. But it wasn't His Highness that was the only one eating it, I ate it with him as well."

He seemed like he was reliving certain memories.

"This medicine does not have negative side effects, but it will benefit the body instead… Except that, no one knew. Once you consume too much of this medicine, the benefits will become excessive. For the average person, these benefits do not pose any danger. Of course, as long as His Highness did not use Original Heirlooms, there would be no danger at all. Even if he did use Heirlooms, there are only minimal repercussions, and any high-leveled Totem User would be able to calmly resist and even become immune to them."

"But… But unfortunately, His Highness is a normal person…" The smile on God Cloud's face became even more serene. "For a Totem User, there would only be minor repercussions. But for a normal person, it can be fatal."

King of the Stars stepped backward, and clutched the wall tightly without a sound, while his eyes coldly surveyed the scene that was playing out before him.

"The overall situation has been set, this encounter has been a great loss…"

He studied God Cloud carefully while he murmured.

"This time, we lost a round. God Cloud of Obscuro Society… Next time, it will not be this simple..."

Without a sound, his body melded into the black stone wall behind him. Less than a few seconds later, his entire body had disappeared completely into the stone wall, without a trace.


Suddenly, a deafening siren echoed throughout the air from the Kingdom.

The smile on God Cloud's face became more obvious.

"My plan has finally come into action on all fronts!"

Both Veska and Avic's faces had become abnormally ugly.

The warning siren of the Kingdom was only sounded when the Kingdom faced extremely dangerous threats, and this time it had been raised at once.

"Veska! Don't die!!" Avic choked out his last words painfully, and without hesitation, he turned around and staggered towards the outside of the palace to escape.

"Still trying to struggle? How funny." God Cloud had no restraints, as he had also been gravely injured, was pinned down strongly by Veska, and was unable to move.


The front of the Kingdom, at the blue waterfall large canyon

On the dark yellow ground, the canyons seemed like an inflamed black wound that divided the plains into two parts.

The canyons near the Kovitan Empire were on one side, and the endless pale blue light screen seemed to reach towards the edges of the horizon.

The light screen stretched up high into the clouds, forming a large broad physical screen, that emitted bright blue glowing lights.

On the left side of the light screen, there was an ocean of multicolored monsters. There were countless Black Flying Dragons, White Bats, and Dead Babies howling and screaming.

A huge number of Dual-Headed White Wolves raised their heads towards the sky and howled, while their entire bodies were burning with white flames. They looked like little white mushrooms in the monster herds.

In the sky, a few Giant Angel Stone Sculptures circled around.

Each Angel Sculpture had pearl grey stone wings growing out of their backs and were holding Dual Stone Swords in their hands, while their eyes resembled deep black whirlpools.

They were at least fifty meters tall and their bodies were pale grey, and they stood as the largest monsters in the sea of monsters. When they came down, they landed on the ground with one foot and would end up stomping and killing countless smaller monsters that were unable to dodge in time.

Looking at the sea of monsters that stretched towards the ends of the horizon, it seemed as though their numbers were limitless.

The thin blue light screen seemed like it would break when touched, and looked extremely weak.

The number of Totem Users behind the light screen, when compared to the monsters, were completely overwhelmed; they did not have even ten thousand in numbers, while some of them had been assigned to guard the entire back of the light screen as well.

The faces of the Totem Users were as dull as the ground, and some of them had already fled in secret.

"It won't be able to withstand any longer…"

At the headquarters of the light screen, the Captain of the Colossus Corps of the National Service stood in the command room quietly and looked outside the ring-shaped glass window at the enormous Giant Angel Stone Sculptures on the opposite side.

He crossed his arms and stood there, with an unspeakably calm expression on his face.

"Perhaps there is another way, as long as we persevere until we get support from the Kingdom…" the Vice Chief of the Geometry Service said quietly beside him.

"We can't make it…" the Colossus Captain said plainly, "This Four-Headed Giant Angel Stone Sculpture can't even be held back by the defense line. We don't even need to mention the King of the Nest behind."

He turned around.

"I brought up the defense line plan, and the Three Departments offered an abundance of manpower and financial resources. I originally hoped that it would be able to become mankind's final barrier. How unfortunate."

"What are you planning to do?"

"Life is full of ups and downs." the Colossus Captain reached his hand out and looked at the wrinkles that had already formed on his skin, while an unspeakable calmness appeared on his face. "This life of mine has already been very exciting."

He put on his white cloak meticulously and pinned a golden button on his left shoulder.

"A person's life will always have some things that require perseverance!"

Vice Chief's face expression changed slightly.

"You're mad! Do you know how many monsters there are outside? Ten million, twenty million, one hundred million? Two hundred million!!"

"I'm the strongest wall in the Kingdom," said the Colossus Captain plainly. "I once swore to His Highness, that on every day I existed, both the Empire and the Kingdom would never fall! This was my promise, and was also my resolve."

He took a big step out of the command room, while countless silver lines formed on his hands slowly, forming the outline of a pure silver triangular shield.

"Madman!! Georbas, you've lost your mind!!" The Vice Chief's chest puffed up immediately.


The large blue screen suddenly tore and a gap appeared, as Giant Angel Stone Sculptures raised their enormous swords, and began to squeeze through the gap. Countless smaller-sized monsters escaped from the outer parts of the gap, like a flood bursting through.

The Totem Users who had been guarding the area turned around and fled quickly, none of them attempting to quell the torrent of monsters. They were like ants on a bursting dam that were facing the floods but could not resist it at all.

"Giant Sculpture! Giant Sculpture! Giant Sculpture!!"

A deafening roar echoed from the top of the command room.

A white human-like figure appeared in the sky and was closely followed by more than a hundred other white silhouettes, and all of them held triangular silver shields and flew directly towards the sea of monsters.

In an instant, countless silver lines appeared on the shields of the flying battalion and connected together, weaving an incomparably large triangular silver shield. It collided with the gap furiously.

The several hundred meters long giant shield was illuminated with silver lights as it collided with the Giant Angel Stone Sculpture violently.


At that moment, it was as though the world had been purged of sound.