Mystical Journey - Page 470/891

Chapter 470: Information 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

However, the premise for all of this was that Hellgate first had to massacre and destroy a large number of the Three Heroes and Stone’s friends, relatives, and power, provoking them so that they would gather, and finally siege Hellgate together.

Meanwhile, the Elder Parliament did not show up from beginning to the end, for unknown reasons.

"There isn’t much time left…" Garen’s eyes twinkled. He held the crystal bottle that was filled with Glittering Water, and screwed on the bottle cap.

"How do I speed up the fusion, while breaking the bottleneck at the same time?"

While thoughts swirled in his mind, Garen merely exhaled in the end.

"Looks like this will still depend on the Cthulhuism Society…"

"There is an external incoming communications request, should I accept it?" Saiah’s voice rang out again.

Garen was slightly shocked. "Accept it."

There was a crackling noise.

One of the spikes in front of him immediately lit up with a dot of white light, and expanded to form a translucent crystal board, before Lala’s face was displayed on top.

"Palace Master, large scale Totem Power rebellions have appeared in the Southern areas, the Blackfield Hawk King and Obscuro Society’s soldiers have waged war against each other."

"Goth?" Garen’s eyes narrowed. "How is the situation there?"

"The Hawk King commanded his Black Shadow Army, which they claim has three thousand men, to directly confront the twenty thousand soldiers of Obscuro Society’s Annihilation Ring Army. They are winning by a landslide, and are currently enlisting people to join their army," explained Lala simply.

"Three thousand against twenty thousand? Tch tch…" Garen could not help but praise him slightly. Goth was probably Form 4 now, and although he was not Form 5, Form 4 was sufficient to suppress certain aspects of peak strength, and although it was not as important on the larger scale of the battle situation, when going up against larger powers such as facing thousands of Form 2 and Form 3 joined forces at least, it was still beyond the reach of their power.

Only Form 5’s could ignore the changes brought on by an increase in numbers, while becoming the most important power in the entire war situation.

As for Form 4 strength, three thousand against twenty thousand, this was definitely a typical example of winning a battle with fewer numbers. That would surely be recorded in history.

Lala continued speaking. "Two of Obscuro Society’s commanders are currently confronting the royals of Daniela and the Geometry Service at Royal Star Court and cannot be separated. Meanwhile, there are five armies on Obscuro Society’s frontlines, each army has at least ten thousand Totems, most of them being Silver Totems controlled by Crystal Derivators. They’re extremely powerful. This time, the Royal Alliance is probably firing back at the Kovitan siege incident." Lala took out a stack of intelligence papers and flipped through them. "Three out of Obscuro Society’s five main armies encountered frontline attacks simultaneously. The three areas seemed to move out at the same time. Even the National Service, Silver Knights, Elvart Knights, and two main armies were sieged simultaneously. This time, the strength of the raids were too strong, and although Obscuro Society was prepared, they still suffered huge losses."

Garen smiled. He already knew that according to the personalities of the department ministers, they would not just accept the assassination of the Kovitan King.

All of God Cloud’s clones suffered serious injuries, and his main body had been dragged by the Geometry Service to Daniela. No one could confirm whether the current opportunity was just a situation planned by the Three Departments. Obscuro Society had suffered serious loses this round, and their five main armies had probably accumulated many years of experience.

The mouse that was hidden in darkness assumed that it was strong enough, but when it jumped out baring its fangs and claws, it did not expect that the old cat that was playing dead would scratch it violently instead.

The Three Departments and the Geometry Service’s two strongest lords were in Daniela, while the National Service’s two commissioners, perhaps like the Secret Service’s minister and vice minister, were at the cracks of the world, engaged in a fierce battle with the highest ranking Nest Leaders. But they could also be in Ender, investigating the origins of the Giant Angel Stone Sculptures that raided Kovitan.

"Is there anymore new information?" Garen cleared his thoughts and continued asking.

"There’s one piece of information that I personally think will be of interest to you, even though I don’t know the probability of its authenticity or falsehood." Lala’s hands quickly passed a piece of information over.

After a series of crackling noises, a translucent screen expanded on Garen’s right side, and a black instrument with white words was displayed there.

‘Nest Leader’s ranking list’

After scanning through the list, Garen’s was one of complete focus on the ranking list.

All this while, when Obscuro Society had accidentally released the Black Copper contamination resulted in the formation of Aberration monsters and terrifying nests of various sizes. However, no one had added them up as a whole. Thus, nobody knew the true number of these Nest Leaders, and they had little knowledge about them as well. As for those for had achieved Form 4 and 5 powers, no one knew about that either.

Although, now that someone had apparently released a ranking list of the Nest Leaders, it was likely that this would greatly impact the other powers.

This was a chance for him to understand the Nest Leaders fully through direct observation.

Lala took this time to retreat as well, leaving Garen to begin investigating this information alone.

The second page of the information marked the source that arranged the information: Elder Parliament.

"Of course, only that force would have enough power to clarify this kind of intelligence." Garen was aware that this piece of information was something that only the highest level of the Royal Alliance had the right to know.

Since he had become the Black Swamp Palace Master, one of Kovitan’s Four Gargantuans, he had naturally reached this level as well. If it was merely peak Form 4 strength, it would not be classified as such confidential information.

Garen flipped to the third page immediately.

The third page and the first two pages were completely different.

The page was filled with silver characters that resembled tadpoles that swam around slowly, as if they were alive, and these completely unrecognizable silver tadpoles drifted around constantly, and could not be seen properly at all.

But strangely, Garen’s eyes were currently looking at a completely different scene, he did not see characters that were swimming around, instead, he saw a beautiful painting that accompanied the written explanations and records above.

This was confidential information that only peak Form 4’s had the right to read, and their peak Form 4 Totem Light would be able to filter out the light that was reflected off this information, and after going through a specialised reaction sequence, it would form the information and words that were now displayed in Garen’s eyes.

‘Nest Leaders worthy of attention number seven hundred and sixty-two in total. This is the total number obtained from the ocean islands of the East and West Continents, and also includes the polar circles.

The Elders of the Elder Parliament, and their disciples, had spread out to various parts of the world to collect huge swathes of information that surpassed the expectations of each area in each country.

This number that currently exceeded seven hundred was constantly changing, as the Nest Leaders themselves would engage in internal strife and eat each other because of the food chain.

Out of the seven hundred over Nest Leaders, there were over a hundred that were sentient, and were mainly scattered around the West Continent, Antarctic Continent, oceans, and East Continent. The East Continent had the least of them, but because Obscuro Society tyrannically drove the Nests to battle against Kovitan, it caused dissatisfaction among the intelligent Nest Leaders in the other areas, and currently, two intelligent-type Nest Leaders had already reached the East Continent areas from the ocean. Thus, the correspondence aims to dispute the information that was released to the East Continent.

The information had already explained the situation clearly.

Garen continued reading.

‘The Nest Leaders that arrived in the East Continent naturally have conflicted feelings towards Obscuro Society, if it is possible, it could be used to our advantage.

Below was the information regarding the two Nest Leaders that arrived in the East Continent. Within the existence of over seven hundred terrifying Nest Leaders, they exist within the top twenty ranks, and this existence is the main force confronting the Elder Parliament. Obscuro Society’s unauthorized violations of the agreement caused their dissatisfaction.’

Below that was the main information.

Mud Mammoth: Tenth rank, Ten Thousand Mammoth Nest Leader. A prehistoric creature that was awakened from the deep ice layers by the Black Copper contamination, ability assessment: Higher level Form 5.

Abilities obtained ---- shapeshifting, Size Multiplication skill, Muddy Earth skill, Mammoth Howl, Earth Shaker, others unknown.

Height ---- Around 3 meters in its normal state, full size after shapeshifting is 36.2 meters. Weight ---- 124 tonnes.

Talents ---- Its entire body can turn into mud at any time, making it immune from attacks that are Form 4 and lower.’

Below it was a dark blue elephant that was standing upright on two legs like a person, clad in grey-brown leather armor, holding a large black hammer upside down in its hand, while the hammer was filled with sharp metal spikes.

This Mammoth had three elephant trunks that resembled tentacles and made threatening gestures in midair.

The painting was still moving, and it displayed the image of the Mud Mammoth perfectly, especially its three trunks, and the end of each trunk had the structure of a hand, while each trunk held a dark blue dagger.

This was a terrifying war machine.

Garen inhaled a breath of cold air; this type of monster was apparently immune to all attacks that were lower than Form 4! By looking at its size, its terrifying strength was already obvious. It also possessed strong abilities that could probably be effective in large ranges.

Upon flipping to the next page, he noticed that the Mud Mammoth’s battle records were listed there. In three major battles, one of which was with Obscuro Society’s Marshalls in the West Continent, the results were two losses with serious injuries, in which they were saved and taken away from the experimental area. The other two instances were single-sided mass destructions, and two of Obscuro Society’s Totem armies in the West Continent were destroyed by its hands.

It possessed the most terrifying attack ranges of all the Nest Leaders that existed.

Next was the second Nest Leader.

‘Psychedelic Demon: Fourteenth ranking, Illusion Demon Nest Leader. Terrifying existence of unknown sources, ability assessment: Lower level Form 5.

Abilities obtained ---- Phantom Teleportation, Spiritual Explosion, Spiritual Temptation, Puppet Control. Others unknown.

Height ---- Around two meters. Weight ---- Similar to a regular person.

Talents ---- Permanent Attack Deflecting Force Field, any attacks directed towards it will encounter its Deflecting Force Field, similar to Distorted Beads, except that its deflecting powers are not very strong. Immune to the majority of Totem abilities that are below Form 4.

Below it was a picture of the Psychedelic Demon.

This monster’s body size was similar to that of a regular human male, except that its body was shrouded in a layer of red-grey human skin, and even its face was covered completely, as if it was airtight.

Jester hat-like horns grew out of the top of its head, while it lacked ears, a nose, or even a mouth, making its entire face devoid of a normal human’s five sensory organs. The only thing there was a large ‘S’ shaped wound, where blood would occasionally flow out slowly.

The Demon assumed a squatting pose, while sharp red claws could be seen on both of its hands, making it look extremely strange.

Both of the Nest Leaders that had arrived in the East Continent looked like they were not to be messed with, making it obvious that their arrival was to counter the Obscuro Society’s nest luring incident.

Garen began to think deeply about the results that he would be able to gain from this, and the probable benefits as well.

He was currently about to enter Form 5, and if his powers developed enough to cooperate with the Flash Screen, he would probably possess enough power to withstand mid-range Form 5’s, but in comparison to the Mud Mammoth’s higher level Form 5, the difference was still too great. Moreover, only his explosive energy was strong, but during battles, after a long period of time, he would not be able to it anymore. Unless he entered Form 5 completely and fused the entire Nine-Headed Hydra.

But this was enough, as long as he had the right to stand in front of him to have a face to face conversation, that would be sufficient.

"Cthulhu’s Origin, I don’t know if it will produce any effect on me…"

This thing only required sufficient amounts of Glittering Water, which would probably be purchasable, except that Obscuro Society would not allow something that they had set their eyes on to escape so easily. The final result depended on which party possessed stronger powers.

God Cloud and the other Marshall would definitely not let the matter drop. This time, he would definitely need to stand directly before them. It would happen soon, once the Cthulhu King discovered the uses of the Glittering Water…