Mystical Journey - Page 485/891

Chapter 485: Deal 3

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After discussing with the others in the cave, Garen bid them farewell and left alone, sitting on the flying bubble as he flew towards the giant tree where he stayed.

As for the fact that Cthulhu's Origin contained Cthulhu's Will, he didn't immediately say it out loud. If he said it just like that, Scylla and the others might not believe him, after all they barely knew each other, if he said something too deep while their knowledge of each other was still so shallow, it might make them wary of him instead.

Cthulhu's Origin was the main reason he came to Daniela this time. It was an aberrated treasure that could let a regular Form Five reach the peak level, the Cthulhuism Society wouldn't bring something like that out so easily.

Sitting in the bubble, Garen looked down at the green canopy of trees below him, a flash of understanding in his eyes.

"No wonder the Cthulhuism Society wanted to kill the previous Thunder God, Hannet, no matter the cost, because only he has the right to filter Cthulhu's Will, as long as he was gone, then the Cthulhu's Origin that was sent out would become so many ticking time bombs, becoming a trump card for their battles."

After returning to his residence, Wukang's tree hole up there was utterly quiet, some black smoke roiling faintly in the cracks of the doors and windows on the tree hole, the long and large breathing inside repeating endlessly, Wukang was evidently focused on healing his injuries.

Garen went past Wukang's tree hole, and was about to return to his own tree hole.


Suddenly there was a huge dull noise, as though something had exploded. The Ancestral God Tree also jolted slightly, shaking somewhat, many branches and leaves floating down on him like raindrops.

Garen frowned, turning around and looking towards the direction of the explosion.


In the distant white sky, a huge red bird spread its wings and raised its head, making a terrifying loud howl, like that of a bird but also of a lion or a tiger.

The huge bird was covered in a red glow, its feathers a fiery bright red, it had six tails, and each tail was a poisonous red snake, the end of the tails being the snake heads that kept reaching out their slithery tongues as though they wanted to eat you whole.

The whole giant bird almost took up half of the sky in the distance, its body a full hundred meters in size.

Garen was also shocked by the bird's size for a moment, but after looking at it closely, he discovered something odd about it.

The bird's body looked solid, but it actually had a vague insubstantial feeling.

"It's the Geometry Service's Royal Star Court's Starry Sky Summoning!"

Garen suddenly remembered the information he had read before.

'From an unnamed starry sky galaxy, a temporary helper who can reply your call is summoned, by paying a certain price in return, obtain a response from an unnaturally terrifying existence from an unknown time and space.'

That was the description of the Starry Sky Summoning, it was also the Royal Star Court Master's secret ultimate technique, to think it would suddenly be used now.

"Who on earth could it be? To be able to force the Court Master to use such a terrifying secret spell!" Garen's heart gave a jolt as he watched the projection of the bird pounce down, its mouth wide open as it instantly sprayed out countless little red flame birds, covering land and sky as they cascaded down.

These little red birds were not solid either, they were all silhouettes made of red flames, when they were sprayed out, they actually all opened their mouths as well, and once more spat out currents of flames tinged with gold.

The gold flames gathered together, forming a small river that flowed relentlessly and quietly downwards.

Garen watched the huge bird's movement carefully. He had seen some information in a dissection book before, it was an anonymous scholar's research content.

He had been extremely interested in this surprisingly scary Starry Sky Summoning, and had spent a lot of time and energy researching it in particular. In the end, he came to a conclusion.

The Starry Sky Summoning did not actually call over a powerful existence from a starry galaxy, that did not follow the rules of energy conservation at all, to transcend here from a faraway galaxy would use some astronomical energy just on the journey itself, what was more the power needed to fight for the summoner.

In actuality, the core principle of the Starry Sky Summoning should be a sort of derivation, a technique to construct life.

The creatures that it can summon were all actual living creatures from the beginning phase, after they figure out all of the creature's biological structures and way of existence, the creatures can be summoned. The cost was a huge amount of Totem Light.

And then there was the middle level phase, which was to summon some special creatures that were slightly out of the ordinary, with special powers, and the cost would be Totem Light and some specific special items.

The last final phase was to summon fully-derivated terrifying creatures that had appeared at some point in time and space, the cost being a tremendous amount of Totem Light and a very specific rare item.

Actually, according to the scholar's research, the very beginning of the Starry Sky Summoning had been used to test if the structures of these derivated creatures had existed before. This technique had only been a sort of practical experimental technique, but after merging it with instant structural studies, it had become this terrifying offensive technique.

The huge bird that showed up now was the Star Court Master's signature Snake-tailed Bird, this was the strongest legendary creature derivated by the Star Court, although nobody knew when this terrifying creature existed, but its power was definitely at the peak of Form Five. Compared to peak-level fighters like the Cthulhu King and Phiroth, it wasn't as easily controllable, but when it came to pure power it was just as good. Of course, this didn't take the other methods these peak-level fighters could use into account.

This move was already the Star Court Master's strongest attack, and the power demonstrated by the Cthulhu King and Phiroth were just their normal states. The difference between them was obvious.

The Snake-tailed Bird was resisting against a dot of black light beneath it, the golden fire spraying recklessly as though it was free, this was clearly already its strongest attack, but it didn't have much of an effect on the black light dot beneath it.


A crisp sound, like the clash between metals. The black light suddenly shot out countless black chains, like a deity scattering flowers, spraying out in all directions.

The countless black metal chains were like living creatures, surrounding the Snake-tailed Bird from all directions.

The moment he saw the chains, Garen instantly recognized the user of this technique.

God Cloud!

He narrowed his eyes, a glint of danger rising in his eyes.

"It's definitely the true body, the true body that has the Distorted Bead!" Garen licked his lips, since the fight on the snowy peak back then, when he was grievously injured by God Cloud and had to escape, he couldn't keep it out of his mind.

But not only was God Cloud Obscuro's strongest military leader, he was also at the peak of Form Five, although he was defeated by Phiros in the past, he could still bulldoze past other Form Five fighters.

"He's not at the World Crevice, he's not controlling the situation or healing his wounds, why did he run all the way here?" Suspicion rose in Garen's heart.

This was Phiros' domain, with the help and increment from the Ancestral God Tree, he was already probably the strongest in history as long as he was here. Add that to an unnamed Original Heirloom.

Garen wouldn't have forgotten, that Daniela actually still had an Original Heirloom hidden away. Although it couldn't be as powerful as Kovitan's Caeserton. After all, Original Heirlooms had their categories too, Caeserton just happened to be perfectly suited for war. Regardless, this one couldn't be that bad, it should also have a special effect.

"The two of you, could you please take it for my, Phiros' sake, and call a temporary ceasefire?" Just as the black chains were madly shooting everywhere, and just about to completely surround the Snake-tailed Bird, Phiros' voice reached them.

God Cloud snorted, the black light shooting into the sky abruptly and vanishing, evidently disappearing into the distance.

"These are the Ancestral God Grounds, fighting is not allowed in this area." Phiros seemed to be explaining something to the Court Master, and then his voice fell silent.

The Snake-tailed Bird also rapidly shrunk, rather worse for the wear, and slowly became transparent, before disappearing into the air.

The many totem users who were being forced down below remained silent for more than ten whole minutes before they began discussing the battle that had just erupted again.

Their fight had only lasted a short while, but within the Ancestral God Grounds, there had already been a large piece of empty land that was completely burned away, covered with giant collapsed trees, and there was a raging golden fire burning away as well.

Soon enough, though, a green mist quickly spread across the area, rapidly extinguishing the golden flames, and the collapsed trees also began to grow new roots and shoots. They grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not long later, this area was once more covered with green, as though the damage from just now was just the aftereffects of a long-ago battle.

Garen stood on the tree hole, his sharp eyesight allowing him to watch all the changes clearly. Up until all the traces had been utterly recovered, only then did he finally return to his tree hole, closing the wooden door.

Everything inside the tree hole was completely quiet, the soundproofing was very good, and it seemed like a completely isolated little space.

Inside the hemispherical tree hole, there were many white vine decorations of different sizes hung about, and the tables and chairs were all grown directly out of the ground, so they could not be moved. A bush of small black flowers grew on the corner of the wall, emitting a natural and fresh minty fragrance, acting like a natural air freshener.

Turning on the black radio on the table, he simply tuned it to Daniela's public channel.

'...the later conflicts had created a hidden threat, since the Battle of Sunview back then, in order to take revenge for his wife's betrayal, Tesowork convinced Moro of the Black Light Tower, and activated the legendary World War…'

As soon as he turned on the radio, the female host's voice came from the machine, the program showing was one that explained historical wars.

In this era, with the rapid development of radios, after a bit of tweaking, some single-sided broadcasting techniques were successfully introduced, it was something similar to what they had on Earth, news and other programs appearing to meet demands. Daniela's people were usually battle-thirsty, so this sort of programs explaining the wars in history was especially popular.

He changed the channel, and after some static, a new voice came from the radio.

'...According to the West Continent, the Lyonesse incident should have been caused by a West Continent terrorist group, Forest Black Court. Although the group did not publicly claim the incident, the many clues showed that the Forest Black Court would be Lyonesse's biggest suspect."

This was intercontinental news.

Garen was slightly surprised, he didn't think that news from the West Continent would reach here so quickly too. Evidently, after totem users were utterly exposed and stopped hiding, walking into the limelight instead and using their totem skills, the Luminarists and forgers would surely have used all their methods to cross the continental distance, achieving rapid continental communication.

After the radio played some music, there was another man's clear voice.

'This is the intercontinental news.'

'After the event in Kovitan, the mastermind, the Obscuro Society has finally come to light. The leader of the Obscuro military division, God Cloud, announced yesterday that they would assume responsibility for this incident. The National Service's diplomacy division has also released a bounty warning, aimed for all of Obscuro's members…'

'In Daniela's 231st Forest City, there was a large-scale plague spreading today, a terrifying virus known as Grimlan Number Three is rapidly spreading, those infected would have swollen eyes, many tiny blisters forming on the surfaces of their eyeballs, making it unbearably itchy and painful for the patient. The infected would lose their vision within three days, and die after five. The relevant departments are sending researchers to discover a vaccine at the first possible moment.'

231st Forest City?

Garen's heart sank. That was a city close to Heart of Life.

Daniela's structure was different from other countries, their cities were like so many different-sized tribes, scattered and built across the limitless sea of trees, each city was hidden by many plants and trees, harmonious and natural, with beautiful surroundings. Before the chaos began, the whole of Daniela was a famous tourist spot. Most of the people wouldn't leave their hometowns, the people of Daniela, especially the normal people, were all very attached to their homes. As a result, the transportation between cities wasn't very developed either.

The benefit of that was that if a plague started in one place, it could be easily quarantined away.

Garen vaguely suspected that in the original history, Phiros hadn't actually set down the kill order because the concubine was assassinated, but mostly because of this sort of plague.

The original history had actually already been changed in some way.

After the regicide incident in Kovitan, Daniela would quickly discover that their concubine had been assassinated, and Phiros gave the order to carry out a massacre in the refugee camp of Heart of Life, but to think there was now a minuscule change in the process.

Obscuro was probably being hunted hard by the three departments, and the plan couldn't be successfully completed, so Daniela's side was basically peaceful and free.

If the concubine wasn't assassinated, Heart of Life might not be massacred again, and the revolution might not occur, so Obscuro might not have a chance to take advantage of it.

Daniela's history of collapse in three months, may have already changed before they knew it.