Mystical Journey - Page 560/891

Chapter 560: Declaration 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Within Great West City, one of the provincial capitals of the south.

Xiao Ying sat on the stone bench in the courtyard, her face frozen stiff. Her foster parents sat opposite of her with worried expressions on their faces.

Her foster father was a middle-aged man with a black goatee who looked like a slender schoolmaster. Meanwhile, her foster mother was a wealthy-looking noblewoman who was usually dressed in red clothes and wore a necklace with large pearls on her neck.

Two maids stood around the three people with equally anxious looks on their faces, with gazes that occasionally darted outside the courtyard wall.

"Xiao Ying… Those people outside who say they're from Moon Star Gate, who are they actually…?" asked the man with the goatee quietly in a trembling voice.

Xiao Ying glanced outside the courtyard gates. The sound of the footsteps of the Moon Star Gate guards that were patrolling outside could be heard occasionally.

"I'm not sure either." She felt guilty for involving her foster parents.

"Moon Star Gate Young Master will be here in a moment. He said that he wanted to invite you to Moon Star Gate," said her foster mother quietly.

"There's no rush, I will go with them in a little while. Please don't worry, nothing will happen to Father and Mother." Xiao Ying forced a smile. Her current priority was to ensure her the safety of her foster parents, while the second-most important thing was to prevent the people from Southern Sky Gate from coming forth to look for her.

This was a trap!

She had been completely certain of that since the beginning. Perhaps they were unaware that she was the Gate Master of Southern Sky Gate. However, they would surely know the relationship between her and themselves. It was highly probable that their plan involved using her as bait to lure the other members of her Gate.

As Xiao Ying was still young, her intelligence had not matured fully yet. When faced with dangerous situations like these, she was unable to find a way out of harm's way even when she racked her brains. Meanwhile, Xiao Yu had also been captured, and in order to save Xiao Yu, she would also…

"It is realistically impossible, but pretend to yield to that person so that we can find an opportunity to observe the situation before making our escape," said her foster father in a hushed voice.

Xiao Ying smiled bitterly. If only it was so easy to just escape like that. It was difficult enough for Xiao Ying to use her enhanced Grandmaster of Combat senses to eavesdrop on the guards' conversation to find out that the current provincial capital was now a large prison. Furthermore, out of the manpower that Young Divine Master had gathered, more than ten of them were Grandmaster of Combat level experts, greatly exceeding their wildest dreams.


The courtyard gates were pushed open.

Two brawny men from Moon Star Gate walked inside.

"Miss Xiao Ying, our Young Master has invited you over," said the brawny man who stood on the left loudly.

Xiao Ying shivered as she stood up and consoled her parents quietly before following both of the muscular men out of the courtyard.

She was surprised to see the captured Xiao Yu standing by the doorway with red swollen eyes. She had wanted to commit suicide but failed in the end. As a commoner who was under the surveillance of many experts, it was impossible for her to find an opportunity to kill herself.

Currently, almost twenty people from Moon Star Gate were standing around in the courtyard while an Elder with a cold gaze who was dressed in white waited on the side.

"Please, Miss Xiao Ying," said the Elder faintly.

Xiao Ying glanced at him and stiffened her face as she held Xiao Yu's hand, before sitting in the white sedan chair that was waiting for her.


The bearer carried the sedan chair as his feet moved quickly throughout the remote and quiet area.

After almost ten minutes, the sedan chair stopped again, before the bearer pulled the curtains by the door open.

Xiao Ying was dressed in a white dress that matched the color of the sedan chair slightly. She stiffened her expression and pulled Xiao Yu out, before noticing that she was now in a different vast courtyard that did not resemble Moon Star Gate at all.

She had been to Moon Star Gate and seen their courtyard, it was nothing like this.

There were fake mountains and a pond in this courtyard. There were golden carps inside the pond that were swimming around slowly and happily.

A blue haired youth in a white suit stood beside the pond and scattered fish food into the water slowly, smiling as he fed the carp. This person was clearly not from Moon Star Gate!

The moment she laid eyes on this person, Xiao Ying's pupils dilated when she recognized his true identity.


Young Divine Master Jessian, the true assailant who had assembled the Southern Sky Gate elimination team!

At the first moment, Xiao Ying had already guessed that something was amiss.

This entire courtyard was devoid of a single outsider, and even the bearer who had brought her here earlier had left quietly as well. Her acute five senses told her that there was no one within a hundred meter vicinity of this place except for the three of them.

Jessian… He was giving them a chance on purpose, a chance to rescue Southern Sky Gate. It was not a trap and there was not going to be an ambush. This was a covert plot to strike them until they collapsed completely.

He wanted to defeat the entire Southern Sky Gate's forces with nothing but his own strength!

He had openly withdrawn all of his manpower and was clearly giving Southern Sky Gate a chance to ambush him and save their own members.

But Xiao Ying's instincts told her that something was wrong because the rumors said that Jessian was not such a straightforward person who definitely had an ambush hidden somewhere deeper.

"You thought that I was waiting for you?" Jessian smiled. "How wrong."

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Xiao Ying calmly.

Jessian did not pay her any mind.

"This arena was prepared for the fellow that would appear at any moment."


The faint sound of a footstep could be heard from the shadows of the courtyard suddenly.

Simultaneously, numerous figures in black clothes walked out of the shadows within the courtyard slowly.

Xiao Ying was able to recognize the people who had appeared. There was Aunt Nora, Teacher Yue Jian who had rushed over from the Azure Continent, Uncle Ling Feng, and Big Sis Arielle. All of the remaining Southern Sky Gate masters had also arrived.

But only Aunt Nora and Teacher Yue Jian were Grandmasters of Combat, the others…

Her heart fell into the bottom of her stomach at once.

Teacher and the others were completely unaware that Jessian had assembled an entire assassination team! Without any information from her, they were now standing in front of her blindly.

The masked members of Southern Sky Gate in black clothes moved quickly before circling around Jessian.

"Jessian, surrender yourself!" Aunt Nora held a double-edged sword in her hands and a worried expression on her face. However, out of all the people on site, the legendary Young Divine Master would probably have a certain amount of power.

Aunt Nora and Yue Jian were considered as masters within the Grandmasters of Combat who belonged to the level of liquidized auras. Young Divine Master would probably belong to the level of solidified auras. Therefore, since there was only one level between them, they might have a chance to ambush him.

She had once crossed swords with a solidifying aura master, and although there was a huge gap between their powers, Young Divine Master was still juvenile, making it highly unlikely that he would have achieved a high level.

Jessian smiled slightly.

"All of you can come forward at once."

Before he had finished speaking, he raised his right hand immediately and blocked the front of his body.


A black whip appeared suddenly and formed a ring around the legs of the people that approached him. The ring resembled an oval that was formed by two whips, bringing the people from each side towards his temples.

Two clapping noises could be heard before Jessian brought his fingers together and aimed them directly at his opponent's ankles. He turned around before two twinkling stars flew out silently, forcing Nora who had attacked him from the other side to move backward, while a chain of fragmented shadows appeared around her body the moment she was pushed backward.


He raised his right hand and a silver line shot out suddenly. The sound of little bells could be heard before the silver line exploded into twinkling stars that dispersed throughout the entire courtyard. They fell down like raindrops until the walls, floor, pond, and fake mountains were all covered with tiny silver steel needles.

The people from Southern Sky Gate could barely evade the hidden weapon. Just as they were about to pursue and attack Jessian, they realized that he was no longer standing in his original spot.

Whoosh! A dull noise could be heard before a man in black clothes held his shoulder and rushed off, staggering as he left.

"Southern Sky Gate! This is barely acceptable! Hahaha!!" Jessian turned into a translucent shadow that pranced around the courtyard quickly like a flash of lightning. The dots of silver light disappeared hurriedly after landing precisely on a black-clothed person every time they appeared.

Within a few minutes, four black-clothed people had suffered injuries. Although Nora had to protect Xiao Ying and Xiao Yu, she was still embarrassed when two flying needles had successfully stabbed the back of her shoulders.

It was fortunate that there was nothing unusual about the needles and that their injuries were not too serious.

While they were fighting, a large group of soldiers in yellow military uniforms filled the courtyard suddenly. The Grandmasters of Combat from the ambush team had appeared around the courtyard walls. They were surrounded by martial arts firearms, while ten mortars were placed in the vicinity.

An officer in a yellow military uniform was accompanied by a Grandmaster of Combat as they took large strides into the courtyard. Moon Star Gate Master, two other Elders, and Moon Star Gate Young Master Yannen arrived as well.

The members of Southern Sky Gate were forced into the center of the courtyard, while ten guns were pointed directly at them.

"Young Divine Master is truly wise! You anticipated that they would surely arrive at the last minute!" praised the officer in the yellow uniform happily. "These Southern Sky Gate scum commit crimes everywhere they go, and they don't shy away from killing people or setting fires. By capturing all of them in one go today, Young Divine Master truly made a great contribution towards the security of my jurisdiction!"

"You flatter me, Chief Ling," replied Jessian with a smile while a group of people gathered behind him. There were thirteen Grandmasters of Combat on site, including those from Moon Star Gate, which were probably the most powerful forces throughout the three provinces. Attempting to break out from an encirclement of such strong forces were but a fleeting dream.

"If it wasn't for my previous apprehension, Southern Sky Gate would not have existed until today." He glanced contemptuously at the group of injured black clothed people. "A simple trick was enough to capture them in one go. There wasn't a single fuss…" Boom!!!

Suddenly, a flash of black light pierced through the wall like a broadsword, passing through the large army before creating an opening in the courtyard walls with a ‘bang'.

"You waited until the final key moment to appear, can this still be considered as coping with the emergency on time?" A charming female voice echoed through the clouds of dust that filled the sky.

"It's fine as long as we achieve our goal," replied a male voice.

The sound of gunshots filled the air while worried expressions appeared on the faces of the soldiers when they realized that the finest Grandmaster of Combat had arrived.

The military officer in the yellow uniform took a few steps back quietly, allowing the other Grandmasters of Combat to shield him.

Grave looks appeared on the faces of the Grandmasters of Combat who stood beside Young Divine Master because they knew that the first-rate master had arrived. Even though they had prepared themselves mentally much earlier, they were still worried when they encountered him in the flesh.

"Demoness Lola, are you trying to interfere?" Jessian's expression changed slightly.

"Interfere?" Lola smiled daintily. "This humble lady would never dare to disturb the Heavenly General's good mood."

The clouds of dust subsided, gradually exposing the two figures.

The Demoness was dressed in a short black silk dress. Although she should have been the center of everyone's attention, they were currently focused on the golden-haired man instead.

There was a handsome man with golden shoulder length hair, a calm face, and wine red eyes whose body was currently shrouded in dark blue mist.

The moods of the encircled Southern Sky Gate members became more joyous at once. Meanwhile, Lola quietly released her grip on the thing that she was holding tightly moments earlier.

"Too weak." The man's gaze fell upon the crowd of Southern Sky Gate members.

"Too weak indeed…" Jessian smiled and opened his mouth before his expression changed instantly. The face of the golden-haired man flashed before his eyes quickly.


He felt a sharp pain in his forehead while he stared off into the distance blankly in his original spot. A pool of blood shot out of the back of his head before landing on the back wall quickly, as if it was shot through by an arrow.

Cold air wafted out from both of their bodies.

"Omniscient Eye… How I missed you."

Garen retracted his fingers slowly, exposing the bloodied eyeball that he had gouged out of Jessian's head.

"Divine Master… Will not… Forgive you…"


Jessian's dead body collapsed on the ground stiffly.

The entire audience fell deathly quiet.