Mystical Journey - Page 581/891

Chapter 581: Secret 5

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After a good night’s sleep, Garen slowly rose from his bed.

Taking a deep breath, he turned to look at the window. The sunlight was seeping through his curtains, making the dust in the air somewhat visible.

He pushed away his blanket, once again looking at his wounded heel from yesterday. Except for a light red scar at the very top, it looks nothing like a wound anymore.

Today was a weekend, so he didn’t have to rush to school.

After dressing himself, he walked up to the window and opened the curtains.


Raffaele was on her bike waiting for him as usual.

Opening the window, Garen shouted, "What’s the plan?"

"How about the beach again? We can make barbecued seafood!" Raffaele answered after some thought.

"Sure." Garen didn’t invite her to come into his house. The last time she was in the house, there was an awkward atmosphere.

"I’ll be out in a bit!!" Garen shouted out loud.

Walking out of the bedroom, Jason and his sister Vivien were already eating breakfast in the kitchen. His mother was still in her study, and his father was in the living room sitting, talking with his new research student about their learning objectives for the day.

"Going out again?" Jason asked loudly.

"Yea, Rafi is waiting outside." Garen sloppily picked up 2 pieces of bread and spread some tomato jam on them, chugged a few mouthfuls of milk, then walked straight towards the door.

"Bro, you haven’t even brushed your teeth!" Vivien loudly said.

"Oh, right!" Garen placed the bread on the bathroom counter and proceeded to speedily lather his teeth with toothpaste.

All of the sudden, the bathroom door cracked open, and in came a red-headed girl in a black dress. Looking at Garen, she was a bit shocked, but managed to recover herself and politely gave her greetings.

"Good morning big brother Garen."

"Oh, Morning. You are?"

"She’s my best friend Arisa! She came to visit, she’s a tourist!" His sister Vivien ran it and answered. "Arisa, this is my brother."

This girl looked no older than 10, she gave of the aura of a shy young lady. With Garen staring intently at her, she started to blush.

"I-I’m Arisa, n-n-nice to meet you, big brother Garen…"

"Same here, but sorry, I have a friend outside waiting for me, so I’ll leave you in my sister’s care," Garen said after gargling, wiping off the remaining bubbles around his mouth.

He did not know why, but he felt that this Arisa was a bit different from other average people, so he couldn’t help but look at her a bit more.

"Arisa is here with her older sister, but the inn was full already, I ran into her at the town center, so I offered her to stay at our house," Vivien answered seriously. "Her sister is living in Serin’s place next door!"

"Ahh that’s great. Travelling at such a young age." Garen started ruffling her hair a bit, lightly patting her head, making her blush even more.

Her hands were behind her back, playing with her fingers frantically.

"Then I’ll be off, you guys have fun! Grano is a quiet and beautiful place, I hope you guys enjoy yourselves!" Garen said with a smile, walking towards the door.

"No worries, I’ll take good care of them!" Jason confidently slapped his chest, there was a sly grin on his face, he probably was scheming on bringing them through some strange tour.

Opening the door, a tall brunette girl with long hair was standing at the side of the gate, wearing a black slim fit windbreaker, carrying a small purse. She had an oval face and white skin, giving of a cool and unapproachable aura. At the moment, she was staring blankly at the distance.

This beautiful cool girl was still giving off that unapproachable vibe, even when she was just staring idly at nothing.

Garen, clad in nothing but a simple T-shirt and jeans, started pushing his white motorcycle out of his garage. The sound seemed to have startled the girl.

She frowned as he walked over.

"Good morning, I am Arisa’s older sister. I am here to pick her up. Thank you for your hospitality from yesterday." The brunette bent down slightly and gave a proper curtsy.

"There’s no need for the formalities…" Garen felt that this girl was slightly too serious.

"It’s only appropriate," she replied seriously. "Nice to meet you, my name is Isaros, I’m in your care."

"Nice to meet you." Garen nodded as he opened the gate and pushed his motorcycle out. " Arisa is inside with my sister, please make yourself at home, I didn’t lock the doors."

"Then, sorry for interrupting." Isaros bowed slightly.

Garen quickly assessed this girl, she looked younger than twenty, and had a cool aura about her. She was well-mannered but somehow spoke in a very traditional, formal manner. This made her even more unapproachable.

Furthermore, the name "Isaros" reminded him of the colloquial name of Duskdune Shura in the Totem World - Anzera. The two were only a syllable apart, this gave Garen a strange sense of familiarity.

"Grano is a beautiful and quiet place, I hope you guys enjoy your stay!"

Isaros nodded with all the seriousness in the world, "Thank you."

Garen looked back. He saw Jason frantically opening the door, his face blushing like a beetroot. He didn’t even dare to look Isaros straight in the eye. Garen finally knew why he was so adamant in taking the initiative to give them a tour just now.

Pushing his motorcycle, he waved to Raffaele, who was standing afar. They then proceeded to ride off.

Coldly looking at the direction Garen and Raffaele headed in, Isaros slightly frowned.

They weren’t here in this town as tourists, although, how they managed to escape their pursuers from Primary Colors escaped her. Fortunately for them, this was no doubt one of the safer places they had arrived at. She could probably stay here with her younger sister for around 2 more years.

Thinking about that, she let out a sigh of relief.

Arisa was still so young, yet she had to put up with so much pressure, living her life like a fugitive. Hopefully, they could live here for some more time… In the best case, the people from Primary Colors won’t ever find them… They already gave up trying to seek revenge for all the things in the past, all she wanted now was to live a peaceful, normal life, watching her sister grow up.


Two motorcycles were speeding across the woods.

As the sound of the motorcycle engines roared through the woods, they could see rustling leaves slowly falling to the ground.

Garen was wearing a black helmet, following closely behind Raffaele. However, his mind was still fixated on the sisters Arisa and Isaros, from just now.

The kind of feeling they give off, it was as if… there was an indescribable kind of vibe, strange and thick, but he just couldn’t put his tongue on it.

"What are you thinking about?" Raffaele’s voice interrupted his line of thought, she had apparently slowed down, now riding next to Garen.

"Nothing much, I just had a weird dream last night, I haven’t calmed down completely yet." Garen didn’t dare to say that he was thinking of 2 other girls. Raffaele treated him well. When it came to things like this, she had a short temper, if he wasn’t cautious he could easily piss her off. These unnecessary conflicts should just be avoided.

"You’re not thinking of other girls, are you?" Raffaele asked in suspicion.

"Of course not. I already have you." Garen nervously laughed.


Raffaele once again sped up and went ahead.

With this little interruption, Garen somehow figured out what he was feeling earlier on.

He might be on to something here.

The vibe he got from looking at the 2 sisters, felt similar to when he was looking at the history of the planet in the Totem World.

Although he didn’t see any special imagery or messages, but that unique vibe he got, was exactly like when he was viewing the history of the planet from outside of the planet in the Totem World!

"This feeling..." He muttered with his head down. Although his sights were still on the road, his mind was on the sisters.

"It should be from the Soul Seed…" He finally managed to distinguish this feeling he had.

Soul seeds are hidden in the deepest parts of one’s soul, at this moment, it was emitting a strange wave, affecting his current thoughts.

He felt that, around the 2 sisters, a lot of interesting things will start to happen.


The 2 motorcycles came to a halt on the road next to the beach, sliding into the opposite direction which they came from.

The two stepped off of their respective bikes and removed their helmets.

"Why were you so out of it just now? Are you starting to fancy that girl from before?" Raffaele aggressively asked, her hands on her hips, standing right in front of Garen.

"How is that possible?" Garen said, "It was just about the dream I had last night…"

"Stop lying! I can see it clearly in your eyes that you were thinking of the girl you saw earlier." Raffaele interrupted.

"Alright alright… I admit it, but it was only because that girl gave off a weird vibe, nothing more." Garen meekly admitted.

"She’s just a tourist, what’s so weird about that? You’re my man, don’t you dare go around playing with other girls! Or else, hmmmm…" Raffaele raised her fists up in a threatening manner, her cute appearance making such a violent pose made Garen chuckle. He couldn’t resist his urge to pinch her angry face.

The two then started to play fight a bit, chasing each other on the beach, accidentally falling into the sea getting themselves all wet.

Going back to their bikes, while they were changing their clothes, Garen quickly took out his phone and sent a blank text to the number he got from that Vampire yesterday. After that, he deleted the message records and kept his phone.

Looking to his side, he saw Raffaele had changed into her swimsuit.

"What do you wanna eat? I’ll go catch some for you. I might have to leave a bit earlier because I have some stuff I need to do."

"Can’t you even have some fun on just on the weekend?" Raffaele’s pure white skin was glowing under the sunlight, almost as if it were forming a halo. It was surprising, that after spending so much time in the sun, her skin was as white as ever.

"I have some stuff to do. As you know my parents are always busy with their things, when I got old enough they stopped taking care of us too much, so most I do of the stuff at home." Garen shrugged.

"Oh, right." Raffaele leaned closer, her height was slightly shorter than Garen, she looked up at him innocently. "If there’s any trouble, don’t hesitate to ask me for help, don’t try to carry the burden by yourself, okay?"

"Of course, I won’t forget my manly girlfriend is one of the strongest girls in town." Garen lightly grabbed her waist, his hand slowly moving downwards, almost reaching the thigh gap below her butt.

Raffaele smiled slyly, then turned around out of his embrace.

"Alright, since you have some stuff to do, when are you leaving?"

"We can still play around for about 2 hours." Garen disappointedly retracted his hands.