Mystical Journey - Page 696/891

Chapter 696: Plan 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"It was just a small conflict."

Rod muttered to himself.

"Speaking about the Blood Breed, there is one person that we cannot miss out - the last King. It is said that thousands of years ago, our planet had a huge empire named Suva Dynasty. Due to unknown reasons, the entire great dynasty fell into turmoil and was on the brink of collapsing. At that time, the last emperor of the dynasty, who was also the last King of Suva used all kinds of mysterious measures in an attempt to solidify all his strength within himself so that he could restore the dynasty. Unfortunately, he did not succeed. Because his strengths were clustered together, his body fell apart. They exploded into two parts, split between his upper and lower body. However, his brain, and all five sensory features were still attached to his upper body, along with his heart too. That's why it became the first ancestor of Blood Breed. Whereas the lower body had the reproductive organs and both his legs, symbolizing the movement and reproduction of a collective power. Hence, it was turned into the first Witch."

"Is this the source of the myth of Blood Breed and the Witches?" It was the first time Garen of this rumor.

"We selected this out from the various myths and legends that were mostly true. Which also means that there is a possibility that this could be true," Rod nodded and said, "That's why Blood Breed is the strongest; it lies in their effort, five senses, as well as their ability to control the brain. While the for strongest Witch, it lies in their power to bring everyone together, no matter if it's through fear or respect," Rod said in detail, "These were all the untold stories my brother told me. He keeps in contact with the top ranks of the Blood Breed's five-scepter-clan. If you come across any problems that you cannot solve, maybe I can help you make some arrangements, only if it's not a huge issue…"

"Is it a big issue if a Holy Technique Inheritor was killed?"

Rod heard the reply even before he could finish his sentence. Suddenly, he stood up from his chair. His face was stunned.


"Damned for life!"

A clan would not have necessarily produced an inheritor of the Holy Technique even if it took them hundreds of years. This was every clan's most precious future deterrent power - the most potential talent in Blood Breed, or maybe even the future support pillars of the combat power.

Somewhere in the dark space of nothingness, black smoke clouds slowly floated around in traces of plume, as if it were silk.

An oval egg-like shape appeared in the air, and there was no light inside. All they could see was a vague red statue figure. Beside the statue sat three figures with different qualities, but because they were all so dark, it was difficult to make out who they were.

"Our Holy Technique Inheritor, Eeleen was the potential candidate we chose in the recent years. She cannot die in vain," A black figure spoke in a low voice. It was as if thunder reverberated in this space.

"Don't be so radical. We are now in the era of peace, and our clan has already claimed superiority from the action against light party. We would not want to offend any unknown force that might be powerful just because of a potential candidate,' Another person answered lazily, "For someone who can kill Eeleen so easily, it must be the intervention of other Blood Breeds or Witches."

"This issue involves the Wellington family's dignity. If we don't retaliate, our people's confidence in us will be shaken," The last voice rang out. However, the voice could not be distinguished by gender but it carried the same thunder-like echo.

"Only a few lower levels were killed. Why are you so emotional?" The lazy voice said lightly.

The Wellington Clan was one of the Blood Brood's five-sector-clan. Other than the secret party's top Death Apostle leader, the three of them were the strongest ranking elders of Blood Breed. Any decision that had to be made for the entire Wellington, whether big or small, was discussed in this confined illusionary dream space. Who knew how many decisions they have made over this noise that had a huge impact on important issues?

Originally, the Wellington family was a neutral clan. But following the clan of the Death Apostle, it leaned towards the secret party. Then naturally, their perspective shifted too.

"It is now the time for us to stand for ourselves. If we don't fight back after being provoked, it will be extremely detrimental to our clan's ranking in the secret party," The first one who spoke with the radical voice said again, "Moreover, what do you mean by only a few lower levels were killed? Every ranked Blood Breed are a precious part of the clan!"

"What is the name of the provocateur?" The lazy voiced asked.

"Dahm. I think that's the name," The unidentifiable voice replied softly.

"Maybe we can develop our descendants? Such strong humans can be very hard to find…" The lazy voice sounded excited.

"If you can convince him then it is up to you."

For the development of vampire descendants to work, both parties must agree with it so that they would be able to let go of conscious resistance. Only then, the soul could be changed.

"Forget it, it's too troublesome."

"Since the other party had the ability to kill Eeleen who was so closest to the middle rank, then let's assign that to the middle rank judges of the clan," The radical voice said in a low tone.




Garen put the two girls down lightly onto the bed in the bedchamber. He covered the both of them up with a thin blanket, adjusted the room's temperature, and left.

'It's rare to seeing you so soft-hearted,' Black Sethe, who hated being lonely appeared, 'Don't delay the writings of the Demonic Book.'

"I know," Garen put his hands into his pocket, "Dahm is one of the important chess pieces I have with me right now. For now, I cannot lose her. According to intelligence, the one he killed was Wellington Clan's Holy Technique Inheritor. The other party might be responding really quickly."

'How do you plan to sort it out?'

"To resolve this as quickly as possible, before the next time Nadia attacks."

Garen walked to another study room which was a little more secretive. From the lowest level of the bookshelf, he took out a black shelled notebook. He lightly flipped it open, and impressively, there was a black gel pen in between. On the paper, some words that were written in detail were recorded.

He held up the pen, and took off its cover as he slowly flipped to the last page of the notebook. Then, he started writing.

'I need to know the detailed account of the information on Wellington Clan,' He ended the sentence with a hook-like symbol.

For a moment, the symbol that he swiftly drew suddenly disappeared on the page.

Garen slowly put down the pen, and waited.

Very quickly, within ten minutes, the notebook reacted.

'Wellington Clan from the Blood Breed? They are one of the five scepters, and you do not want to mess with them," the AG promptly replied.

'As an exchange, I will participate in your next operation. How does that sound?' Furthermore, AG helped him destroy White Phoenix Base the last time. Additionally, he provided the detailed report this time, especially since the Blood Breed really offended him. So, Garen did not intend to wait for the other party to make a move.

AG was against Blood Breed; mainly it was those who clans that initially besieged him. However, in fact, there were not only people from secret party among the crowd, but even more of them were from the light party too. Therefore, the objective of his revenge was not between parties. Instead, his goal was the Blood Breed.

This fellow had been scheming and calculating, planning for a shocking conspiracy, always wanting Garen to join.

'Then that's a deal. You joined at the right time, just when we are preparing to stabilize the situation. The secret party is huge, so our target will be Wellington," AS gave a confident reply, 'We have already arranged the detail, and we have enough people with us. The main goal will be killing statues of Wellington's Death Apostle. The other areas, we will rely on your men. Remember, you cannot let any of the Blood Breed's go! The Vampires don't matter, but if they react, all Blood Breed's must die!'

'It looks to me that you have reached the stage of attacking, and it seems like I have come at the right time,' Garen had never thought that it would be such a coincidence.

Before this, he understood that AG did not idle around. He made use of the Blood Breed's wrecked ashes from the large amount of shooting they did, and collected a lot of strange materials. With that, he created an extremely insidious and horrifying magical tool. In between, he visited Berlin once where Garen felt AG's qi becoming stronger and more profound.

Over hundreds of years accumulating in his grave, it would finally explode. He was very close to making changes that would turn the world upside that - Garen had that feeling. This old guy might be breaking through to a new level soon.

What level would a high rank go if he broke through it? There was only one answer - Death Apostle.

'Among the four Death Apostles, Wellington lost to Castine the last time. Since they are far from recovering right now, this is our chance. To be honest, even if you don't show up, we are prepared to attack. This time, we determined the two secret party clans but we could only choose one. But since that you have decided to come, we won't hesitate,' AG replied

After continuing the discussion in further details with AG, Garen closed his notebook. The words he wrote at the top were slowly starting to fade away, so he left it on the study table.

He walked to the study room window, and looked down.

The outskirts of Berlin's night sky was filled with stars of yellow dots. Away from the city, the white beam formed from the bright searchlight swept across the sky; he could vaguely see the reflections of both sides of streets on the Spree River.

This bungalow was situated on a high location, just enough to overlook most of Berlin's night view.

A few moments later, the notebook on the table moved slightly, without a single wind blowing.


As the subtle page flipping sounded, the notebook suddenly stopped on the last page.

The area that was originally empty was now filled with dense writing.

'Wellington Clan: There are 3 upper level elders, 13 middle levels, and 492 lower levels. The number of vampires was still unknown. As secret party's newly entered clan, Wellington was originally under the light party, but they abandoned most of the clan's peripheral forces. In its top ranking clan, the ones who are able to fight are one of the elders among the upper level, 7 of them in the middle levels, and you can ignore the lower levels. Our aim is to use the time when Wellington himself is resting to snatch the Blood Breed clan's Hallow Blood Statue. Once it is in our hands, we will launch a full-scale attack - Leave this part to me. Your responsibility would be resolving other resistance forces. In between specific patrol alert measures, what you have to pay attention to is to cover up your breath, as well as light sensitivity. We have prepared the latest development of Lightless Cloak so there might be a way to avoid it…"

AG explained the details of the action below the page - The Wellington Clan's defense measure, patrol route, as well as any possible responses that would go against the reaction of the Blood Breed; whatever they needed to do to achieve maximum effect.

From his arrangements, Garen could clearly see that Garen must have another two capable assistants other than himself. At least their strengths were also at the upper level.