Mystical Journey - Page 698/891

Chapter 698: Plan 4

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I am not very sure too. My brother has been very secretive since he was young. Even my parents did not know what he was doing the whole day. He got better and better anyway, but this part never changed," Vivien was not very concerned about these things. She treated her brother just like Arisa, carrying a sense of blind worship towards him. Especially this time where she was brought back from life, she unconsciously depended greatly on Garen.

Rob nodded his head. To be honest, the information on Garen was simple. But just because it was simple, that was why it became very mysterious. Anybody who looked him up knew his development history. However, nobody understood how he acquired those terrifying killing skills.

"Enough of that, let's not think too much. Anyway, my value has been pushed to this side, let big brother deal with these things," Rob laughed.

"Who did you call big brother?"


Vivien fiercely slapped Rob's lower abdomen, and said with a cruel face.

"I was wrong… I was wrong…" Rob quickly apologized, covered his stomach and left.


Inside the dining room.

Garen and Nasira sat opposite of each other. The table was already cleaned. On top, there was two piping hot milk coffee.

The rich coffee smell mixed with the smell of milk spread across the room, diluting the food smell that still hasn't left the room.

"As the Witch Leader of Dark Colors, why are you here if there is nothing happening?" Garen looked around the dining room's floor. He was not sure when a circle of thin black traces was spread all over the floor, forming a perfect circle that surrounded the both of their positions. He felt as if there was an inexplicable film of energy protection layer wrapping this place up, isolating the sound from the outside.

The relationship between Nasira and Garen had not always been great. If it AG did not hold them back in time the first time they met, the two of them would have beaten each other up. Only after another two meetings did their tension gradually eased a little, but their relationship still did not improve.

As AG's ex-lover, a natural absorbent, and an orthodox Witch against the opposition organization, Narisa was Darker Color's Witch Leader. Even though she had been suppressed by the forces of Lion Mother, her strength and power were still there. Moreover, her absorbent body type had an indescribable suppression towards unnatural powers.

"If AG didn't arrange for me to come because we are temporarily lacking in men power, do you think I would have wanted to come here?" Narisa said impatiently. She immediately threw him a black medal that she took out from her chest, "This is a token to enter the magical tool's enveloped area. Don't lose it, or else even if you become a Death Apostle, you could only hold on to your life for another two more hours."

Garen caught the medal, held it up and took a look at it. In the middle of the black triangle medal was a dark purple beetle; it looked like it was alive. Even when he plucked its leg, the beetle moved, proving that this medal was made from a real beetle.

"When we formed the Lightless Alliance, this medal was a symbol of the highest status. Now, only three of us wear this medal to represent that we are a military alliance. When there is trouble, we would send support to help each other. Is that a problem?" Nasira explained her eyebrows raised.

"Of course that isn't a problem," Garen nodded. His voice dropped as a faint sound came from the medal. The moving leg of the beetle's child suddenly stopped moving.

"Contract sealed."

Garen did not mind at all. No matter how much stronger he gets, he was on his own. Moreover, AG had helped him for a couple of times, and the sincerity he demonstrated was definitely not fake. This exchange was normal since he disliked the Blood Breed anyway.

Talking about that, the two worlds he was in before this were the same. He did not deny the power of an alliance to expand his own efforts. Suddenly, Garen had a thought that perhaps this was the purpose. Using whatever method regardless of the means, it did not matter if it was his own growing strength or the consequent of others' joint alliance. If he delayed his own growth timing, then he could not refuse.

What if this method changed? This was what my heart had decided, and among that, it would also reveal my habits and personality.

Garen's thought fleeted for a moment.

"Are you listening to what I'm saying?!" Nasira's frustrating voice was in his ears.

"Of course," Garen came back to reality.

"Operation time would take place one month after. The Wellington Household would also need some time to readjust their strengths. A few of them in the Middle level judging panel is on a mission to execute enemies, or either on a holiday. If we want them to come back without a reason, in terms of the inefficiency of these Blood Breed Household, we will definitely get some benefit out of this," When Nasira talked about efficiency, her mouth showed a trace of contempt.

She was proud and had a poisonous mouth, as if she could never see eye to eye with those whom she does not approve of.

In fact, other than the Death Apostle rank, there were only a few people in this world who could capture her attention. Among them were AG and Garen.

"We want all of them to be there. Otherwise, isn't it too troublesome searching for them one by one?" Nasira said casually.

"What about the operation details?"

"We will attack two Upper levels, and twenty of them from the Middle level. The others are up to you. However, your main aim would be destroying the Wellington Household's Silver Demonic Statue. That is Wellington's personal set up of a reality barrier. You can only break it with purely physical power," Nasira explained.

"Then pass it over to me," Garen nodded.

However, he knew one part of AG's terrorizing plan. This guy AG made the whole Blood Breed his revenge targets. He was nurturing a type of genetically horrifying monster that would go against the Blood Breed with his hundreds of years of knowledge. Most of the Blood Breed feasted on flash and ashes as food. Hence, this monster had been nurtured to a primary phase. For it, close to three hundred Vampires, and over ten of the flesh and ashes of the Lower level Blood Breed had been sacrificed.

AG named this monster as 'Sacrifice'.

"That is the whole situation. AG will let you know the further details, but I'll remind you of one thing: the Blood Breed Household has been around for over a thousand years. The accumulation looks very optimistic. However, if there isn't enough manpower when the time comes, don't say that I didn't remind you," Nasira said coldly as she stood up and stridden out.

The strange thing was that when she was at the confined door, she disappeared slowly and then she was gone like she shuttled over the door.

Garen kept his sight, and played the beetle medal in his hand.


The Wellington Household in a certain location, beside a certain pool.

"We received some news that the Witch from Dark Colors will be having her eyes on us."

A seductive girl with red-firey hair that fell to her waist, said. She was wearing a loose black silk pajamas, vaguely showing her naked body under it. She was lying lazily on a white oriental cane chair.

"Dark Color's Witch's Guild? What does this have to do with her? Those bunch of bastards is notorious. They would do anything for power, under any circumstances," A fool sat beside the blue-water pool, with a handsome yet beautiful face. She gave out a blue-haired silhouette that neither seemed male or female. Her voice was crisp and neutral; there was a slight bump on her chest, but there was Adam's apple on her throat.

"Who knows? Anyway, I got this news through the channel. I have no idea why those bunch of crazy people is keeping their eyes on us," The red-haired girl straightened one of her legs while one of her hands reached towards the small table for a cigarette that had a detailed black tobacco rod. She then proceeded to fill in the tobacco. With one single-handed brush, suddenly a flash of fire sparked and lighted the tobacco up, wisps of white smoke rose continuously.

The girl took a deep breath and slowly spit out a mouthful of smoke. The white smoke changed its shape in the air. In a second, it became a small and thin snake, circling around the girl, and slowly disappeared.

"This kind of life is really comfortable…" The girl moaned, seemingly lazier, "At first, I did not agree on jumping from partisan to partisan because it was just too troublesome. What is the difference between light party and secret party? They were the same anyway."

"You can't say it this way," The Blue haired person in the water said, "Even though Lord Castine is strong enough, but he is too softhearted. He is not a suitable candidate to lead my Blood Breed towards a great cause."

"That means, once your fight ends and after the light party is killed, what else is there to prepare for?" The red-haired girl asked.

"Of course it is for us to gain power," The blue-haired person replied.

"What about after you have gained power?"

"Then the best is if we could have a life!" The blue-haired person speechlessly rolled her eyes at her.

"Then isn't your life now good enough?" The red-haired girl yawned, "Nobody cares. You do whatever you like - you eat well, play well, drink well. What haven't you experienced? I think our life now is great…"

The blue-haired person was speechless, as if this girl had set it all up.

"Hence, why do all of you even fight so desperately to survive? You guys are real fools," The red-haired girl waved her hand and said, while she continued smoking her tobacco.

"You and I can't see eye to eye, Tu Lan," The blue-haired person said frustratingly.

"It is me who can't see eye to eye with you," The red-haired girl, Tu Lan replied lazily, "We are already at the Upper level. We still have thousands of lives or even more, so what else can't you enjoy? That's enough, let's not talk about this. But you should still think carefully on how to handle the Dark Colors Witch's Guild over this period of time. I have a feeling this will not be pleasant."

"What you're saying is that they might attack? That's not possible. We're Lord Wellington's personal commanders."

"Who knows what those crazy people would do?" Tu Lan's eyes narrowed, prepared for sleep.

To be honest, as an Upper level Blood Breed who had seen too many rises and falls; she had been alive for almost four thousand years. She had witnessed the rise and falls of the dynasty, the rapid development and sudden rise of modern civilization. She had seen the first and second world war, as well as participated in the history's famous Normandy landings. When Germany announced the war, she was a delegation of the alliance of victorious countries.

Success and failures - what is the meaning of it all? Even a stronger winner could not hold onto the loss time. Yet, Blood Breed had been standing at the victory point right from the start. On this basis, they still wanted to fight their own war. Weren't they just idiots?

Even if all the Wellington Household's Blood Breed would die in front of her, she could just continue living elsewhere and enjoy her life. The things that could excite her became less and less. As the third most horrifying existence in the Upper level Blood Breed, even with the Dead Apostles, she would rank seventh in the world.

However, no one knew. She could now feel that there would be a breakthrough sign soon.

She had already succeeded the pinnacle of Upper level for thousands of years, but once the breakthrough happened, maybe she would become the latest Death Apostle. Seeing those fellow Upper levels who were struggling to break through the border and still could not improve, she would occasionally imagine. Maybe it was that radical, yet full with desire mentality of hers had blocked them from moving forward.

"Haih… That's very lame"