Mystical Journey - Page 736/891

He didn’t know how this ideal had spread out so quickly within such a short period of time. However, he knew that if this were to be left untouched, it could be very troublesome.

He wasn’t sure if his instincts were accurate though.

One of the main characteristics of the Holy Fist Palace was something that everyone would experience while practicing, the strange excitement induced by the Demonic Book.

Not only they could experience an excitement that was far superior to sex while practicing, they could become stronger as well. This path was so perfect that everyone would definitely choose it! It was the perfect choice for the modern people who wanted success within a short amount of time without any hardship.

They were able to enjoy this sensation while strengthening their bodies. Frankly, a lot of people completely didn’t care whether they had become stronger at all, as they were addicted to the adrenaline rush created during their practices.

This was the terrifying part of the Holy Fist Palace.

Everyone was very well informed about this as the models and practice methods were advertised during the International Combat Competition held by Dahm and Hochman.

The two major Marshalls of the Holy Fist Palace, who had created their own individual branches of fist styles. In addition to the three Secret Techniques from the Holy Fist Palace, there was a total of five fist techniques. These fist techniques were nicknamed the Five Major Fists by hobbyists.

It meant that these fist techniques ruled everything else and couldn’t be compared with other fist techniques!

An extreme sensation could be felt as one practiced one of these five fist techniques. Under Garen’s guidance, Dahm and Hochman were able to simplify their fist techniques even further and create a completed lower-tier fist technique structure.

There were at least ten middle-tier fist techniques from the Five Major Fists. Most of these fist techniques were able to achieve a certain overall effect, their practicing requirements were very simple and one could definitely feel the sensation of excitement as well. However, the downside was that they were not powerful enough.

With these middle and lower-tier fist techniques as a means to spread out to the beginners, those hobbyists who had experienced the addictive sensation would definitely turn into fanatics and spread praise of the Holy Fist Palace through word of mouth.

They could obtain happiness, a stronger body, and aura while training. Once they reached a certain level, they could obtain a tremendous amount of financial support from the Holy Fist Palace and get a well-paid salary.

The most important thing was that once one reached a certain height and showed some results, there was a possibility one would be noticed by a General Level. They then would be invited into the inner circle of the combat club and become an official member of the Holy Fist Palace. After that, they would qualify to learn a stronger and more advanced fist technique.

With this rewarding leveling system, it had attracted countless elites and talented people.

After learning the beginner lower tier fist techniques, some of the elites who had battle experience were able to understand the unreasonable power behind these fist techniques. With the influence of their own teachings, the Holy Fist Palace became even more powerful than before.

In a blink of an eye, a few months had passed.

The Holy Fist Palace’s influence snowballed as it expanded rapidly throughout America, where the simplified Five Major Fists had dominated the whole region.

There even were martial artist hobbyists from other countries that came to learn in America. After learning the fist technique for some time, the technique and skills had started a new trend of martial arts.

The world was into martial arts all of a sudden.

Within this period, the Secret Party of the Blood Breeds was in a temporary truce with the Light Party. After the major battle which had occurred recently, both parties had finally settled down and talk under the mediation of Lion Mother.

Both parties had put their grudges aside in the face of the threat from the Holy Fist Palace.

Within this period, Garen had isolated himself from the society and the Holy Fist Palace was practically managed by the two main Marshalls, Hochman and Dahm. Both of them had obtained their strength directly from Garen and they had no hope of getting out of Garen’s grasp, especially after they’d acknowledged that fact. On the contrary, they didn’t feel too conflicted being under control by him, as Garen didn’t really control them at all.

The Holy Fist Palace became stronger over time as both of them had gathered a lot of power under them. Under similar logic, the four people below them had expanded their authorities and influenced as well and had been stationed at different locations in America as representatives of the Holy Fist Palace. At the same time, Dahm had extended his influence to the military as he handed down the simplified version of Death Waterbird King’s Fist Technique to the military.

If not for the highly focused attacks from the heavy machine guns or the machine guns that had no blind spot, Dahm’s elite underling would be unstoppable.

Naturally, it would be impossible to defend against wide-scale bombing. However, practicing the fist technique would not only increase the battle power of every individual soldier, it would also improve their five senses together with the Shooting Shadow Secret Technique.

The simplified Shooting Shadow Secret Technique was considered a flawless technique to learn for the soldiers stationed on the outskirts, as they would be able to cover most distances.

Naturally, the will and aura of a normal civilian was no match for soldiers’. The most important thing was the mentality of war, which every soldier should have so that remote operations would not be inconsistent.

This had solved the issue of not having enough people for the Holy Fist Palace when they fought against the Witch and Blood Breeds.

After all, Garen’s Soul Primer could only control a very small amount of people. Similarly, Hochman and Dahm’s Soul Primer couldn’t be used on many people as well. Hence, the only people who were willing to fight to their deaths were the Nighthawks and the fugitives under the two Marshals. Even though the number of people who had died in the Wellington’s war was terrible, the supplements to replace them from the military had greatly lessened the Holy Fist Palace’s recklessness.

This was especially true when many young and energetic officers joined them, resulting in a massive expansion of the Holy Fist Palace’s power and influence.

Garen had already taken countermeasures against hypnosis from the Blood Breeds. By using the Fantasy Fist as its foundation, he had invented a way to suppress this hypnosis. After the experiment was a success, one would be immune to the effect of a lower-tier hypnosis. Those who had a very strong and firm will could directly ignore the hypnosis at such a level.

Under these circumstances, the humans who had been suppressed and enslaved by the Blood Breeds had finally found a way to retaliate and joined the Holy Fist Palace. As they had been suppressed for a long time, these people vented their frustration and the Holy Fist Palace started to fight against the Blood Breeds. As the two parties had suffered severe casualties through the war, the middle-level and lower-level blood breeds were defenseless against these former slaves.

Throughout this oppression period, excluding the two parties, a lot of secluded Blood Breeds who did not wish to be involved had suffered as well.



Multiple human figures were running swiftly while panting in a bamboo forest in the dark, with at least ten pursuers hot on their heels. These pursuers were very agile and their breathing was long and rhythmic. They were holding clear black assault rifles with sharp knives attached at the muzzle of the guns, which could be detached as melee weapons.

On a small hill nearby, there was a group of soldiers in black special ops uniform guarding two young military officers. These two officers were observing the situation inside the bamboo forest with their night-vision binoculars.

“These damn mixed blood bastards! How dare they reject Colonel Raven’s goodwill during the previous reception. It was very fortunate for her that the Colonel had taken a liking to her!”

A white officer scolded softly with a chilling gaze.

“Blood Breeds will always act like one. Although she is but a Lower-Level Blood Breed, she is still one of the beings with long lifespans so it’s normal for her to reject him,” the other man replied calmly. “However, Colonel Raven is one of the elites in my combat club who was able to obtain the teachings of an advanced level fist technique and become the direct disciple of General Crusoe. If everything goes well, the General himself may even pass down the Fist King to him, and he’ll become the third generation of the Fist King. She would be ignorant if she still rejects him then.”

The former officer went along with him and smiled.

The truth was that he knew the Blood Breed girl who was being pursued. He once tried to chase after her as well but had been rejected by her. This made him bitter, and he had been nursing this hatred within him all this while. It was mostly him who had manipulated the Colonel to chase after her and get rejected too.

He found a tremendous amount of sadistic pleasure in managing to pull down a princess from the very top and crushing her beneath his feet.

Suddenly, a guttural scream could be heard from the bamboo forest.

It sounded like the voice of one of the pursuing soldiers.

Two officer’s expressions changed all of the sudden.

They gestured with their hands and the special ops around them gathered and entered into the bamboo forest in a blink of an eye.

These people had undergone the simplified fist technique training at the Holy Fist Palace and each and every one of them possessed excellent physical characteristics. Soon, cursing and angry shouts could be heard ahead.

“Damned Monsters!!”

“Kill him!”

“Tom has been beaten! Quick, bring in the blood cleanser!!”

“Quick, quick!!”

Torchlight soon lit up in the darkness up front and a special ops soldier returned to report the situation to the two officers.

“Sir, we have discovered a hidden camp of the Blood Breeds about one hundred and fifty yards up front. There is a total of twenty-three Blood Breeds and Vampires hiding there.”

“That many?” the cold looking officer was slightly surprised.

“The target seems to be a pedigree member of this small household,” the soldier replied softly. “Sir, please give us a command!”

The officer hesitated for a moment as he looked at his partner by his side, who looked back at him as well as he waited for his suggestion.

He gritted his teeth and as he was about to order them to retreat when the image of the cold and arrogant girl flashed through his mind.


Another scream could be heard from the soldiers up front.

“Open fire! Open Fire!!” everyone started screaming as gunshots echoed through the bamboo forest.

“All members engage in battle! Kill every single one of them!!” the officer had made his decision. If they were not careful, all of them would die at the hands of twenty plus Lower-Level Blood Breeds even though they were the practitioners of the Fist Technique.

“Someone called the Wittsburg nearby for support!”

On that night in the west of America, a war between the military and Blood Breeds had emerged.



A powerful punch by a pale fist was sent into the vampire’s chin and the vampire was sent flying away, crashing into a shop’s display window at the side of the road. The window was shattered and millions of shards scattered in all directions.

“You guys are the worst parasites!” the white muscular man stared down at the beaten black vampire with hatred and cursed as he spat on his opponent’s face.

He was the fifth generation practitioner of the White Cloud Secret Technique. He was in a rage as he’d found out that his cousin’s child had shown signs that his blood had been sucked by a vampire. In the past, he had not known much about the Blood Breeds, but after entering the combat club he’d obtained this information and managed to link everything up with the situations he’d encountered in his life.

When he asked the child of his situation, he instantly realized that it was the doing of a vampire. Without any hesitation, he brought a group of his friends and rushed over.

To fight against the vampires, those who practiced fist techniques derived from the King’s Fist would learn some tricks to counter the vampire’s skills in controlling humans.

“I’ve warned you before!” the muscular man walked forward. His muscles were moving about like little mice. He then held up the vampire single-handedly by his hair.

“But you turned a deaf ear to me. Now you’ll pay!!”


He punched once more. The punch was so strong, it shook the poor vampire’s brain so hard that he lost his sight temporarily.

Through trial and error by cooperating with Tu Lan, Garen had managed to simplify the White Cloud Secret Technique, which was highly effective against the Blood Breeds. Together with the white muscular man’s natural physical attributes, he was now like a beast with armor, undefeatable and overwhelmingly powerful.

Crowds started to gather as they looked upon the white muscular man punching the defenseless black man.

Occasionally, the black man would counter back with all of his might. Although his speed was fast, his knife wasn’t even able to pierce through the white man’s skin. In return, his leg was grabbed and slammed onto the ground like a hammer.

This made the crowd scream.

This kind of situation was very common on the street and could be seen everywhere.

Most of them were fist technique practitioners torturing the Blood Breeds and there were very few cases of Blood Breeds torturing the fist technique practitioners.

However, as there were much more people who practiced the Holy Fist… Compared to the minority of Blood Breeds, the fist technique practitioners would often come in pairs or groups. Hence most of the Blood Breeds would be beaten up and flee.

This world that they knew was getting chaotic…