Mystical Journey - Page 855/891

The battlefield was in a frozen state as the Hellfrost Peacock Technique finally revealed its true strength for the very first time in public.

With Garen’s Mech as the epicenter, a thin layer of frost was created within the radius of at least ten meters. The air turned cool and the strange cry of a kid could be heard everywhere as if it had appeared out of thin air.

“What sorcery is this!!” the Red-White Mech immediately took a few steps back. Although the Mech would be able to maintain its core temperature, the strange child’s cry couldn’t be avoided.

Garen stretched the Mech body as if he was one with the Mech.

“Now that your Energy Field’s been deactivated, what else can you do?’

Before he even finished his sentence, he’d pounced forward and attacked with two slashes which formed blades of light.


The two Mechs collided with each other together as both swords clashed against the spear, leaving two markings that were at least ten centimeters deep.

A huge amount of frost started to propagate from the spear towards the Red-White Mech.

“Go to hell!!” the Red-White Mech shouted as it released all of its Energy Field at full force while retreating at full speed. The Advanced Mech had finally revealed its terrifying potential as its speed was so fast that even Garen wasn’t able to see its afterimage.

What could only be seen were red and white shadows moving about and in that instance, the dagger in its hand was speeding towards Garen’s cockpit. Strangely, it took three turns to actually inflict a blow; it avoided Garen’s block twice before it pierced into Garen’s left shoulder with great precision on its third swing.


The dagger pierced deep into Garen’s left Mech shoulder, snapping off one of the most crucial joints.

Gared scoffed as he moved his knee forward, snapping the cracked spear into half and throwing it towards the cockpit in front of him.

The Red-White Mech attempted to evade his attack only to realize that its hand which was holding onto the dagger was grabbed tightly by Garen and he couldn’t move at all. If its body were in a good condition, perhaps it could overcome him with its Mech’s strength which was higher than Garen, but that was not the case here.


A huge amount of Mech debris in white and black spread everywhere. The debris spread everywhere between the two Mechs as both of them suffered serious damage.

Garen couldn’t care less as he released his opponent with his only functional hand. As he attempted to elbow him, he grabbed his blade in reverse and manipulated the edge of the blade with five of his extremely agile Mech fingers and pierced it into the opponent’s cockpit.

With these two unavoidable attacks, both Mechs were glued to each other once more.

Debris started flying everywhere once more as the Red-White mech managed to marginally avoid the attack. However, its waist was seriously damaged

Both Mechs were in a seriously damaged condition and the icy blue frost had already spread out so much that the Red-White Mech’s legs were already frozen, seriously affecting its movement.

For the second time, the Red-White Mech’s pilot felt that death was knocking on his door. He had experienced this when he fought against Red Eye Medero, where he could do nothing but run for his life. However, it was different this time.

“You’re merely a Level Three Mech….!!” he sat inside the Mech with his face blocked by his hair as he raged and trembled. “Just a mere Level Three…!!”

Garen’s expression remained the same as red alarms and sirens kept ringing in his ears while his Mech’s condition worsened by the second.

The red lights flashed directly onto his face but he was completely unaffected by it.

“The last hit.”

Willpower started rippling around his body.

“Crouched Eagle Talon… I’m going all out…”

Bursts of Willpower kept gathering in both his hands and the Mech’s hands at the same time. As one of its arms were already damaged to the point where it could no longer move, the invisible wave only appeared in one of his hands.


As the light flashed, his black arm immediately raised up and the machete in his hand looked like a silver line slashing down from above.


The Red-White Mech shouted as loud as it could.

As the tip of the machete came in contact with the Red-White Mech, the tremendous amount of energy was instantly absorbed by the Mech in an instant, as if the surface of the Red-White Mech was an endless abyss that took in all of the energy.

At the same time, a huge force bounded out from the Red-White Mech that closely resembled the afterimage of the machete. It was a half transparent afterimage that was made out of pure Willpower!

Garen’s pupils shrunk in that instant as the Willpower surrounding him was dispersed while a stronger Willpower overwhelmed him. However, he was fast enough to evade the speed of the incoming Machete’s afterimage as the afterimage hit onto his right leg.


The afterimage cut off the Black Mech’s leg, and after piercing through its leg, it slammed into the wall just beside Clint’s Mech. Its force was so strong that the wall sunk in, leaving behind a deep indentation.

This made Clint, who was completely worn out, started sweating all over his body.

“This is the infamous Reflect?!” Red Moon was able to understand the ability’s theory clearly. As a fellow Mech, even he couldn’t help but squeal at such a unique ability.

“The Dimensional Reflection Technique. I can’t believe it has been made possible on a non-Inherited Mech… What kind of…” Red Moon didn’t know what word he should use to describe the genius who had invented this ability.

“We should leave as soon as possible… while these two crazies are fighting to their deaths…” Clint who was placed in a series of shock was so mentally exhausted that even his words felt weak.

As Red Moon was about to speak up, he suddenly felt a new wave of energy from the battlefield.

“Fuck me! A Level Four!! A Level Four’s signal!!”

“What Level Four?” Clint asked weakly.

“That Blackboard’s Captain had an unexpected breakthrough during this deathmatch and he is now a Level Four elite!” Red Moon had the urge to spew vulgarities out of his mouth. Upon closer observation, “We’re good. He’s using a training method called the Crouched Eagle Talon that is easy to advance further. I’ve heard of this training method before, where its increment for each level up isn’t huge and can only be considered a below average training method. It’s only advantage is that it’s easy to level up.”

“Does the training method play such a big role?” Clint could barely hold the Mech up as he started walking away slowly from the battlefield.

“It plays a very big role. A Top Inherited training method, such as the Nine Mega Cannon’s one level up can allow you to reach a Mech Level of Three. Every Mech is categorized into its standard Level by its worst condition to the limits that can be theoretically achieved. The categorization would be fixed to the standard and this is the most crucial information that needs to be published the moment a Mech has been announced.” Red Moon explained quickly. “On the other hand, the difference in training methods will show itself by using a Mech of the same Level. You’re Nine Mega Cannon is currently Level One, which increases your strength by about three levels. On the other hand where your opponent uses a typical training method, its typical level up would increase its strength by one level or slightly more. In comparison, there would be a two-level difference in each level up, a four-level difference in two level up, and if you level up three times, the difference would be six levels apart. The further you level up, the more drastic the difference. This is just based on simple calculation without any change in factors. Realistically speaking, the Top Inherited training method would improve in all aspects instead of just one.”

Red Moon was very wary of the condition of the battle.

“That Captain operating the Mech should be using the Crouched Eagle Talon. Hence a level Four increment would equal to a Level Four power, which was used on the Mech’s arm to instantly increase its power. This gives a huge boost in hardening its arm, which is his training method’s effect.”

“What about that Red-White guy?”

“He should be using a slightly better training method. Judging from the looks of it, it should be an above-average tier. With one level up, it is able to increase its speed and duration of the power source by one level. This is also the reason why even though his Mech is eighty to ninety percent damaged, he could still chase him for a long period of time. If it were a typical Mech, it’d been no longer operational a long time ago,” Red Moon stared at it closely. “The Red-White is a Level five pilot, so his increment, by right, should be at Level five as well. However, with the pilot seriously injured, the Mech is unable to perform at its full potential. Since he has exhausted his Willpower as well, his current Level is at most Level Four. In addition to all of these, his opponent’s melee combat skill is extraordinarily good to the point where he can predict his moves and attack or defend in advance, resulting in the current stalemate situation…”

“Be careful!!” he started shouting.

Clint paused instantly and a thud could be heard as a huge stone slammed into the wall in front of him like a cannon, indenting the wall by a considerable amount of depth. It was a stone that had been sent flying from the battle behind.

He was so shocked that cold sweat leaked from his body profusely. With his Mech’s current condition, this huge boulder would’ve taken away his puny life if not for Red Moon’s Protection Field.

“Alright, let’s keep moving,” Red Moon ordered.

Clint turned his head back to look at the battlefield.

Two Mechs, one black and the other white, were entangled together as waves of powerful Energy Field and cool air spread out, distorting the environment and air in the surrounding. It was so great that even light waves were started to distort faintly and he could only see two Mech silhouettes fighting against each other.

Both Garen and Red-White were fighting to their deaths.

Although Garen’s fighting instincts were very overwhelming, the opponent was stronger with his short bursts of Level five Willpower. In combination with the difference in Levels between their Mechs, he could only match the opponent’s strength even though he had used his potential points to attain the power of a Level Four.

It was especially true towards the reflective technique which he couldn’t understand, as he’d finally experienced the trouble in dealing with these White Light Mechs firsthand. He truly was an elite that could avoid being caught within Blackboard Region for such a long time.

However, even though his opponent was strong and had a powerful Level five Willpower Reflection technique, he was able to see through his opponent’s intention with his Ten Thousand True Technique Battle Skills so that he could defend himself beforehand while attacking his weak points. He was able to fight toe to toe with him even though the opponent’s Mech was stronger than his in every aspect.

The Hellfrost Peacock Technique was barely able to cancel out the opponent’s Level five Willpower’s Deceleration Force Field as both Mechs’ reaction speeds were lowered down to an observable level. However as the Cold Chaos’s level was slightly lower, he was slowly being restrained by the opponent’s Energy Field.

Garen could feel that the strain towards the Mech and his body was stronger over time.

As he had a very strong body, he wasn’t really affected by it, but it was not the case for his Mech as it was a standard Level Three model of the Academy. In addition to this, his Mech was far inferior as compared to the Level five Mech and the strain was worse with the interference of the Energy Field, to the point where moving had started to prove difficult. The chances of him winning were fluctuating up and down.

The person inside the Red-White Mech was worse off as the strange cry of a child kept echoing in his ears. No matter how much he tried to filter out the noise, it kept disrupting his thoughts and mentality. It was so annoying to the point where he started to feel uncomfortable and his consciousness started turning muddled.

Deep down inside him, he had an urge to release all of the stress that was welling up inside him.

However, he controlled himself from doing so as he knew very well that if he were to act impulsively and go all out without caution in this deathmatch between two Level Four’s, he would be, without a doubt, the one that would be instantly killed!

However, the more he tried to control himself, the stronger his urge became.

He started to feel annoyed as he couldn’t find his opponent’s weakness even after fighting with him for so long, as he seemed to be extremely experienced in melee combat. It was as if he was a veteran that had just come out from a dead volcano. He had even used a few techniques in order to trick his opponent, but the opponent seemed to see through his intention in an instant and countered him. Even his most confident Duplicate Chain had been seen through, and he had no choice but to fight against him without any tricks.