The Becoming (Anna Strong Chronicles #1) - Page 43/43

David did recover and just as Culebra predicted, didn't remember anything of his kidnapping or the ordeal in Avery's hidden room.

I made up a story about his getting bumped by a car while we were chasing Donaldson. I told him he fell and hit his head on a curb, joked with him that it was becoming a habit. He accepted it grumpily, especially when the "insurance" check came from the errant driver.

Williams had a miraculous recovery from his "stroke," too, on the same evening, coincidentally, that Avery was killed. We haven't spoken yet, though he has tried to get in touch with me. I'm not ready to face him yet. But I will be. He has answers I need.

I don't know what I'm going to do about my "inheritance." I've closed the house for now. The hospital thinks Avery has taken a sabbatical after long years of dedicated service. They were notified of his decision via computer. They were understandably sorry to see him go, but knew he could use a rest. He had done good work for the hospital, regardless of the reason, and that's the way he will be remembered.

I let Dena go with a healthy severance check from my own account. She was neither relieved nor disappointed. I told her what she could do to rid herself of the bite marks, but I'm not sure she'll do it. She didn't ask me for help and I didn't offer. In spite of how she acted around me, I have the feeling Avery was right. She found life with him exciting.

I also don't know what direction my life will take now that I'm on my own. David and I are back at work. He thinks nothing has changed. And so far, it hasn't. So far, the hunger hasn't hit.

But I know it will. It's my nature now. Casper "drops in" every now and then and assures me I will be able to handle it. I have so many questions for him, but he won't reveal himself. I don't know why. After what happened with Avery, maybe that's a good thing. Maybe I'm not strong enough yet.

In a few days, though, it will have been a month since I last fed.

The hunger is coming.

I feel it.

I can only hope Casper is right.