Retribution (Anna Strong Chronicles #5) - Page 46/62

A HALF DOZEN CARS ARE PARKED IN FRONT OF THE bar when we arrive at Beso de la Muerte. I take it as a good sign. If the bar is open, maybe things aren't as bad as I suspect.

I direct Williams to continue along to the back. To the caves.

When we pull up there, my heart starts to pound. This time it 's not from any residual effects of the spell on Culebra, but because I'm afraid. I couldn't bring myself to call ahead to let Frey know we were coming. If he answered and Culebra was gone, or worse, if he didn't answer at all, I'm not sure I could have controlled my wrath.

Or Williams' rage.

Sophie steps out of the car, grocery bag in hand. She follows Williams and me into the cave.

The quiet wraps around us like a thick blanket. It's eerie and gooseflesh rises on my arms. The only sound is three distinct footfalls -

Sophie's rubber-soled riding boots, Williams' hard-soled loafers and my soft-soled tennis shoes. We could be alone in the universe, the feeling of isolation is so complete.

I'm hoping that's all it is-a feeling-and that we're not alone.

By the time we approach the area where I last saw Frey and Culebra, I've worked myself into a state of high anxiety. Chest tight, pulse racing, palms sweaty. I wipe my hands on my jeans and call out.

"Frey? It's me, Anna."

The words bounce off the cave walls.

"Frey? Are you here?"

We round the last corner and I break into a run. Why isn't he answering?

Williams and Sophie are right on my heels. I feel their panic and it fuels my own. "Frey? Answer me."

We sprint into the ward.

I skid to a stop.

The cot is there.



I whip around, eyes seeking a clue. They can't be gone.

Williams snarls and I whirl toward him. He has Sophie by the arm, the vampire unleashed. "Bring us Burke, witch." His eyes glow yellow in the dim light. "Or I will kill you right here."

Deveraux's voice reaches out to me. Stop him. It's not her fault.

But I won't intervene. I feel my blood quicken as the vampire lies in wait, ready to leap to the surface. Reason flees to be replaced by cold fury.

My friends are gone.

Someone has to pay.

"Do as he says, Sophie."

I barely recognize my own voice. It's hoarse with the effort of fighting the beast. "Bring us Burke. You are her sister. I know you can do it."

Sophie does not struggle against Williams' grip. "I'm not sure I can."

Williams' shakes her until her teeth rattle. "Do it."

I let it go on for a moment, then stop him. I pry his fingers from her arms and step between them. Harder than keeping my anger at bay is keeping the depth of my fury out of my voice. "Sophie. This is not a game. We will hurt you. My friends are dead. Burke is out of control and needs to be stopped. You are our only connection to her. Use your power to summon her. Tell her we'll kill you if she doesn't come."

Sophie's eyes are wide, but her voice betrays no fear when she says, "If your friends are dead, the spell has already been broken. I have no way to reach her. She will have a powerful spell in place to protect herself."

Williams growls in anger, elbows me aside and slaps her with full force across the face.

Sophie's head cracks against the wall of the cave and she slumps to the ground. Her eyes close for a moment, blood trickles from the corner of her mouth. When she looks up at us again, tears of pain and sorrow shine from her eyes.

"I hold no ill will toward you. I'm sorry my sister has hurt your friends. I will not fight you, but I can't help."

Williams lunges, pulls her to her feet. His teeth are at her neck, all control relinquished to the beast. "You have lived this long only because of Anna's friends. If you cannot bring us the witch responsible, your life is forfeit. This is for my friend, Ortiz."

Stop him, Deveraux screams. You can't let this happen.

The panic in his voice is more than concern for Sophie. Once she is dead, he is, too.

But I won't stop it. I don't want to. If anything, I want to take her blood as badly as Williams. I want to tear her head from her body, a sacrifice, a tribute to Frey and Culebra. They didn't deserve to die, either. It's not punishment. It's justice.

The vampire needs no further coaxing. I grab Williams and pull him away, slamming him back against the wall. She's mine.


He's on his feet, snarling, lunging back at me. His hands are extended, his mouth twisted. We circle each other, growling, like two dogs spoiling for a fight.


A voice, a familiar voice from the entrance to the cave.

"Who's there?"

And like a dog, I shake myself to allow the blood thoughts of the vampire to recede.

Who is that?

Williams and I both turn, wary, eyes flashing yellow to watch as a figure emerges from the darkness.

Sandra approaches, hands on her hips, head tilted as she takes in the scene.

"What's going on here?"

I swallow hard, pushing the beast down so I can answer as a human. "Frey and Culebra are gone." I point a shaking finger at Sophie.

"She will pay the price."

Sandra goes to Sophie, helps her to her feet, glares at Williams and me. "You two are crazy, you know that?" She puts a gentle hand on Sophie's arm, examines the bleeding wound on her neck from Williams' bite. "It's not too bad. Let's get you out of here."

Her eyes spark with anger as she pauses only long enough to throw caustic words back at us. "Culebra and Frey are in the bar. We moved them there to make them more comfortable. Why didn't you stop there first?"

Culebra and Frey are still alive. I watch Sandra take Sophie back along the trail.

Shame sends heat to flood my face.

We almost killed her.

How anxious will she be to help us now?

I probe to see what Williams is feeling. I get only the red tide of residual anger. His animal eyes still glow yellow as he follows the women out of the cave.

It puts me on alert.

I know now that whether or not we save Culebra or get Burke, as far as Williams is concerned, Sophie is a dead woman.