Retribution (Anna Strong Chronicles #5) - Page 53/62

THE PARTY IS STILL GOING STRONG WHEN WE step inside. Sophie leaves me to rejoin the group, my last words casting a pall that dims the spark of friendship that had been building between us. I'm sorry about that; I have few friends and I like Sophie. I'm not sorry for being honest, though. I don't just need for Burke to be out of commission, I need for Burke to be dead.

Weariness turns my thoughts to home and bed. I realize when we go back inside that I have no way to get home. Williams left with the car. Culebra arranges for one of his customers to drive Frey and me. She's a human, a host, and luckily for us, keeps up a steady stream of chatter that requires Frey and I to do nothing more than nod and grunt.

Fatigue settles on my shoulders like a coat of chain mail. I can 't believe all that's happened in twenty-four hours. The fire and losing Ortiz. Tracking and losing Jason Shelton. Going after Sophie. The ritual to save Culebra.

I wonder where Williams went when he disappeared. Did he go home? Did he go back to the park to set his witches on Burke? Try another locator spell? If she's as weak as Sophie implies, she may be easier to find.

What happens if he does? First thing tomorrow, I'll call and find out.

Frey gets dropped off first. He grabs the tote bag from the backseat and climbs out, a little more slowly than he climbed in. I realize if I'm feeling this tired, he must be exhausted. Look what he's been through.

I step out with him and touch his cheek in parting.

"Thanks. Again."

He smiles a weary but wolfish grin and places his fingers over mine. "Let's not make this a habit."

"I hope you told Culebra that."

"Believe me, I did."

He punches his access code into the security panel on the gate and steps through. "I'm going to sleep for a week," he calls over his shoulder, lifting a hand in a halfhearted wave as he moves down the walk.

I get back into the car. Our driver, young, enthusiastic, bubbling with curiosity about Frey and me, launches into a dozen questions about what happened tonight in that back room. She says rumors started flying as soon as Culebra made his entrance with the three of us trailing behind. Was it true he had been kidnapped by a witch? That he had been held in an astral plane and that we transported ourselves by way of a supersonic spaceship to rescue him? That we were now part of a paranormal superhero squad that will be called upon to break demonic spells all over the world?


The truth dulls by comparison.

I let her prattle on, neither confirming nor denying, all the time it takes us to get back to the airport and my car. When she drops me off, she rolls down the window.

"I could be a great help to you," she says, thrusting a card at me. "I'll do anything." She pushes her hair away from her neck. "Anything."

At that moment, another young face flashes in my head: a girl in a seedy apartment being seduced by that asshole Jason. I turn angry eyes on her innocent face. "Go home," I snarl. "Before you get what you're asking for."

I SLEEP FOR TWELVE HOURS. IT'S ALMOST ONE IN THE afternoon when I'm finally able to pry open my eyes long enough to look at the clock. My first thought, how good a cup of coffee is going to taste, is chased out of my head by another.


I sit straight up in bed and throw off the covers. I was supposed to take Sophie to the safe house this morning.

I grab up my cell and phone Culebra.

It's good to hear his brusque "Yes" when he picks up.

He isn't a fan of technology. If he's barking a curt greeting when interrupted by the cell phone, it's a good sign he's back to normal.

"Feeling better, are we?"

"Anna?" His voice softens. "Sorry, I should have checked the ID."

"I take it you're feeling well?"

"Remarkably well. It's amazing how rejuvenating three days in a coma can be."

I flash on Frey. Not so good for the person intercepting all that bad mojo.

Culebra instantly realizes the implication of his last statement. "That didn't come out right. How is Frey?"

"Haven't spoken with him since last night. He planned to sleep for a week. I thought I'd wait at least a day to call him."

"I'll do the same."

There's a pause until my as-yet-decaffeinated brain clicks into gear with the reason I called. "Is Sophie there? I was supposed to take her to the safe house this morning. Obviously I overslept."

"No problem. Williams came by this morning. He took her."

Why does that start alarm bells shrieking in my head? "Williams took her?"

In the background, I can hear someone-sounds like Sandra-calling Culebra's name. He shouts a reply and then says into the phone,

"Sorry, Anna. I have to go. Sandra is taking off. I want to say good-bye."


There's a pause.

"I never got the chance to ask. Is it true that Sandra wanted me to stay away from Beso de la Muerte? That she didn't want to see me?"

Another pause, then Culebra says, "I think you should talk to her about it."

"She's leaving."

He draws a breath. "I can say only this-Tamara was more than a friend to Sandra. While Sandra knows Tamara betrayed her, she still finds it hard to see you. You killed her lover."

In the background, a Harley engine roars to life.

"I have to go, Anna. We'll talk later."

The phone clicks dead in my ear.

I'm stunned by Culebra's words. It seems to be escaping Sandra that Tamara planned to kill her so that she would be one with Avery.

And she's angry with me? If I ever see Sandra again, I'll point that out.

Love makes people stupid, my own voice reminds me. Gloria and David were a perfect example. Forget it. Concentrate on Sophie.

I jump to my feet and head for the closet.

Why would Williams go back to Beso for Sophie? The question nags at me.

I can come up with only one logical answer. Burke is still alive. Williams' thirst for revenge won't be satisfied until he knows she's dead.

He sees Sophie as the means to that end.

And that makes me afraid for Sophie.