The Jane Yellowrock World Companion - Page 19/45

Jane takes her seat and begins to eat, asking what his boss wants. George tells Jane that Leo permits Jane to get away with behavior he doesn’t accept in anyone else, to which she responds that Leo does not own her. Bruiser says he hopes Leo never drinks from her, and that she retains her freedom of spirit.

The job Leo wants Jane for is to find the rogue yet not insane vampire who is attacking, but not killing, various customers at the Royal Mojo Blues Company. George and Jane go over to the club, and once inside, Jane looks around, going to a back entrance, the fire escape. Unlocking the door and disabling the alarm, and Jane examines the ground, sniffing. Jane tells George that the culprit is an old female vamp, with a human helping her by letting her in the door at night when the club is open. Outside, Jane determines that the vampire has her lair there, with her human also. George says that Leo will decide what to do with the vamp. Jane goes to wash off and comes in the back door.

George has an Allman Brothers album playing, and Jane asks him to join her on the dance floor. When the record ends, George kisses Jane, but they are interrupted by her phone ringing. George determines that one day Jane will be his, and he won’t be sharing her with anyone.

Raven Cursed, Book Four

Lots of Things That Go Boom and Kill Bad Guys: Jane Yellowrock arrives in Asheville on a borrowed bike while Bitsa gets repaired—happy to be there (as is Beast). Jane is annoyed with herself for taking the job from Leo Pellissier, vampire Master of the City of New Orleans. He sent her to North Carolina on a job that involves vamp politics, which Jane never enjoys. A local vampire clan master, Lincoln Shaddock, has applied to Leo—again—to be Master of the City of Asheville. Though every previous petition over the last sixty years has resulted in Leo’s refusal, this time he is sending a representative to meet with Lincoln, as one of his scions has come out of devoveo in just two years, rather than the typical ten. Jane’s job: to provide security for the meeting. However, she suspects that Leo may have another motive for sending her back to where she came from.

A day and a half later, Jane and her team, including Derek Lee and two of his men, are in place, ready for the landing of the helicopter transporting the vamp representative from the airport to the hotel. Jane’s first surprise: Grégoire of Clan Arceneau disembarks, rather than Katie, the vamp she was expecting. Jane suspects that Leo sent the gorgeous Grégoire partially to tempt her, but nonetheless is pleased to see twins Brandon and Brian, Grégoire’s primo blood-servants. At midnight, the event gets under way. All goes well until close to dawn, when a television news report shows the scene of an attack. Almost immediately Jane receives a call from Leo, who tells her to go and take care of the problem.

Vamp-Fang and Werewolf-Bite Scars: Examining the riverbank next to the campsite where the attack occurred, Jane scents a fishy smell, and she and Beast agree—grindylow. Fearing that the presence of the grindy may be partially her fault, Jane continues to study the area, and the photos of the injured couple, and tells the cop, Emmett, her witch friend, Molly, and the two river guides, Mike and Dave, that werewolves are responsible for the attack. She explains to them that the grindy enforces the were-law against biting humans, which explains its presence at the site. Scenting paw prints brings Jane an unwelcome conclusion: the two werewolves are the only ones left of the pack she destroyed in New Orleans—they were in jail at the time of the battle. Jane knows the werewolves are here as a personal challenge to her, especially so close to Stirling Mountain. Jane says she will look into getting a Mercy Blade to heal the young couple attacked. Jane makes a deal with guides Dave and Mike to have people send in the locations of all the places they have seen the distinctive grindy claw marks, as Jane feels she may be able to figure out the area the werewolves are staying. As Jane and Molly are leaving, they discuss breakfast plans, but Jane notes to herself that she does not get an invitation to Molly’s home, which she knows is due to Big Evan worrying about Molly’s safety when she’s with Jane.

You Fight Dirty: After texting a request to Leo and Bruiser for a healer for the injured couple, Jane heads up Stirling Mountain, knowing she needs to talk to Rick. On her way to the spot she remembers, Jane scents the grindy, and big cat. When she arrives at the campsite where Rick and Kemnebi, the wereleopard she forced to become her beta and take care of Rick, are staying, she finds Kemnebi drunk and Rick off fishing. Kemnebi makes no secret of his hatred for Rick, the man his former mate, Safia, had bitten in order to turn him, which resulted in her death by the grindylow. Kemnebi tells Jane that the grindy has been by to see him. When Rick returns, it becomes obvious to Jane that Kemnebi is treating him like a slave, which does not sit well with her. Jane takes Kemnebi down and tells him about the werewolves, and that she will expect him to help her when she calls. As she is leaving, Rick catches her and says the grindy smells funny, and since he has the rest of the day off, he asks her if she would like to go to lunch.

If the Vamp-Poo Became Airborne: After they eat six sandwiches between them, Rick asks Jane if they are going to talk. Though Jane has been expecting this, and knows the conversation needs to happen, she still dreads it. Rick starts by saying that he cheated on her with the female werewolf, and that even though they weren’t “going steady,” he feels guilty about it. Rick surprises Jane when he tells her that he and Safia never had sex—that she had bitten him only. Jane feels as though Rick was raped by the female werewolf, Magnolia Sweets, and that it wasn’t cheating at all. Then Rick asks Jane what she is, and when she finally gets herself together enough to talk about it, Jane tells him, explaining that as a skinwalker she was born, not made, and that she cannot infect others. Jane also confirms that it was indeed her that saved him from the saber-tooth lion, the form the rogue skinwalker had taken and tried to kill Rick. When they are saying good-bye, they end up saying it in a very hot and heavy kiss that gets interrupted by someone. Back at the hotel, Jane gets ready for the evening duty of security for the vamp parley. Derek warns Jane that the sheriff released her name in a press conference, and the antivamp protesters are saying she lied to protect the vampires, but everything seems to be under control.

Two Cups and You’re Done: During the evening’s vamp tastings, which Jane finds icky, comical, and kind of intriguing all at once, she allows her mind to wander, thinking about her conversation with Rick. When she zeroes back in the discussion in the room, Grégoire and Lincoln are talking about the faster “curing” process that Lincoln’s young experience. Jane once again gets distracted, this time by Beast showing her mental images of what she considers a good time, and when her attention returns to the meeting, she realizes she has missed something. Thankfully Beast fills her in, but the news is not good—Grégoire has requested to see the place where Lincoln houses his young, tonight. This visit was not planned until later in the week, and Jane’s team has not been able to scout the location yet, so she is very disturbed. All parties get in the car and make the trip, Jane and her team uncomfortable the whole time. Their arrival at the very nice clan home goes smoothly, though Jane and Beast are not happy about what they see in regard to how the scions are kept.

Leo Pellissier’s Right-Hand Meal: Despite not sleeping in two days, Jane wants to get away from the vamps and blood-servants for a while, and Leo wants her to track down the werewolves responsible for the assaults. Jane learns that more campers were attacked overnight. Not helping her mood, a local news station is running a story about the newest incident, also mentioning Jane and showing the amateur video footage from a year ago when she and Molly hunted down the rogue vamps who killed Paul Braxton. The video clearly shows the scar on Jane’s neck, which by now is pretty much gone. When she stops by Derek’s room to ask for transportation, he questions her about the scar while he has the safety off on his gun. This exchange reminds Jane what their relationship really is.

When Jane arrives at the crime scene, she talks with the sheriff and his deputy about the fact that werewolves, not vamps, are responsible, and tells them that a Mercy Blade from Charlotte is on her way to try to heal anyone attacked by the werewolves. Jane recommends silver shot to the local law enforcement officers, and gets permission to examine the crime scene.

Vigilante Law’s Got No Place in My County: Jane looks over the campsite, and knows three people were killed and three others chased into the woods—the three left alive being women, Jane tells the deputy. When he asks how she knows that, since they kept the information out of the papers, Jane says that the werewolves are trying to turn mates, since their females don’t typically live, and that those who do go insane. Jane points out that in a way, all werewolves are slightly crazed and sick from the curse. Something else Jane also notices that she doesn’t share: the first woman attacked is a witch, and one of these at this site was also. Jane assumes the werewolves are trying their luck with witch women. Looking carefully around the scene, Jane finds a piece of metal in the ground—Rick’s old key chain, the one he lost when held captive by the werewolves, meaning they are trying to frame him, too. Jane assures Sheriff Grizzard that vampires did not do this, that it was werewolves, for sure.

You Chasing the Big Doggies? Jane leaves the crime scene, going down to look for more signs of the grindy, hoping to catch up with him and discuss joining forces to hunt the werewolves. After finding signs that he was recently there, Jane heads back up the mountain and stops by to see Mike and Dave, the kayak tour guides. When figuring out the area the grindy is marking out and covering using the coordinates supplied by paddlers, Jane realizes that Molly’s home lies within that area. Horror-struck, Jane calls Molly’s house, but Angelina answers the phone. When Jane asks her if she has seen any big dogs lately, Angie replies that she has, at her window, but that she scared them off. Jane tells Molly what she believes the werewolves are up to, trying to turn witches. Back at her hotel, Jane gets some sorely needed sleep, but wakens when she senses someone in her room—no one she knows, but she can smell unknown vamp on him. With her weapons all a few feet away, Jane waits and listens. When the intruder gets close enough, Jane clocks him with a statue, then grabs one of her guns. Hitting the guy messes up the aim of his gun, his bullets falling short and soundlessly because of a suppressor. Jane gets off a few shots of her own.