Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1)

  • published :
  • 12/06/2018

Page List Start Reading

Storyline Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1):

Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1)

Savannah was groomed from birth to take the reins of her father’s manufacturing empire. Her emotional armor is as tough as the steel used in her factories, and nobody is allowed past it. Business partner Matt realizes that the key to entry is to command her submission. Calling on the unique sensual talents of his four-man management team, he engineers an aggressive and erotic takeover, determined to rescue the woman he loves from the steel cage she’s manufactured around her heart. Masked and lost to the sensations the team arouses in her, Savannah is theirs, at least for this one night.

Page List

1. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 1/25
2. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 2/25
3. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 3/25
4. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 4/25
5. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 5/25
6. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 6/25
7. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 7/25
8. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 8/25
9. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 9/25
10. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 10/25
11. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 11/25
12. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 12/25
13. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 13/25
14. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 14/25
15. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 15/25
16. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 16/25
17. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 17/25
18. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 18/25
19. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 19/25
20. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 20/25
21. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 21/25
22. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 22/25
23. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 23/25
24. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 24/25
25. Board Resolution (Knights of the Board Room #1) - Page 25/25