Not Planning on You (Danvers #2) - Page 8/30

“It sounds like you have a wonderful family, Gray. You’re very lucky.” With a smile, she continued, “I don’t think anyone could ever accuse our parents of doting on each other or us. Displays of affection make them uncomfortable.” She paused to gather her thoughts and said, “They aren’t bad people. Work is their life, and I accepted that long ago. Like most kids, I rebelled as often as I could, but it doesn’t change anything. I think at one point, they seriously considered trying to get a grant to study me I so confused them. But after many years, we all adapted to each other and the rest, as they say, is history.”

Gray didn’t think it was as simple as Suzy made it out to be, but she clearly didn’t want to talk about her parents anymore, and he respected her wishes. “If you’re all done, I’ll clean up and find your football game on the television.”

Suzy let out a groan and said, “If you don’t help me to the bathroom Gray, I’m going to christen this couch for you in style. “

He grabbed her tray and set it back on the table. “I’m sorry, it’s been a while.”

“Maybe I could try to walk this time if you help me up?”

With a leer, Gray said, “I don’t think so. Give a guy a break. This is the only thrill I’m getting right now.”

Suzy couldn’t help herself—she laughed and then clutched her ribs as the pain pierced her. Ok, note to self, no fun of any kind until I’m well. She waved Gray off as concern filled his eyes. “It’s ok. Just try not to be so amusing. Now please carry me to the bathroom before I embarrass myself right here.”

Gray gently picked her up and Suzy finally got a glimpse of more of the house. Gray carried her down a long hallway with the same color scheme as the living area they had just left. The hallway appeared to only have one set of double doors at the end. Suzy was intrigued. Surely, the bathroom didn’t take up one entire end of the house. As they approached the doors, Suzy could see that the room was plainly a bedroom, and obviously, the master.

“Wow, now this is impressive.” The room was huge and contained a full seating area with a leather couch, matching chair and ottoman and built-in bookcases. A king-size bed dominated the center of the room, with a wall of windows to the right. The room was painted a taupe color with white trim and a tray ceiling. A wrought iron chandelier was suspended from the ceiling in the middle of the room with what appeared to be matching bedside lamps. The room was cozy, yet elegant. You would feel comfortable kicking off your shoes and cuddling up on one of the couches with a good book, but still be proud to show this room off. A fireplace of similar design to the one in the living room stood on the wall at the foot of the bed. Another huge, flat-panel television dominated the space above the mantel. You gotta love people that know how to enjoy television.

Gray had paused to let her look around for a few moments, and continued on to the master bath. “You do know that I’m going to have to um…help you here, right?”

Suzy wanted to laugh again; Gray was actually almost stuttering. Had the man never seen a woman in panties before? He did it at the hospital, but she’d made him leave the light off until he left the bathroom. She was also wearing a gown then and didn’t need his help pulling her pants back up. Oh shit, no wonder he was stuttering, this was going to get bad.

“How about I get your night-gown from your bag? We might as well get you changed while we are in here.”

As he started to leave, Suzy stopped him. “Hey, I’m all for changing, but I have to use the bathroom now; I can’t wait. We can figure the clothes thing out next. Put me next to the wall, and I can lean against it on my good ankle while you pull my pants down. Then maybe you could help me sit.” Did I actually say that with a straight face? I just asked Gray to pull my pants down, and put me on the toilet; I’m officially in hell.

Gray moved towards the wall closest to the toilet and put Suzy on her feet. He could feel her wince as the move jarred her body. He squared his shoulders, and tried to stop the shaking in his hands. He’d helped her at the hospital, but that was different. Being in this house alone with her was much more intimate. This was like opening the Christmas present you had always wanted, and then being told not to play with it. Get a grip man; you don’t lust after someone who is hurt. Think like a doctor, you aren’t affected by a pair of panties. Please let them be granny panties, please.

He avoided eye contact as he leaned down and grasped the edge of her jogging-pants, easing them along her legs. Holy mother, a thong! Gray could feel sweat starting to break out on his forehead. The thought of hooking his fingers under the edge of her lacy, black panties was almost more than he could bear. Averting his gaze, Gray pulled her panties down, helped her onto the toilet and then fled the bathroom like the hounds of hell were after him.

He stopped outside the bathroom door, panting like he’d just run a marathon. This wasn’t the way he’d envisioned removing Suzy’s clothing. He kept telling himself that she was hurt, and he shouldn’t be standing outside the bathroom door with a hard-on so painful, the zipper of his jeans was almost cutting him in two. As much as he loved having her here, there was going to be more than one person suffering while she recovered.

Wow, Suzy had never seen a man run from a half-naked woman so fast. After being used to Gray taking every opportunity to touch her, this was a little surprising. If she had to, she’d crawl to the shower tomorrow. Skip bathing, brushing your hair, and throw in sweat pants, and the man ran like hell. Was she really such a turn-off right now? Glancing down at herself, she knew the answer was yes. There was no way she’d want to do her if she were a guy.

So ok, she had a broken ankle, and her body felt like it had been run over by a tanker truck, but was that any reason to let herself go? Where did these sweats even come from? She had a strict policy against pants with elastic. She’d make an exception for a pair of skin tight leggings, but come on; there was nothing sexy about what she was wearing now. Surely, Beth packed some of her better clothing.

Suzy was determined to stand, and pull up her own pants before Gray returned. She managed to hold onto the wall and pull herself up. With a lot of pain, and even more cursing, Suzy finally had her pants up. She gave a shout of victory and was in the middle of a fist pump when Gray burst through the door with her nightgown clutched in his hand. She was probably a bad person, but she couldn’t help it, she started laughing at the absurdity of the situation. She was standing in the bathroom with the man who had haunted her dreams for months. He looked hot enough to make her one good ankle buckle, and she’d picked better looking things than her off the bottom of her shoes. God, she’d never been happier. She hurt in places she didn’t know existed, but she just wanted to feel his mouth on hers, right here in this bathroom.

Gray looked into her eyes, and couldn’t miss the heat there. He had been terrified when he heard her shout as he was walking back to the bathroom with her gown. He fully expected to see her sprawled on the floor, further injured. When he threw the door open and saw the triumph on her face, and her fist waving in the air, he was captivated. His throat had swelled, emotion taking over. She’d never looked more beautiful to him than at that moment. He could see the answering desire in her eyes as her laughter faded, and her gaze locked on his. He walked slowly towards her, reaching up to caress her cheek. “Baby, I’m going to kiss you, and I really don’t want our first real kiss to be in the bathroom.” His voice going husky, Gray continued, “Let’s get you changed and whatever else you need to do in here, and then I’m going to tuck you into bed.”

With Gray’s help, Suzy was soon changed into a comfortable, lilac, silk baby-doll gown that ended above her knees. Gray stepped back and studied her, saying wryly, “Couldn’t be a granny gown, right?”

As Suzy leaned against the corner of the vanity for support, she smiled up at him and said, “Besides today’s sweats, have I ever given you a reason to think I’d own or wear something with the word granny in it?”

With a laugh, Gray said, “No, you certainly haven’t. Let’s get finished up in here so you can watch your game.”

“Sure, that sounds good.” The only game I have any interest in right now is rounding third base with you, tight buns. Suzy did her best to hide all the naughty thoughts racing through her mind as she brushed her teeth, and Gray took a washcloth and gently wiped her face. If he doesn’t take me in the bedroom and kiss me now, I’m going to suck his bottom lip between mine before he can sit that washcloth down.

Gray reached down to pick her up, and even though she protested, he insisted on carrying her to the bedroom where he deposited her gently on the bed. He’d turned the covers back and had a mountain of pillows propped up for her. He sat down on the edge of the bed beside her, reaching out a hand to stroke the line of her jaw before finally moving to her lips. His thumb rubbed gently back and forth as his eyes locked with hers as if waiting for her to pull away. Suzy reached up and put her hand over his, telling him better than words how much she wanted his touch.

Gray leaned over, never breaking eye contact, and gently pressed his lips to hers. Suzy felt her heart skip as wave of heat threatened to incinerate her. Gray nipped lightly at her bottom lip, seeking entrance into the moist heat within. With a moan, Suzy opened her mouth to his, and shivered at the first contact of her tongue sliding against his. Gray laid siege to every corner of her mouth, as if discovering a treasure he’d long been denied. At that moment, Suzy wanted nothing more than to pull him fully against her, and wrap her legs around him. Heat pooled between her thighs, and desire ripped through her. She’d never known this burning desire, bordering on frenzy, to join her body with another. Gray released her mouth, and was slowly trailing a line of kisses down her neck as his big hand came up to palm her breast through the thin silk of her gown.

The feel of Gray’s hand on her breast was driving her insane. She reached up for Gray to bring them into closer contact and gasped as pain ripped through her. He jerked back as if scalded. “Oh God, baby, I hurt you, didn’t I? I’m so sorry.” His face was flushed, and his eyes were wild as he looked down at her trying to locate the source of her pain.

Suzy’s heart broke at the obvious guilt on his face. She took his hand in hers softly saying, “It’s not your fault Gray. I was so um…excited that I twisted the wrong way trying to get closer to you.” Looking him directly in the eye, she added, “I don’t regret it, though. It was well worth the pain to feel your mouth on mine and your hand against me.” She pulled his hand to her breast so he could feel the hard peak of her nipple leaving him no doubt that she spoke the truth.

Gray brushed a soft kiss against her mouth, leaving his hand on her breast another moment before removing it. He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and her medication and soon returned to her side. Despite her protests, he finally got her to take a pill and settled her back onto her pillows.

“Hey, how about putting the game on now. I’ll curse like a sailor, argue over all the officiating calls and ignore you for hours, how does that sound?”

With a smile, Gray asked, “Isn’t that supposed to be my line?”

“I believe in equality, slick, get used it to.”

Gray turned on the television and found the game for her. He walked over to his own suitcase and removed some fresh clothing. “Do you think you will be ok for a few minutes while I take a very cold shower?”

Suzy smiled at the rueful expression on his face. Her gaze automatically dropped to the crotch of his jeans, and her eyes went wide. There was no hiding the outline of his arousal, and Suzy had to fight the urge to moan. “Um…yeah, you do seem to have a big problem there.” Wiggling her eyebrows, she continued, “I’d love to help you with that; I was a girl scout you know. I learned how to use a big stick to make fire.”

Gray threw his head back and laughed until tears came to his eyes. This little slip of a woman continued to surprise him. She’d looked so small and fragile just moments ago, and now she sat in the bed with mischief dancing in her eyes, and she practically glowed. She was trying to take the guilt away that she knew he’d felt at her pain. “That’s great to know baby, but my stick already catches fire every time you’re near.” With one last look, Gray walked to the bathroom and left the door cracked to hear her if she needed him.

Chapter Nine

Gray stood in the shower, gritting his teeth as the icy jets of water blasted his over-heated skin. He hadn’t been kidding about the cold shower; he was so consumed with need for Suzy that he’d barely been able to leave the room. The reality of feeling her against him had been much more than any of his fantasies. Her tongue had tasted of pure honey as it hesitantly sought his, twirling around him as if finding a long-lost lover. His palm still tingled from the feel of her firm, breast straining against it. If not for her cry of pain, he wasn’t sure when or if he’d have been able to get control of himself. He’d always known there were hidden depths within her, he just had no idea how hot they burned.