Fall for Me (Danvers #3) - Page 18/27

“You,” Beth moaned. “I mean . . .”

With a grin, he asked, “Could you be a little more specific?”

Beth walked over to him and slid a hand across one of his hard butt cheeks, giving it a firm squeeze. “Is that specific enough for you?”

Giving her a sexy grin, he said, “I’m still not clear on your meaning.”

“Hmm, well, let me make myself a little clearer for you.” Leaving one hand on his ass, she brought her other hand in front and found him rock hard against the flimsy material of his shorts. She traced her hand up his shaft, gripping him firmly. “Get the picture now?”

Heat blazed in his eyes as he pushed himself against her hand. “Oh, yeah, I’ve got it, baby, and I would be more than happy to give it to you.”

Nick lifted her suddenly and laid her on the table, knocking his keys to the floor. He jerked up her skirt to her waist and, through her panties, he cupped his hand over her mound. Feeling the moisture on the fabric, he gave her a rakish grin. “Someone has been waiting for me to get home.”

Beth could only moan as he continued to caress her through the fabric. She bucked her hips against him, wanting his fingers on her bare flesh, but he continued to deny her. He stroked along her slit, edging the panty-covered tip of one finger inside her. Beth groaned deeper in frustration. He only chuckled. Then, frustrating her even more, his hand left her completely and wandered up to unbutton her blouse. He pulled her bra down and her breasts spilled from the top of the cups. He moved in tighter between her legs, rubbing his erection against her core as he took one puckered nipple inside his mouth and nipped it lightly with his teeth. Pain and pleasure converged as his teeth and tongue worked her nipples. Each tug on their sensitive peaks caused an answering surge of heat to blaze through her sex.

He lowered his head to her ear and ran the tip of his tongue around the shell. Then he whispered, “Is this what you had in mind?”

“Oh, God, yes,” she moaned. She locked her legs around his waist and bucked against his cock. “Now, Nick, stop teasing me!”

The teasing light was gone from his eyes as the friction of their bodies rubbing together finally pushed him into the same frantic mode that she was in. He pulled back enough to lower his shorts and briefs. His erection sprang forward in all of its glory. Beth could feel her body moisten further in anticipation. He pulled her legs loose and raised them into the air. He slid her panties off quickly and lowered her legs over his shoulders. Her bottom was elevated in the air as he positioned his large cock at her entrance. He rubbed the head back and forth, lubricating himself with her moisture. “Oh, princess, you are so wet.” Without warning, he plunged forward and buried his cock deep inside her.

“Agh! Oh, that feels so good,” Beth shouted. He set a fast, relentless pace. The sound of their bodies slapping together as she rose to meet his thrusts filled the room. She felt like she would explode if she didn’t reach the peak that she was driving toward. Without warning, he pulled out of her body and flipped her over onto her knees. As she started to protest the loss of his heat, he slammed back into her from behind. Her head fell forward as he drove deeper than she’d ever thought possible. He grabbed her hips as his cock surged into her again and again. Just when she thought she couldn’t take the unbearable ache any longer, she felt his fingers between her slick folds rubbing against her sensitive clit. Stars exploded behind her eyes as the first waves of her orgasm started to rush through her. Her body clenched around his cock, seeming to pull him deeper inside her.

From behind her, she heard Nick’s hoarse shout as his powerful body started to jerk. Her orgasm seemed to set off his and soon they were both moaning and shaking in ecstasy. She felt him rest his forehead on her back as he fought to regain control. “Shit,” he muttered shakily. “That was freaking off the charts, princess.”

A tired laugh escaped her at his statement. “Not too shabby, Mr. Merimon. All of that working out that you do is really paying off. If all the guys at the gym have that much stamina, I might have to start spending more time there.”

Nick playfully swatted her exposed behind. “Ha-ha. I think I can take care of everything you need. Now, let’s go shower off and have dinner.”

Beth tried to look nonchalant as they walked toward the bathroom. “The shower sounds good, but I’ve already eaten.”

“Really? What did you have? Are there any leftovers for me?”

“Um, no. I just made a sandwich when I got home. I think I’m going to start eating earlier. Maybe these late meals are causing me to get sick in the night.”

“Hmm, well, maybe. I’ll start grabbing something before I hit the gym, then. I usually just wait so we can eat together, but if you think it will help you to eat earlier, then you should.”

Beth couldn’t help but feel guilty when he admitted that he waited to eat with her. What else could she do, though? No one understood the struggle she faced every day. Those who knew her when she was heavy were just waiting for her to fail, and those who only knew the thin Beth couldn’t understand why she was so careful about what she ate. If she let it happen, she could gain a huge amount of weight with her pregnancy and, after the babies were born, she would never go back to the way she was now. All of her hard work would be over and Nick would be gone. No way would someone like him stay with the person she had been.

There was no one she could talk to. She would eat small amounts when people were around, but when she was alone, she wouldn’t eat. She would drink a lot of water instead to feel full. Surely, that would slow down the weight gain. If the babies averaged seven or less pounds at their birth, there was no reason that she had to gain more than fifteen or twenty pounds at the most. Everyone would be impressed at how soon she was back to her normal weight after the babies were born.

She walked into the bathroom just as Nick was stepping out of the shower. “Hey, slowpoke, what took you so long?” he asked.

With a chuckle, she said, “I was just taking a break. For some reason, I’m completely worn out. Oh, by the way, Suzy and Gray are having a barbecue Saturday night.”

Nick swung around to look at her. “Please tell me your parents aren’t going to be there. I don’t think I can stomach that two weekends in a row.” Then, lowering his voice in a perfect imitation of her father’s, he said, “Oh, Gray, you better move before a huge cyclone hits your house and knocks the blocks right out from under it. Suzy, where did you get that trampy-looking shirt that you’re wearing? It looks like a sheer tablecloth. Beth, how could you get with child? You know we raised you to believe that people should never, ever have sex. You mother and I conceived you in a test tube on our lunch break.”

Beth fell against the counter, laughing hysterically. “God, please stop! I’m going to pee my pants if you don’t shut up and leave this bathroom now!”

They continued to laugh, but Nick took the threat seriously and made a hasty retreat. Suddenly, the door opened again and he had a questioning look on his handsome face. Shaking her head, she said, “No, they aren’t coming.”

Giving her a devilish grin, he said, “Sweet!” and slammed the door.

The remainder of the week passed in a blur of work and sex. How had she ever believed she could deny herself the pleasure of sex with Nick? If the man had one specialty, it had to be in the bedroom—or the kitchen, living room, bathroom, hell, pretty much everywhere. She couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

He was also on his best behavior outside the bedroom. As she continued to get sick almost every morning, he was right there holding her hair back, and cleaning her up after it was over. They had also settled into a new routine for their meals. He ate most days before he got home and she continued to let him think that she was eating earlier. The few times he had brought her something sweet, she had nibbled on it until she could discreetly throw it away. Her new diligence seemed to be paying off because she had actually been down a pound that morning for the first time.

Even though her weight seemed to have stabilized, her clothes were still getting tighter and tighter. She was wearing more dresses because the waistbands of her slacks were no longer buttoning. She had resorted to holding the last pair that she had worn to the office together with a rubber band. Due to her pregnancy she could now see the faint outline of a tummy that hadn’t been there a month ago. She was waiting for Nick to say something stupid like “More woman to love.” If he did, she would probably sit down and cry for an hour since her hormones were out of control. Luckily, he seemed to have good self-preservation instincts and had been unusually sweet and supportive.

Nick’s mother had called her yesterday and they had talked for a long time. She was so different from her own mother. If Beth combined all of her phone conversations with her mother in the last ten years, they probably wouldn’t add up to the length of this one call with Nick’s mom. Vicky was so funny and excited about the baby, and she didn’t mention Beth’s relationship with Nick or ask if they were getting married at all. Vicky wanted to give her a baby shower when she was further along because, as she put it, “We have a lot of friends with money who love nothing better than to spend it.” Vicky also made it clear that she and Nick’s father were completely supportive and were there if she and Nick needed anything. Beth had promised that they would go to Charleston for a weekend soon to spend some time with his parents. She had a feeling that she was going to like them immensely.

Beth decided she should probably start lining up replacement parents anyway because her own weren’t likely to ever speak to her again. Vicky and John were going to be at Gray and Suzy’s this evening and Beth was looking forward to spending some time with them without her own parents ruining the evening.

Chapter Twenty-one

Suzy was nowhere to be seen when Beth and Nick arrived for the barbecue. Gray answered the door and ushered them into the living room. Due to a last-minute “meeting” with Nick on the sofa, they were the last ones to arrive. Nick’s mother and father hugged her warmly and then Nick and Beth walked over to talk with Jason, Declan, and Claire.

“Well, Declan and Ella are both here, but things look a bit tense,” Claire whispered.

Nick was talking to Jason and Declan and Beth motioned Ella over to where she was standing with Claire. “I love the dress we picked out. You look wonderful.”

Blushing with pleasure at the compliment, Ella said, “Thanks, but I don’t think anyone else has noticed.”

“Oh, I think he noticed all right. I just saw him checking you out,” Claire said. “Just play it casual and let him come to you. I’m betting that before the evening is over he won’t be able to resist at least talking to you. He might not drag you behind a bush, but conversation is a starting point, right?”

Beth looked around the room and asked, “Where is Suzy? We know she isn’t in the kitchen cooking.”

Shrugging her shoulders, Claire said, “I don’t know. She’s usually the center of attention. I asked Gray and he just said that she had a few calls to return.”

“That’s weird. I don’t know of anything major that we have going on at work so I can’t imagine what it could be,” Beth replied.

At the other side of the room Nick clapped his brother on the shoulder and asked, “So, are we eating tonight? If not, you might want to pass the drink tray around.”

Gray laughed. “Yeah, I’m just waiting for Suzy.”

Beth had to admit that Gray looked the best she had ever seen him. Contentment seemed to radiate from him. It was obvious that he was very happy with Suzy. All was right in their world, and Beth couldn’t think of anyone who deserved it more than her sister.

Suddenly, Gray looked at his watch and cleared his throat. “Okay, everyone, why don’t we head outside. We decided to do something a little different this evening, so we set up everything on the beach in back of the house. It’s a mild evening, so we might as well enjoy it. Suzy will meet us there when she’s ready.”

Does anyone else think this is weird? If I didn’t know Gray better, I’d be in the kitchen checking the freezer for Suzy’s body. What could possibly be keeping her from being here with everyone? Was she even at home? Maybe she’d had a fight with Gray before the party. But if that were so, surely Gray wouldn’t look so happy.

Beth was glad to know that it wasn’t just her when Claire leaned over and asked, “Does this seem a little strange to you?”

“Yeah, it sure does. But you know Suzy. It could be anything. Maybe her leather pants had a run and she’s in the bathroom cussing up a blue streak.”

Claire chuckled as they walked onto the patio and started down the stairs. When they turned the corner, and the beach came into sight, everyone froze. Beth heard Nick mutter, “Either someone’s getting baptized or married.”