Fall for Me (Danvers #3) - Page 3/27

“You want that, baby?” Nick moaned. “Then take it, take what you need!”

Beth didn’t need any further urging; she wrapped her legs tighter and pumped her hips forward, driving him deep into her. Her inner muscles quivered as he filled her almost to the point of pain. She knew that she should give her body a chance to get used to his invasion, but she was powerless to stop. Desire like she had never known was ripping through her, and her only focus was on ending the relentless ache that throbbed through her body. She pumped her hips against him harder, forcing him in to the hilt and then continued to grind herself against him, trying to take him even deeper.

Nick growled in his throat almost like an animal and suddenly his thrusts were meeting hers. He seemed no longer content to let her take the lead. He left little doubt as to who was in control as he took her ankles from behind his hips and lifted them up over his shoulders. He slid in so deep that Beth felt him rubbing against her cervix. He gripped her hips tightly in his hands and held her in place on the counter while he pounded into her. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of their moans and heavy breathing as they both raced toward their peak.

Beth felt herself starting to quiver as the first ripples of her orgasm started. “Nick, oh myyyy Goddd, Nick, don’t stop!” As pleasure started to tear through her in waves, Nick reached out to roughly flick her clit and she exploded. Her orgasm went on and on as he continued to pound into her. Just when she thought it wasn’t possible, she felt herself start to crest another orgasm as Nick rammed into her. He stiffened with a shout as he reached his own climax.

Beth thought she would pass out from the sensations running through her body. Nick released her legs and fell forward, almost toppling them both off the counter. His head landed against her stomach and she felt his sweat pooling in her navel. She idly ran her hands through his damp hair, enjoying this moment of closeness before she severed it.

“Shit, princess, you damn near killed me.” Nick chuckled. “You are a damn tiger under that innocent, schoolteacher exterior, aren’t you?”

Beth smiled, pleased that she could bring a playboy like Nick literally to his knees. Apparently, those self-help books were really paying off. What she lacked in experience she more than made up for in research.

Ruffling his hair one last time, Beth said, “Help me down, Romeo. I have a bag of bagels wedged under my head.”

Beth almost groaned as Nick slowly slid out of her, causing a delicious friction every inch of the way. One look into his face and she knew it was intentional. “You’re a bad boy, Nick, you really are.” When she finally had her feet on the floor, she deliberately stretched her body like a cat, working out all of the kinks that sex on the hard counter had caused. She noticed on the last stretch that she had Nick’s full attention visually and physically.

As he reached for her, she sidestepped his arms and started to gather her clothes. When she looked up at him, he had a puzzled expression on his handsome face. No doubt, he was used to women hanging all over him postcoital. She patted one of his firm butt cheeks on the way out the kitchen door and smiled to herself at the stunned expression on his face.

The sound of Suzy gagging beside her brought Beth back to the present. Suzy took a huge gulp of wine and groaned. “My god, Beth, I told you I didn’t need all of the details. How am I supposed to look Quick-Zipper in the eyes again knowing what he did to you on my counter?”

Beth laughed as she said, “I believe the better question here, sis, is how will you look him in the eyes knowing what I did to him on your counter? Every time we have sex, he seems to expect something more. Why can’t he just accept that I want to have sex with him without being his girlfriend?”

“Well, I don’t know; maybe because you are pregnant with his child?” Suzy snapped.

Beth waved her off. “No, that’s not it. He doesn’t know about that yet. It’s not a game changer anyway. I still don’t plan to get involved with him. Nick is a player and that might make him really, really, really great in bed, but it doesn’t make him a good father figure. He can be involved, but I will be the parent to my child.”

Suzy looked at her as if stunned. “Just who in the hell are you, Beth? You know I’m far from a prude, but I have to say I hardly recognize you. It’s not that I’m putting down your choices, because I’m the last person who should throw stones, but you just seem so different from the person I always thought you to be. It’s blowing my damn mind into a million pieces. I’m horrified and strangely proud of you all at the same time. Nick really didn’t take advantage of you, did he?”

With a smile of supreme satisfaction, Beth said, “Nope, he had very little say in the matter. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t sleep around. You know I haven’t slept with many guys. And Nick is the first man I have had sex with in years.” Then, almost embarrassed to admit it, she continued, “I wanted him though, sis, and for once I didn’t let the fat me talk me out of it. I know we are nothing alike and it’s not going to go anywhere. I won’t let him break my heart, but I’m enjoying the ride.”

“Shit on a stick, Beth! Helllloooo! This just went from sowing some delayed wild oats to a serious, life-altering complication. You do realize that your life has changed forever, don’t you?” Suzy asked more gently.

Smiling, Beth said, “Yeah, I do and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve always wanted to have a family and finally I get what I want. It might not be the fairy-tale version, but it’s closer than I ever imagined.”

“Can I ask you something else? Why are you talking about Nick as if you already know he won’t be sticking around? Are you sure he doesn’t know?”

“Nope, he is totally clueless.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Suzy groaned, “but you should give the guy a chance to do the right thing. I know he has probably given more rides than Greyhound, but deep down he seems like a good guy.”

After all of these years, Suzy never failed to surprise her with some of the things that came out of her mouth. Comparing Nick to the Greyhound bus line? She idly wondered how Suzy would react to knowing that even though she hadn’t slept with many men, she had been on a bit of a dating marathon the last few months. Somehow, she didn’t think Suzy was ready to deal with any more information tonight. Her bottle of wine was long since empty and her sister still looked shell-shocked.

But after another moment of deep thought, Suzy said, “So this has been going on for a while. How in the world have you managed to keep it hidden?”

Beth laughed. “It’s been rather easy. No one suspects the fat girl of screwing the hot guy’s brains out. I could have been doing him in the office when you walked in and your mind would have come up with some other way to justify it. I’m just not hot-guy material.”

“Damn it, Beth, you are not a fat girl! Why must you continue to harp on that? The only reason I wouldn’t have suspected you two of sleeping with each other is because you and Nick are always arguing. Ugh, now I know that’s just foreplay. You’re a beautiful woman, and I have no doubt that Nick had a boner every time you walked past.”

Chuckling, Beth said, “Wow, when did you become such a romantic? Settling down with Gray has done wonders for you. I can only imagine how you sweet talk him.”

With a feline smile, Suzy said, “Trust me, Gray has no complaints about anything concerning my mouth.”

“Oh, gross! Please don’t go there; leave me with some of my ignorance.”

“What are you bitching about? I’m the one who is going to have to tear the damned counters out of my kitchen because I’ll never be able to use them again without wondering if your butt cheek was on that section.”

“Touché, sis. You’ve got me there,” Beth agreed.

“When do you plan to tell Nick about the baby?”

“Well, obviously before it’s born.” When Suzy elbowed her, Beth sighed. “Probably tonight. He’s supposed to come over this evening, so after we, um, well you know, then I’ll see if I have the energy to tell him.”

Luckily, she was saved from Suzy’s comment when Gray walked hesitantly into the room. He looked as if he was prepared to dive for cover at any moment.

Beth took pity on him. “It’s okay, Gray. I’m getting ready to leave.” She took advantage of the distraction that Gray offered and quickly grabbed her purse. She gave Suzy a fast hug and smiled at Gray as he insisted on walking her to her car.

He reached for her door handle, but instead of opening it, he turned to look at her. “Beth, are you okay?” he asked quietly.

She was touched to see the look of concern in his eyes. Suzy had hit the jackpot when she met Gray, and a part of Beth couldn’t help but feel a little envious. She might be sleeping with a Merimon brother, but he was as different as night from day from Gray. Smiling reassuringly at him, she said, “I’m fine, Gray, really I am. I hope Suzy doesn’t give you a hard time about Nick. He isn’t the bad guy in all of this. If anyone is, it’s me.”

Beth could see that she had surprised Gray yet again. He gave her a shrewd look and said, “Be careful, Beth. Whether you mean to or not, you’re giving my brother something that he won’t be able to resist: a challenge. I doubt he has ever had a woman walk away.”

“I don’t know what you mean. Both Nick and I know where things stand between us. I bet he’s blowing the dust off his little black book as we speak.”

With a tired sigh, Gray said, “All right, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He leaned over to kiss her cheek and then opened the door for her. “Be careful driving home and, um, tell my brother I said hello.”

Chapter Three

Suzy laid her head back on the couch, trying to come to terms with everything she’d learned from her conversation with Beth. Apparently, the quiet ones were always hiding something. She almost felt sorry for Nick. She was fairly certain that her sister had seduced him right out of his pants. This whole thing might be kind of funny if not for the baby.

She opened her eyes to see Gray standing in front of her, visibly braced for her assault. She held her hand out to him, suddenly more thankful than ever to have such a wonderful man in her life. He took her hand and settled in beside her. She laid her head against his chest and snuggled back into his arms.

“What’s going on, baby?” Gray asked quietly.

With a sigh, Suzy said, “Beth’s pregnant and Nick’s the father.”

She felt Gray stiffen against her. This was all hitting too close to home for them. Just months ago, their relationship had almost been destroyed by a woman from Gray’s past claiming to be pregnant with his child. If not for Reva’s sudden attack of conscience, they may well have lost each other. She knew that it was a hard blow to Gray, but she also knew that he would support his brother and Beth no matter what.

“Ah, shit. Does my brother know?”

“No, I think she’s going to tell him tonight. God, Gray, how could I have been so blind? I never suspected anything was going on between them. I was so desperate for them to stop arguing that I even pushed them together at every turn. I might as well have bought them a set of handcuffs and some Cool Whip. I practically made this happen.”

With a chuckle Gray said, “Well, I don’t know about the handcuffs, but a box of condoms might have come in handy.”

Suzy smacked his chest, but couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips. “Well, if I had thought my sister was getting busy with someone, you bet I would have covered that base. It wasn’t Nick, though. Apparently, he tried to be good for once. I never thought I’d be saying this but supposedly my sister seduced your brother. The only person who can drop Nick’s zipper faster than him seems to be Beth.”

“Wow,” Gray murmured. “I just never imagined Beth . . . I mean, um . . . wow.”

Groaning, Suzy said, “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I don’t even know how to process this. Things were much easier when I thought my sister was the innocent little wallflower seduced by your gigolo brother. At least then I would have a clear course of action. Kick his ass and then help her pick up the pieces. Now I’m in the uncomfortable position of feeling like I need to protect Nick from my cougar sister.”

Gray gave her shoulders a squeeze and laughed. “Trust me, baby, my brother has never been innocent a day in his life, so don’t make him the saint here. He might have been swayed the first time, but unless Beth had him chained up somewhere, he’s been sleeping with her all this time of his own free will.”

Suzy turned and wrapped herself around Gray. When his lips settled onto hers, she felt the world slip away, as it always did whenever he touched her.

Beth smiled as she pulled into her parking space in front of her apartment and saw Nick’s Audi in her other space. For weeks he had been driving a minivan that he had rented while his car was in the shop. The van really had come in handy while Suzy was on crutches with a broken ankle. The three of them had gotten rather attached to it and, even though he wouldn’t admit it, she thought Nick had been a little sad to see it go as well. The Audi R8 definitely suited him more though—a two-door sports car that he adored. Beth had to admit, she felt a bit like a bad girl when she rode in it. It might not be sensible, but man was it sexy.